HTML (Hypertext Markup Language ). Hyperlinks Hyperlinks from text to other sites Write the link, which is visible at the screen Example: Hyperlink to.

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Presentation on theme: "HTML (Hypertext Markup Language ). Hyperlinks Hyperlinks from text to other sites Write the link, which is visible at the screen Example: Hyperlink to."— Presentation transcript:

1 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language )

2 Hyperlinks Hyperlinks from text to other sites Write the link, which is visible at the screen Example: Hyperlink to

3 Hyperlink to inner page Hyperlink to page vreme.html from the site Text hyperlinks to pages from the same site Index.htmlpage1.html Main directory Subdirectory- folder1 page2.html 1 Hyperlink to page1.html from the initial page index.html 2 Hyperlink to page2.html, placed at folder1, from the initial page index.html 3 Hyperlink to page index.html from page2.html, pklaced at folder1 1 2 3

4 Text hyperlinks to parts from the same page example: Hyperlink to label1 This is visible on the screen label1

5 Text hyperlinks to е-mail address and files at FTP server Hyperlink to e-mail address Hyperlink to file from FTP server Hyperlink to file in format pdf from FTP server

6 Hyperlinks, which are open in new window Attribute target target="_blank" Hyperlink to, which will be opened in new window Hyperlinks at the same or determined window target =“ _self “ (by default) target=“_somename"

7 Changing the color of text hyperlinks  the hyperlink’s color is changed by attributes link – determine the color of unvisited hyperlinks alink - determine the color of hyperlinks at the moment of clicking on them vlink - determine the color of already visited hyperlinks Example:

8 Using images for hyperlinks image: “image.jpg”

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