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Low-threshold Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment

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1 Low-threshold Results from the Cryogenic Dark Matter Search Experiment
Ray Bunker—CDMS Collaboration WIN`11 Cape Town, South Africa

2 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Outline Dark Matter and WIMPs Direct Detection Evidence for a light WIMP Direct Indirect The CDMS experiment Detector technology Shallow-site low-threshold analysis Deep-site low-energy analysis Deep-site Neutrons February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

3 The solar neighborhood
The Dark Matter Problem Milky Way Galactic Rotation Curve Use interstellar gas to probe galactic galactic mass distribution Appears to contradict the R-1/2 falloff expected from luminous matter Vcircular (km/s) Y. Sofue, M. Honma and T. Omodaka arXiv: v2 Radius, R (kpc) Large uncertainties, but why should our galaxy be any different than others? The solar neighborhood at ~8 kpc and ~220 km/s Still the most compelling evidence for the existence of dark matter in the solar neighborhood! February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

4 Cosmological Constant
The Dark Matter Problem Komatsu et al. (WMAP), arXiv: Concordance of observations of large-scale structure, supernovae, and the cosmic microwave background imply: Only Standard Model candidate is the neutrino, however… if then, Metals (us) 0.01% Visible Baryons 0.5% Dark Baryons 4% Cold Dark Matter 23% Cosmological Constant Dark Energy  73% S.A. Thomas, F. B. Abdalla, and O. Lahav, Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, (2010). Physics beyond the Standard Model? February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

5 Production suppressed
WIMPsA Dark Matter Candidate Weakly Interacting Massive Particles Massive ↔ Structure Formation Weakly Interacting ↔ Non-observance Relic abundance obtained when annihilation too slow to keep up with expansion Being produced and annihilating (T ≥ MWIMP) Production suppressed (T < MWIMP) WIMP quarks, leptons, photons Freeze out WIMP  1/annihilation A Weak-scale Coincidence? annihilation ~ weak scale yields observed WIMP ~ ¼ ! February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

6 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
The Lightest Superpartner No stable WIMPs in the Standard Model SUSY extends physics beyond the SM Lots of new particles very popular among high energy physicists The LSP is often a WIMP Such as the neutralino 0: Non-appearance at LEP or Tevatron ↔ Massive (?) Neutral ↔ Dark Conserved R-parity ↔ Stable LEP 0 mass bound Chargino mass bound of ~103 GeV/c2  0 mass bound of 4060 GeV/c2 Generally presumes gaugino mass unification February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

7 Loose Interpretation of
Light SUSY WIMPs Relax gaugino mass unification: The chargino & neutralino masses are basically uncorrelated The 0 mass can evade the LEP chargino mass bound Must invoke cosmological constraints for 0 mass bound 0-nucleon cross section (nb) Bottino et al., Phys. Rev. D69, (2004) 0 mass (GeV/c2) CDMS 2002 Limit 5 keV Threshold EDELWEISS 2002 Upper Limit Loose Interpretation of DAMA Allowed Region Belanger et al., J. High Energy Phys. 03 (2004) 012 0 mass (GeV/c2) 0-nucleon cross section (pb) Scanning SUSY parameter space Belanger et al. find 0 masses as low as 6 GeV/c2 Lines indicate the sensitivities of the ZEPLIN I (solid), ZEPLIN II (dashed), CDMS (dash-dotted) and EDELWEISS (dotted) experiments Similarly, Bottino, Donato, Fornengo and Scopel also find 0 masses as low as 6 GeV/c2 Red points for   CDMmin Blue points for  < CDMmin February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

8 A low-energy threshold is critical for detecting light WIMPs!
Direct Detection Standard assumption  Galactic WIMP Halo WIMP “wind” with ~220 km/s relative velocity, or β = v/c ~ 7x10-4 Direct detection attempts to measure: Erecoil ~ ½ Mnucleus c2 β2 ~ 10 to 20 keV Event rate  detector size,  WIMP flux, &  cross section More specifically, sensitivity depends on detector composition, WIMP mass, detection threshold, and halo model Very roughly: Rate = N [atoms] x φ [cm-2day-1] x σ [cm2/atom] N = 8.3x1024 [atoms in a 1 kg Ge detector] φ = 6.1x109 [cm-2day-1] σ = 1x10-43 [cm2/atom] (weak scale cross section) Rate = 5.1x10-9 [kg-1day-1]… totally hopeless rate per nucleon But β << 1  Coherent scattering from entire nucleus  ~A4 enhancement Rate ~ (72.61)4 x 5.1x10-9 [kg-1day-1] ~ 0.1 events [kg-1day-1]… much more approachable 100 GeV/c2 WIMP 5 GeV/c2 WIMP Ge Target Si Target σ = 1x10-41 cm2, vescape = 544 km/s Dark Matter Halo Bulge Thick Disk Thin Disk Sun A low-energy threshold is critical for detecting light WIMPs! February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

9 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Direct Detection Rate of interactions due to known backgrounds ~103 [kg-1day-1] !!! With low threshold (~1 keV), the expected rate for a light WIMP (< 10 GeV/c2) is much larger… ~ 10 [kg-1day-1] Backgrounds rates increase rapidly at low energies (< 10 keV)… offsetting higher expected rate for light WIMPs February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

10 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Direct Detection Strategies for overcoming backgrounds: Passive & active shielding All Experiments Minimum ionizing threshold suppression PICASSO & COUPP Large detector size, self shielding DAMA & XENON Measure 2 signals CDMS & LUX Event rate modulation DAMA & DRIFT Low threshold CoGeNT Pulse shape & timing CDMS phonons H ionization Q scintillation L CDMS EDELWEISS CoGeNT IGEX DRIFT XENON LUX ZEPLIN II & III XMASS DAMA/LIBRA ZEPLIN I DEAP/CLEAN NaIAD ROSEBUD, CRESST II CRESST I, PICASSO, COUPP February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

11 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Installing the new DAMA/LIBRA detectors in HP Nitrogen atmosphere IMAGE CREDIT: DAMA/LIBRA Collaboration Evidence for a Light WIMP C. Savage et al., JCAP, 0904, 010 (2009); & JCAP, 0909, 036 (2009); & arXiv: v2 (2010) The DAMA/LIBRA experiment located in the Gran Sasso Laboratory (Italy): 200 kg of low-activity NaI operated from September 2003 to September 2009 Annual modulation in their residual event rate with correct phase and period… significance of ~9σ Savage et al. have interpreted their data in terms of spin- independent WIMP-nucleon interactions… evidence for a light WIMP? R. Bernabei et al., Eur. Phys. J C67, 39 (2010) February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

12 Evidence for a Light WIMP
The CoGeNT experiment operates a ~½ kg Ge diode detector... very low background & very low threshold In a short exposure, they observe an excess in their event rate that has the exponential shape expected for a light WIMP C.E. Aalseth et al., arXiv: v2 D. Hooper et al. performed a combined analysis of DAMA/LIBRA and CoGeNT data and find a region of consistency that points to a WIMP with: MWIMP ~ 7.0 GeV/c2 & σWIMP-nucleon~ 2.0x10-40 cm-2 Hooper et al., Phys. Rev. D82, (2010) February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

13 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Indirect Evidence for a Light WIMP D. Hooper and L. Goodenough, arXiv: v2 D. Hooper and L. Goodenough, arXiv: v2 The FERMI Gamma Ray Space Telescope launched in 2008 The Large Area Telescope (LAT) has observed gamma rays from the galactic center, 300 MeV to 100 GeV Dan Hooper & Lisa Goodenough have analyzed the 1st two years worth of data for a WIMP annihilation signal Emission spectrum from 1.25° to 10° is consistent with π0 decay, inverse Compton scattering and Bremsstrahlung Inner 0° to 1.25°, however, shows an excess Profile is consistent with a cusped halo of 7-10 GeV/c2 WIMPs, annihilating primarily into tau pairs D. Hooper and L. Goodenough, arXiv: v2 February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

14 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Direct Detection Low-mass WIMP Constraints Best constraints from the XENON100 experiment... however, low-energy scale controversial: Red dotted line = constant extrapolation Red solid line = decreasing extrapolation E. Aprile et al., Phys. Rev. Lett., 105, (2010). The final CDMS II Ge limit is competitive with 10 keV threshold: Black solid line Z. Ahmed et al., Science, 327, 1619 (2010). Very low-mass limit from the CRESST, ~½ keV threshold: Blue dashed line G. Angloher et al., Astropart. Phys., 18, 43 (2002) Courtesy of M. Schumann February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

15  0 CDMS Detector Technology Holes e- Ge or Si Crystal
Standard Ionization Measurement Drift Electrons & Holes with -3 to -6 V/cm Electric Field (Applied to Ionization Electrodes) Inner Disk Ionization Electrode ~85% Coverage Ge or Si Crystal 0 Holes e- Outer Guard Ring Ionization Electrode Phonon Sensors Held at Ground February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

16 Z-sensitive Ionization & Phonon-mediated
CDMS Detector Technology Q inner outer D C A B R sh I bias SQUID array Phonon A feedback V qbias Z-sensitive Ionization & Phonon-mediated ZIP Detector R0 R T T0 Superconducting Quasiparticle-trap-assisted Electrothermal-feedback Transition-edge (QET) phonon sensors Al quasiparticle trap Aluminum Collector Tungsten Transition Edge Sensor (TES) Ge or Si Crystal quasiparticle diffusion phonons Cooper Pair February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

17 Lines due to decays of internal radioisotopes tilted
CDMS Detector Technology True recoil energy (Erecoil) measured on event-by-event basis by subtracting Luke phonons: Ionization yield, Y ≡ Q / Erecoil Excellent separation between electron recoils and nuclear recoils caused by neutrons from 252Cf source Subtracting Luke phonons via average ionization behavior more reliable for low-energy nuclear recoils Lines due to decays of internal radioisotopes tilted Electron Recoils Nuclear Recoils February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

18 : reduced ionization collection
CDMS Detector Technology Ionization yield Phonon pulse rise time (s) Time since trigger (s) Phonon pulse height (V) Surface events can be misidentified as nuclear recoils Phonon pulse shape and timing is a powerful discriminator Allows for background-free analysis : reduced ionization collection Bulk  Recoil February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

19 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
CDMS Shallow-site Run First tower of CDMS II ZIP detectors operated at shallow Stanford Underground Facility Total Ge detector mass of ~0.9 kg and total Si mass of ~0.2 kg “Run 21” WIMP-search data taken between December 2001 and June 2002, yielding 118 live days of raw exposure Run 21 split into two periods distinguished by voltage bias used: 1st half with Ge (Si) operated with 3V (4V) bias voltage (3V data) 2nd half with all detectors operated with 6V bias voltage (6V data) Analysis of 3V data with 5 keV recoil energy threshold published in 2002… Phys. Rev., D66, (2002) 6V data previously unpublished ZIP 1 (Ge) ZIP 2 (Ge) ZIP 3 (Ge) ZIP 4 (Si) ZIP 5 (Ge) ZIP 6 (Si) SQUID Readout (phonon signals) FET Readout (Ionization signals) Cold Stages 4 K to 20 mK m m 17 mwe Active Muon Veto Pb Shield Fridge n Copper n n Polyethylene Detectors Inner Pb shield February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

20 Electron Capture from L-shell Electron Capture from K-shell
CDMS Shallow-site Energy Calibration Electron-recoil energy scale calibrated with gamma-ray sources (137Cf & 60Co) Ge energy scale confirmed with lines from decays of internal radioisotopes Confirmed 11.4 day half-life of 68Ge and 0.12 ratio of L- to K-shell captures Si scale more difficult! Nuclear-recoil energy scale the most important Calibrated with neutrons from 252Cf source Ionization yield agrees well with expectation from Lindhard theory Ultimately, compare to GEANT simulation: Ge scale consistent (at low energy) Corrected Si for ~15% discrepancy 1.3 keV from 68Ge & 71Ge Decays Electron Capture from L-shell 10.4 keV from 68Ge & 71Ge Decays Electron Capture from K-shell 66.7 keV from 73mGe Decay Beginning of Run 21 End of Run 21 Cf-252 Neutron Calibration Monte Carlo Data Preliminary February 1st, 2011

21 CDMS Shallow-site Thresholds
ZIP 1 (Ge) ZIP 2 (Ge) ZIP 3 (Ge) ZIP 4 (Si) ZIP 5 (Ge) ZIP 6 (Si) SQUID Readout (phonon signals) FET Readout (Ionization signals) Cold Stages 4 K to 20 mK ZIP 1 rejected as a low-threshold detector Hardware trigger efficiency: Average ionization yield used to estimate recoil energy Hardware thresholds vary from ~0.7 to 1.8 keV Software phonon energy threshold Based on Gaussian width of sub-threshold noise Events required to exceed 6σ noise width Software thresholds vary from ~0.6 to 1.6 keV Ultimate threshold efficiency Ge thresholds 0.7 to 1.1 keV Si thresholds 1.5 to 1.9 keV ZIP 4 (Si) Total Phonon Energy (keV) Run Number (6V data) ZIP 2 (Ge) Total Phonon Energy (keV) Run Number (3V data) February 1st, 2011

22 Shallow-site Neutrons Compton γ Electron Recoils
CDMS Shallow-site Event Selection Ge Si 1.3 keV Line 32% 0% Zero-charge Events 30-40% Shallow-site Neutrons 6% 2% Compton γ Electron Recoils 10-20% 14C Contamination β’s 40% Others 2-22% 0-18% WIMP candidates must pass several data cuts: Data-quality cuts  % efficient Fiducial-volume cut  ~83% efficient Single-scatter criterion  % efficient Muon-veto cut  ~70-80% efficient Nuclear-recoil cut  ~95% efficient Combined data cuts  ~50-60% efficient 1080 candidate events in 72 kg-days of Ge exposure 970 candidate events in 25 kg-days of Si exposure Are these really WIMPs?... probably not! While a low-mass WIMP could be hiding in these data, we can claim no evidence of a WIMP signal 1080 Candidates 970 Candidates Raw Spectrum in Blue Corrected for Cut Efficiency in Black Further Corrected for Threshold Efficiency in Orange Average Combined Efficiencies in Orange 90% (statistical) Lower-limit Efficiencies in Blue Inner electrode ionization energy (keV) Outer electrode ionization energy (keV) 202 Candidates 130 Candidates 314 Candidates February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

23 Exclude new parameter space for WIMP masses between 3 and 4 GeV/c2!
CDMS Shallow-site Low-threshold Limits Hooper et al. combined: Gray CDMS Shallow-site Ge: Black — CDMS Shallow-site Si: Gray — CoGeNT 2010: Orange --- CRESST Saphire 2002: Blue --- XENON100 Decreasing: Red — XENON100 Constant: Red ···· Large background uncertainties preclude background subtraction We use Steve Yellin’s Optimum Interval Method (specially adapted for high statistics) Serialize detector intervals to make best use of lowest-background detectors Include the effect of finite energy resolution near threshold Standard WIMP halo model with 544 km/s galactic escape velocity Systematic studies indicate limits are robust above ~3 GeV/c2 D. Akerib et al. (CDMS), Phys. Rev. D82, (2010) Exclude new parameter space for WIMP masses between 3 and 4 GeV/c2! February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

24 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
The CDMS Deep Site 17 mwe at SUF yielding ~500 Muons per second in the CDMS shielding 5.2x104 m-2y-1 2100 mwe 2100 mwe at Soudan yielding <1 Muon per minute in the CDMS shielding February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

25 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
The CDMS Deep Site February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

26 CDMS Deep-site Low-energy Analysis
Focused low-energy analysis of CDMS WIMP-search data taken at the Soudan Mine 5 Towers of ZIP detectors (30 total) operated from October 2006 to September 2008 (6 distinct runs) 8 lowest-threshold Ge detectors analyzed with 2 keV threshold

27 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
CDMS Deep-site Low-energy WIMP Candidates Optimized nuclear-recoil selection to avoid zero-charge event background Band thickness due to variations in nuclear-recoil criterion from run to run Recoil energy estimated from phonon signal & average ionization yield behavior Tower 1-ZIP 5 February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

28 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
CDMS Deep-site Low-energy Backgrounds A factor of ~10 reduction in background levels Improved estimates of individual background sources Comparable detection efficiency for much larger exposure (~3.5x) No evidence of a WIMP signal Candidate Spectrum: Black Error Bars Zero-charge Events: Blue Dashed Surface Events: Red + Bulk Compton γ Events: Green Dash-dotted 1.3 keV Line: Pink Dotted Combined Background: Black Solid Average Efficiency February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

29 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
CDMS Deep-site Low-energy Limit Z. Ahmed et al. (CDMS), arXiv: v1 (submitted to Phys. Rev. Letters) Hooper et al. combined: Gray CDMS Shallow-site Ge: Black — CDMS Shallow-site Si: Gray — CRESST Saphire 2002: Blue --- XENON100 Decreasing: Orange — XENON100 Constant: Orange ···· CDMS Deep-site Ge: Red — February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

30 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
CDMS Deep-site Low-energy Spin-dependent Limit CDMS II Ge Deep-site 10 keV Threshold CRESST Saphire 2002 3σ DAMA Allowed Region CDMS II Ge Deep-site 2 keV Threshold XENON10 February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

31 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Deep-site Neutron Background Less than one event expectec for CDMS II Limiting background for SuperCDMS… but how soon? February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

32 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Fast-neutron Detection High Energy Neutron No Veto, Small Prompt Energy Deposit Veto Liquid Scintillator Gadolinium Loaded Capture on Gd, Gammas (spread over 40 μs) PMT Liberated Neutrons PMT Lead Hadronic Shower Veto Veto February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

33 Fast-neutron Detection
Expected Number of sub-10 MeV Secondary Neutrons Simulated 100 MeV Neutrons Incident on Lead Target Detectable Neutron Multiplicity February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

34 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
A Fast-neutron Detector February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

35 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Detector Installation Electronics Rack Lead Target Source Tubes February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

36 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Detector Installation Cheap Labor Water Tanks February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

37 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Detector Installation 20” KamLAND Phototubes February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

38 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Neutron Detection Technique Water-based neutron detector is challenging! Small fraction of energy visible as Cerenkov radiation Poor energy resolution smears U/Th gammas into signal region February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

39 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Neutron Detection Technique Timing is Everything Neutron capture times  microseconds A few 100 Hz of U/Th background  milliseconds February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

40 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Neutron Detection Technique More Gamma Like Background U/Th Gamma Rays 252Cf Fission Neutrons Pulse timing Likelihood More Neutron Like Pulse Height Likelihood February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

41 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Understanding Energy Scale Background U/Th Gamma Rays Actual data: shaded red Simulated data: black lines 252Cf Fission Neutrons Pulse height (mV) Event rate (arbitrary units) 60Co ~1 MeV Gamma Rays Pulse height (mV) February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

42 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group
Understanding Energy Scale Event rate (arbitrary units) ~150 MeV Pulse height (V) ~50 MeV Endpoint February 1st, 2011 Ray Bunker-UCSB HEP Group

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