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A Strategic Analysis for identifying MPA’s : - Towards a Marine Spatial Planning Method for the French MPA Agency CAML Workshop Villefranche s/mer 18th.

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Presentation on theme: "A Strategic Analysis for identifying MPA’s : - Towards a Marine Spatial Planning Method for the French MPA Agency CAML Workshop Villefranche s/mer 18th."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Strategic Analysis for identifying MPA’s : - Towards a Marine Spatial Planning Method for the French MPA Agency CAML Workshop Villefranche s/mer 18th May 2010 Amelia Curd

2 The new French MPA Agency - A new Public Establishment (law of 14 th of April 2006) - In direct relation with the French Ministry of Environment - Some main missions : Support public policies for both creating and managing MPA’s Manage human and financial resources devoted to marine nature parks Provide technical and administrative support to MPA managers CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

3 11 Millions km2 3 oceans, Contracting party to 5 Regional Sea Conventions Only 0,016 M km2 of MPA’s CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

4 The core to the Agency approach - Cross-checking data and the issues from three standpoints : - Ecosystems, - Natural heritage - Uses and activities -Mapping : one of the most important activity of the Agency (6 GIS Specialists) - Stakeholder involvement CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

5 Definitions Marine Spatial Planning Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a practical way to create and establish a more rational organization of the use of marine space and the interactions between its uses, to balance demands for development with the need to protect marine ecosystems, and to achieve social and economic objectives in an open and planned way (UK, 2008) Marine spatial planning (MSP) is a public process of analyzing and allocating the spatial and temporal distribution of human activities in marine areas to achieve ecological, economic, and social objectives that usually have been specified through a political process. CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

6 Ecosystem-Based Management Integrates ecological, social, and economic goals and recognizes humans as key components of the ecosystem. Considers ecological and political boundaries Engages multiple stakeholders in a collaborative process to define problems and find solutions CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

7 Law 2006-436 of April, 14 th 2006 => What is a Marine Protected Area in France… Marine Nature Park Maritime area of a National Park Maritime area of Nature Reserve Maritime Area of Natura 2000 sites - Special Protection Areas (Birds EU Directive) - Special Areas of Conservation (Habitats EU Directive) CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

8 One strategy - Adopted by the Government the 20 th of November 2007 - Technical contribution / report / work from the Agency to identify the issues and the efficient MPA to respond to these issues: only proposals… CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

9 Goal: Knowledge and protection of the marine environment & Sustainable development of human activities Criteria and targets: Large space, great natural heritage and ecosystems, multi-activity and conflicts Principle: No regulation, no interdiction when NMP is created Governance Stakeholder involvement Local authorities and representative organizations Management guidelines One of the very first targets of the National Strategy: creating 10 Marine Nature Parks by 2012 CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

10 Study area Ecosystems Stakes Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Ecosystem-Based Management Approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools Stakeholders participation/contribution Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

11 Ecosystems Nature of the seabed Primary production and turbidity Some thematic layers...... CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

12 ECOSYSTEMS Data sources -UNEP: world coastline-VLIZ 2005: EEZ -Harris P.T. & Whiteway T., 2009: benthic seascape classification CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer May 2010


14 Study area Natural Heritage Ecosystems Issues Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Stakeholders participation/contribution Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics Ecosystem-Based Management Approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

15 Natural & cultural Heritage Species of interest (tag technologies) Critical Habitats (or predictable models) Maritime heritage Some thematic layers...... CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

16 CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010 NATURAL HERITAGE Data sources -UNEP: world coastline-VLIZ 2005: EEZ -Cheung al, 2005: Predictive species richness

17 Study area Natural Heritage Ecosystems Uses and activities Issues Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Stakeholders participation/contribution Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics Ecosystem-Based Management Approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

18 Uses and activities The Conduct of Science Fishing activities Some thematic layers...... CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

19 CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010 Data sources -UNEP: world coastline -VLIZ 2005: EEZ -ISA, FAO, UNEP-WCMC, CHESSBASE, IOBIS, IFP USES & ACTIVITIES


21 Study area Natural Heritage Ecosystems Uses and activities Governance Issues Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Stakeholders participation/contribution EBM approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics Evaluation and validation from multilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

22 Study area Natural Heritage Ecosystems Uses and activities Governance Issues Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Stakeholders participation/contribution Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics Evaluation and validation from multilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics MPA proposals – Strategic Framework (14 th April 2006 Law) Basis for an official dialogue and the ownership of the proposals by locals Ecosystem-Based Management Approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

23 Study area Natural Heritage Ecosystems Uses and activities Governance Issues Mapping process from three key-themes Interpretation Synthesis map Stakeholders participation/contribution Basis for Marine Spatial Planning, Integrated Coastal Zone Management, MPA’s network, European Marine Strategy Framework process, study and implementation Data set from literature and bilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics Evaluation and validation from multilateral meetings amongst scientists, NGO’s, representative stakeholders, local communities, politics MPA proposals – Strategic Framework (14 th April 2006 Law) Basis for an official dialogue and the ownership of the proposals by locals Ecosystem-Based Management Approach within the French strategy of the Marine Protected Areas Agency to identify MPA’s proposals and the main inputs of this methodology for global tools CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010

24 In conclusion…the French MPA strategy aims to: Create the dynamics for cooperation to stretch beyond the sector-based approach Launch a decision-making process involving all stakeholders in order to establish a shared investigation of the stakes in ecologically and biologically significant areas.

25 Thank you for your attention CAML Workshop VIllefranche s/mer, May 2010








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