TASHKENT MEDICAL AKADEMY CHAIR communal hygiene and health.

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Presentation on theme: "TASHKENT MEDICAL AKADEMY CHAIR communal hygiene and health."— Presentation transcript:

1 TASHKENT MEDICAL AKADEMY CHAIR communal hygiene and health.

2 Hygienic assessment RESIDENTIAL BUILDINGS SUBJECT: Communal Hygiene

3 Purpose: 1 To familiarize students with the methodology hygienic examination of projects of residential buildings To familiarize students with the design of residential buildings materials 3 To familiarize students with the report on the project

4 The student should know 1 The ethical and legal rules governing the relationship of man to man, society and the environment 2 Principles of advanced instruments used in preventive medicine for the quantitative determination of hazardous substances 3. Know the criteria of ecological and hygienic assessment of environmental objects.

5 The student should be able to Perform visual, laboratory instrumentation, computational methods for determining the hygienic assessment of environmental factors. -It TSN controlled on communal facilities. Conduct sanitary inspection of supervision and make the appropriate accounting and reporting documentation.

6 Control questions: What are the two parts of the ceiling? What is the foundation? List of the buildings What types of projects do you know Name the design stage What types of residential buildings


8 The trend of housing - the use of model projects to save money for the construction of dwellings. The industrialization of housing construction - factory fellowship, mechanization of construction and installation works. Mass housing - is being inconsistent.

9 Tasks communal hygiene in resolving the housing problem - the study of new model projects and new homes, new building materials and construction, sanitary equipment, development of recommendations to improve the standard designs. The pace and scale of housing construction in our country are considered to be one of the wonders of the real, which is only able to socialism. Only in the Ninth Five-Year built more than II million apartments and individual houses with a total area 544 million square meters, 56 million. People improve their living conditions.

10 In the tenth five-year housing filled with an additional 109.5 million square meters, about II million. People moved into new apartments. In human history, the emergence and further development of the dwellings was as important a progressive phenomenon, as the transition to agriculture and breeding of domestic animals. However, the daily prolonged exposure of people in poor, cramped and adverse housing entails a number of adverse health effects.

11 The close contact between people in their homes accident promote the transfer and dissemination of a number of infectious diseases. The hygienic literature has accumulated a lot of facts and statistical data on the higher morbidity and mortality rates among those groups of the population who live in unhealthy housing. The unfavorable housing if people are crowding particularly favorable conditions for the spread of infections transmitted by airborne droplets. First of all it concerns tuberculosis patients who cramped dwellings easily transmitted to others, especially to young children. Among other respiratory infections, which are very easily transmitted in pereuplotnёnnyh homes should specify groups, measles, scarlet fever, diphtheria, whooping cough, helminth infections.

12 In the dark dwellings with inadequate sun exposure and ultraviolet radiation small children easily and frequently affected by rickets, angina, rheumatism, cold and damp areas. From this it follows that such a factor of great importance, as the living conditions of the population require hygienic scientific study and practical application of sanitary measures. This issue and deals with a special branch of communal hygiene of homes and public buildings.


14 Living rooms are located only in the above-ground floors. Residential buildings are designed taking into account the characteristics of the area of ​​ domestic construction and accepted in the Republic of Uz division of the territory into four climatic regions. Orientation of windows of living rooms and bedrooms apartments hostels in the northern part of the horizon within 315-330 ° I and II climatic Raya on the western horizon within 200-290 in parts III and IV are not allowed. The division of areas to climate regions is based on the meteorological data from local offices of the Hydrometeorological Service. As an exception is allowed to focus on specified parts of the horizon: in the two-bedroom apartment, not more one room, three room no pain two rooms in the dorms are not in pain of 25% - the area of ​​ bedrooms

15 Favorable insolation premises (at least 3-4 hours a day) depends on the correct orientation of the buildings of the countries of the world. The longer sun exposure, the more ESTATES penetrate not only the direct rays of the sun (the actual insolation) and scattered light reflected from the sky, the neighboring buildings and land.

16 Academic debate 1 group 3 group 2 group Case study

17 Control questions: 1. What are the two parts of the ceiling? 2. What is the foundation? 3. List of the buildings 4. What kind of projects do you know 5. Name the design stage

18 Main references: 1. "Health", edited by prof. Demidenko IM 2002. 2. KI Akulov Bushtuevoy KA "Communal Hygiene" M. 1986. 3. Guide to laboratory work on environmental sanitation. EI Goncharuk, M. 1982 4. W T. Otaboev TI Iskandarov "Communal Hygiene" T.1994y

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