Biostatistics: An Introduction RISE Program 2010 Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center January 15, 2010 Peter D. Christenson.

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1 Biostatistics: An Introduction RISE Program 2010 Los Angeles Biomedical Research Institute at Harbor-UCLA Medical Center January 15, 2010 Peter D. Christenson

2 Scientific Decision Making Setting: Two groups, one gets drug A, one gets placebo (B). Measure outcome. How do we decide if the drug has an effect? Perhaps: Say yes if the mean outcome of those receiving drug is greater than the mean of the others?

3 Outline Meaning or randomness? Decisions, truth and errors. Sensitivity and specificity. Laws of large numbers. Experiment size and study power. Study design considerations. Resources, software, and references.

4 Meaning or Randomness?

5 This is the goal of science in general. The role of statistics is to give an objective way to make those decisions.

6 Meaning or Randomness? Scientific inferential statistics: Make a decision: Is it real or random? Quantify chances that the decision is correct or not. Other arenas of life: Suspect guilty? Nobel laureate's opinion? Make a decision: Is it real or random? Cannot quantify. Suppose something “remarkable” happens.

7 Decision Making We first discuss using a medical device to make decisions about a patient. These decisions could be correct or wrong. We then make an analogy to using an experiment to make decisions about a scientific question. These decisions could be correct or wrong.

8 Decision Making: Diagnosis Mammogram Spot Darkness 100 Definitely Not Cancer Definitely Cancer How is the decision made for intermediate darkness?

9 Decision Making: Diagnosis Mammogram Spot Darkness 100 Suppose a study found the mammogram rating (0-10) for 1000 women who definitely have cancer by biopsy (truth). Proportion of 1000 Women: 1000/1000 0/1000 100/1000 600/1000 900/1000 990/1000 2468

10 Decision Making: Sensitivity Cutoff for Spot DarknessMammogram Sensitivity ≥0≥0100% >299% >490% >660% >810% >100% Sensitivity = Chances of correctly detecting disease. Why not just choose a low cutoff and detect almost everyone with disease?

11 Decision Making Continued Mammogram Spot Darkness 100 Suppose a study found the mammogram rating (0-10) for 1000 women who definitely do NOT have cancer by biopsy (truth). Proportion of 1000 Women: 1000/1000 0/1000 350/1000 700/1000 900/1000 950/1000 2468

12 Decision Making: Specificity Cutoff for Spot DarknessMammogram Specificity <0<00% ≤2≤235% ≤4≤470% ≤6≤690% ≤8≤895% ≤10100% Specificity=Chances of correctly NOT detecting disease.

13 Decision Making: Tradeoff CutoffSensitivitySpecificity 0100%0% 299%35% 490%70% 660%90% 810%95% 100%100% Choice of cutoff depends on whether the diagnosis is a screening or a final one. For example: Cutoff=4 : Call disease in 90% with it and 30% without.

14 Make Decision: If Spot>6, Decide CA. If Spot≤6, Decide Not CA. True Non-CA Patients True CA Patients Mammogram Spot Darkness 0 2 4 6 8 10 \\\ = Specificity = 90%. /// = Sensitivity = 60%. Graphical Representation of Tradeoffs Area under curve = Probability

15 Decision Making for Diagnosis: Summary As sensitivity increases, specificity decreases and vice-versa. Cannot increase both sensitivity and specificity together. We now develop sensitivity and specificity to test or decide scientific claims. True Disease ↔ True claim, real effect. Decide Disease ↔ Decide claim is true, effect is real. But, can both increase sensitivity and specificity together.

16 Scientific Decision Making Setting: Two groups, one gets drug A, one gets placebo (B). Measure outcome. How do we decide if the drug has an effect? Perhaps: Say yes if the mean of those receiving drug is greater than the mean of the others? Let’s work backwards: Start with what we want.

17 Make Decision: If Δ>2, then Decide A≠B. If Δ≤2, then Decide A=B. True No Effect (A=B) True Effect (A≈B+2.2) Eventual Graphical Representation 1. Where do these curves come from? 2. What are the consequences of using cutoff=2? Δ = Group A Mean minus Group B Mean -2 0 2 4 6

18 Question 2 First 2. What are the consequences of using cutoff=2? Answer: If the effect is real (A≠B), there is a 60% chance of deciding so. [Actually, if specifically A is 2.2 more than B.] This is the experiment’s sensitivity, more often called power. If effect is not real (A=B), so that A≠B just due to randomness in this study, there is a 90% of deciding so. This is the experiment’s specificity. More often, 100-specificity is called the level of significance.

19 Question 2 Continued What if cutoff=1 was used instead? Answer: If the effect is real (A≠B), there is about a 85% chance of deciding so. Sensitivity ↑ (from 60%). If effect is not real (A=B), so that A≠B just due to randomness in this study, there is about a 60% of deciding so. Specificity ↓ (from about 90%).

20 Typical Choice of Cutoff Δ = Group A Mean minus Group B Mean -2 0 2 4 6 Require specificity to be 95%. This means there is only a 5% chance of wrongly declaring an effect. → Need overwhelming evidence, beyond a reasonable (5%) doubt, to make a claim. ~45% Power 95% Specificity

21 Power of the Scientific Method Scientists (and their journals and FDA) require overwhelming evidence, beyond a reasonable (5%) doubt, not just “preponderance of the truth” which would be specificity=50%. Similar to US court of law. So much stronger than expert opinion. ~45% Power Only 5% chance of a false positive claim How can we increase power, but maintain the chances of a false positive conclusion at ≤5%? Are we just stuck with knowing that many true conjectures will be thrown away as collateral damage to this rigor?

22 Back to Question 1 1.Where do the curves in the last figure come from? Answer: You specify three quantities: (1) where their peaks are (the experiment’s detectable difference), and how wide they are (determined by (2) natural variation and (3) the # of subjects or animals or tissue samples, N). Those specifications give a unique set of “bell- shaped” curves. How?

23 A “Law of Large Numbers” Suppose individuals have values ranging from Lo to Hi, but the % with any particular value could be anything, say: You choose a sample of 2 of these individuals, and find their average. What value do you expect the average to have? Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 1

24 A “Law of Large Numbers” In both cases, values near the center will be more likely: Now choose a sample of 4 of these individuals, and find their average. What value do you expect the average to have? Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 2

25 A “Law of Large Numbers” In both cases, values near the center will be more likely: Now choose a sample of 10 of these individuals, and find their average. What value do you expect the average to have? Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 4

26 A “Law of Large Numbers” In both cases, values near the center will be more likely: Now choose a sample of 50 of these individuals, and find their average. What value do you expect the average to have? Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 10

27 A “Law of Large Numbers” In both cases, values near the center will be more likely: A remarkable fact is that not only is the mean of the sample is expected to be close to the mean of “everyone” if N is large enough, but we know exact probabilities of how close, and the shape of the curve. Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 50

28 Summary: Law of Large Numbers Lo Hi Prob ↑ N = 1 SD ↔ ↔ Lo Value of mean of N Hi ↔ SD(Mean) = SD/√N SD is about 1/6 of the total range. SD ≈ 1.25 x average deviation from the center. Large N

29 Scientific Decision Making So, where are we? We can now answer the basic dilemma we raised. Repeat earlier slide:

30 The Power of the Scientific Method Scientists (and their journals and FDA) require overwhelming evidence, beyond a reasonable (5%) doubt, not just “preponderance of the truth” which would be specificity=50%. Similar to US court of law. So much stronger than expert opinion. ~45% Power Only 5% chance of a false positive claim How can we increase power, but maintain the chances of a false positive conclusion at ≤5%? Are we just stuck with knowing that many true conjectures will be thrown away as collateral damage to this rigor? N ≈ 170

31 Scientific Decision Making So, the answer to the basic dilemma is that by choosing N large enough, we get more precise means, which narrow the curves, which increases the study power. We can thus find true effects with high certainty, say 80%, and also not claim false effects very often (5%): Only 5% chance of a false positive claim 80% Power N ≈ 380

32 In many experiments, five factors are inter-related. Specifying four of these determines the fifth: 1.Study size, N. 2.Power, usually 80% to 90% is used. 3.Acceptable false positive chance, usually 5%. 4.Magnitude of the effect to be detected (Δ). 5.Heterogeneity among subjects or units (SD). The next 2 slides show how these factors are typically examined, and easy software to do the calculations. Putting it All Together

33 Quote from An LA BioMed Protocol Thus, with a total of the planned 80 subjects, we are 80% sure to detect (p<0.05) group differences if treatments actually differ by at least 5.2 mm Hg in MAP change, or by a mean 0.34 change in number of vasopressors.

34 Software for Previous Slide Pilot data: SD=8.19 for ΔMAP in 36 subjects. For p-value<0.05, power=80%, N=40/group, the detectable Δ of 5.2 in the previous table is found as:

35 Study Size : May Not be Based on Power Precision refers to how well a measure is estimated. Margin of error = the ± value (half-width) of the 95% confidence interval (sorry – not discussed here). Smaller margin of error ←→ greater precision. To achieve a specified margin of error, solve the CI formula for N. Polls: N ≈ 1000→ margin of error on % ≈ 1/√N ≈ 3%. Pilot Studies, Phase I, Some Phase II: Power not relevant; may have a goal of obtaining an SD for future studies.

36 Study Design Considerations Statistical Components of Protocols Target population / source of subjects. Quantification of aims, hypotheses. Case definitions, endpoints quantified. Randomization plan, if one will be used. Masking, if used. Study size: screen, enroll, complete. Use of data from non-completers. Justification of study size (power, precision, other). Methods of analysis. Mid-study analyses.

37 Resources, Software, and References

38 Professional Statistics Software Package Output Enter code; syntax. Stored data; access- ible. Comprehensive, but steep learning curve: SAS, SPSS, Stata.

39 Microsoft Excel for Statistics Primarily for descriptive statistics. Limited output.

40 Typical Statistics Software Package Select Methods from Menus Output after menu selection Data in spreadsheet $100 - $500

41 Free Statistics Software: Mystat

42 Free Study Size Software

43 This and other biostat talks posted

44 Recommended Textbook: Making Inference Design issues Biases How to read papers Meta-analyses Dropouts Non-mathematical Many examples

45 Thank You Nils Simonson, in Furberg & Furberg, Evaluating Clinical Research

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