Friday, September 11 th Good morning class and happy Friday! The first ten minutes of class today will consist of SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) and the.

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Presentation on theme: "Friday, September 11 th Good morning class and happy Friday! The first ten minutes of class today will consist of SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) and the."— Presentation transcript:

1 Friday, September 11 th Good morning class and happy Friday! The first ten minutes of class today will consist of SSR (Silent Sustained Reading) and the chance to finish your noun worksheet. Whichever you are doing, this is a silent ten minutes. Enjoy!

2 Today’s Essential Questions What is the definition of a pronoun? What are the different types of pronouns and how are they used? What is an antecedent? What does an indefinite pronoun lack?

3 Today you will Use individual practice to further understand the concepts learned yesterday Define the concept of a “pronoun” Define and identify different forms of pronouns Apply their understanding of “pronoun” to identifying them in different sentence structures

4 Why couldn’t Gerard Way and Mikey Way cross the street? Of all the buildings in the world, which has the most stories?

5 Part I: Common and Proper Nouns: Circle all the nouns and label all proper nouns with a “P”. 1. I like chocolate milk. 2. The vase is broken; it shattered in a million pieces! 3. Who broke the statue of Rocky? 4. I lost my calculator; it was next to my binder. 5. Sam loves to play basketball. 6. Have you ever taken the ferry in New York?

6 Part II: Singular and Plural Nouns: Write the plural form of the following nouns. 1. elephant: 2. moose: 3. toy: 4. tooth: 5. thief: 6. glass:

7 Part III: Possessive Nouns: Write the possessive form of the noun that is bolded and in italics. 1. That boy mother taught him to make bread. ________________________________ 2. Miss Thomas explanation was very clear. __________________________________ 3. The knights swords were made of steel. ___________________________________ 4. This wineglass stem contains a spiral pattern. ______________________________

8 Pronouns

9 What is a pronoun? A pronoun is a word used to take the place of a noun or another pronoun.

10 Three Forms Subject Object Possessive

11 Subject Singular: I, you, she, he, it Plural: we, you, they Ex.: They cut the tree down. Ex.: I went to the mall.

12 Object Singular: me, you, her, him, it Plural: us, you, them Ex.: William thanked her. Ex.: Maggie asked us to join in.

13 Possessive Singular: my, mine, your, yours, her, hers, his, its Plural: our, ours, your, yours, their, theirs Ex.: Where is his book? Ex.: That is my choice.

14 Possessives and Contractions Beware! Many people confuse the possessive forms of some pronouns with the contractions they resemble. Pairs often confused include: its and it’s(it is), your and you’re(you are), & their and they’re(they are). Remember: the possessive pronouns DO NOT have apostrophes! The dog lost its tags. VS. It’s raining again. The twins rode their bikes. VS. They’re riding bikes.

15 What is an ANTECEDENT? The antecedent of a pronoun is the noun or the other pronoun for which the pronoun replaces/stands. The antecedent USUALLY appears before the pronoun in a sentence; sometimes it appears in the sentence before. The architect came today and brought her drawings. (architect is the antecedent of her) Debby and Tom came in. They were laughing. (Debby and Tom are the antecedents of they)

16 Indefinite Pronouns And indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a particular person or thing (it lacks an antecedent). Some are singular and some are plural.

17 Singular Indefinite Pronouns Another Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one One Somebody Someone

18 Plural Indefinite Pronouns Both Few Many Several

19 Individual practice time …if you finish early, engage in SSR

20 Closing Time What does an apostrophe represent when used with nouns? What is the definition of a pronoun? What are the different types of pronouns and how are they used? What is an antecedent? What does an indefinite pronoun lack? Enjoy your weekend and make the most of it!!

21 Good Morning Period 3! Today your first 10 minutes of class will be SSR Please have your homework out during this time as I come around and check it for completion

22 Today’s essential question What does an indefinite pronoun lack?

23 Today’s Objectives Review of last night’s homework Develop an understanding of indefinite pronouns Engage in your first Free-Write Friday

24 Part I: Identify the Pronouns Circle the pronouns in the following sentences. She hit him on his head. I saw you at your store. He, himself, will be our new friend. It will be hard for me to see you. They always get angry with her and me.

25 Circle the pronoun and underline the antecedent The chef cut her finger badly. The ranchers rode their horses through the canyon. Mark asked if he could join the team. Although Lindsey fell off the horse, she was not hurt. This dishwasher is much too expensive for its worth.

26 Circle the correct possessive pronouns or contractions in the following sentences The bird prepared (its/it’s) nest for (its/it’s) young. (Your/You’re) going to enter the poster contest, aren’t you? (It’s/Its) a sure victory if you do! (Their/They’re) newspaper was wet; (its/it’s) pages were stuck together. If (your/you’re) going to the picnic, sign up here. (Your/You’re) ride should drop you off by noon. (Their/They’re) in the yard, practicing with (their/they’re) new baseball gloves.

27 Indefinite Pronouns And indefinite pronoun is a pronoun that does not refer to a particular person or thing (it lacks an antecedent). Some are singular and some are plural.

28 Singular Indefinite Pronouns Another Anybody Anyone Anything Each Either Everybody Everyone Everything Neither Nobody No one One Somebody Someone

29 Plural Indefinite Pronouns Both Few Many Several

30 Circle the correct possessive pronoun in the sentences and underline the indefinite pronoun Neither of the contestants chose (his, their) best category. Few of the students have completed (his or her, their) term papers. At the trial, each of the witnesses told (his or her, their) story. Several of the trees were losing (its, their) leaves. Does anyone have (her, their) flashlight?

31 What does an indefinite pronoun lack?

32 Free-Write Friday Today is your first Free-Write Friday, an opportunity for you to write about what is going on in the world, your life, or anything else you can think of! Goals: Self expression; venting; critical thinking; reflection;

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