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Race Relations Civilian Reformers The PresidentsLabor Women and Children 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10.

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2 Race Relations Civilian Reformers The PresidentsLabor Women and Children 10 20 30 40 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10 50 40 30 20 10

3 Civilian Reformers – 10 Points QUESTION: Whose book The Jungle, sparked the government to increase regulations on the Meat Packing Industry? ANSWER: Upton Sinclair

4 Civilian Reformers – 20 Points QUESTION: Who started the American Federation of Labor or AFL as a way to unionize skilled workers to push for labor reforms. ANSWER: Samuel Gompers

5 Civilian Reformers– 30 Points QUESTION: Who emerged as a leader for racial equality at the Niagara Movement in 1906? ANSWER: W.E.B. DuBois

6 Civilian Reformers– 40 Points QUESTION: The Women’s Christian Temperance movement believed the elimination of what would solve all of society’s ills? ANSWER: Alcohol

7 Civilian Reformers – 50 Points QUESTION: Who pioneered birth control and the establishment of Planned Parenthood to help women gain more control over their bodies and their lives? ANSWER: Margaret Sanger

8 The Presidents – 10 Points QUESTION: Known as the “Trust Buster” he actually differentiated between “good” trusts and “bad” trusts. ANSWER: Teddy Roosevelt

9 The Presidents – 20 Points QUESTION: He instituted the first Mothers’ Day in 1913 ANSWER: Woodrow Wilson

10 The Presidents – 30 Points QUESTION: He instituted the 8 hour work day for all government employees ANSWER: William H. Taft

11 The Presidents – 40 Points QUESTION: Despite appealing to black voters in 1912 once in office he appointed Southern segregationists into White House positions. ANSWER: Woodrow Wilson

12 The Presidents – 50 Points QUESTION: Along with Gifford Pinchot he worked to Conserve natural resources for public use. ANSWER: Teddy Roosevelt

13 Labor – 10 Points QUESTION: Whose factory doubled the wages of others by introducing the $5 day, and decreased hours from 9 to 8 hour days? ANSWER: Henry Ford

14 Labor– 20 Points QUESTION: What event in 1911 sparked the government to increase the regulation of safety and health standards in factories? ANSWER: Triangle Shirtwaist Company Fire

15 Labor – 30 Points QUESTION: In what state was the militia sent in to deal with miners on strike, ending in the Massacre of 46 men, women and children? ANSWER: Ludlow, Colorado

16 Labor – 40 Points QUESTION: What labor union that was established by Eugene Debs was designed for unskilled workers? ANSWER: IWW: the International Workers of the World

17 Labor – 50 Points QUESTION: Whose legal brief was based on the precedent that Poor Working Conditions led to the Poor Health of the Workers? ANSWER: Louis Brandeis

18 Women and Children – 10 Points QUESTION: How did many individual states try and address the problem of child labor? ANSWER: Instituting Compulsory Education

19 Women and Children – 20 Points QUESTION: Which Amendment to the Constitution gave women the right to vote? ANSWER: The 19 th Amendment

20 Women and Children – 30 Points QUESTION: He established the Lab School in Chicago which emphasized experiential learning? ANSWER: John Dewey

21 Women and Children– 40 Points QUESTION: The Mann Act tried to end prostitution by making what illegal? ANSWER: Transporting women across state lines.

22 Women and Children – 50 Points QUESTION: Ida Tarbell the editor of McClure’s Magazine was an example of what type of Civil Reformer? ANSWER: A Muckraker

23 Race Relations – 10 Points QUESTION: What was so ironic about a race riot which occurred in Springfield, Illinois and led to the establishment of the NAACP? ANSWER: Abe Lincoln was born in Springfield, IL

24 Race Relations – 20 Points QUESTION: Who emerged as a leader in the movement for racial equality at the Niagara Movement in 1906? ANSWER: W.E.B. DuBois

25 Race Relations – 30 Points QUESTION: Who believed that racial equality would be achieved through education? ANSWER: Booker T. Washington

26 Race Relations – 40 Points QUESTION: What organization was established which used the courts to fight for racial equality? ANSWER: The NAACP

27 Race Relations – 50 Points QUESTION: Despite appealing to black voters in the 1912 Presidential election, which President, when in office appointed a number of Southern segregationists into White House positions? ANSWER: Woodrow Wilson

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