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Symbology Tricks Standardizing your basedata so you can focus on your maps main purpose.

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Presentation on theme: "Symbology Tricks Standardizing your basedata so you can focus on your maps main purpose."— Presentation transcript:

1 Symbology Tricks Standardizing your basedata so you can focus on your maps main purpose

2 Symbolizing a feature The layer file stores symbology, symbology classifications, labeling properties, scale dependency and definition. A layer file does not contain any geographic data. It acts as a pointer to a data set's physical location. (ESRi website)

3 Why create a lyr file? Designing how to display data CAN be a very personal, time-consuming task Once youve decided that you like the symbology, it would be a shame to lose that work. LYRs enable you to store the symbology youve just designed for use at a later date

4 How do you create a lyr file? Right click on the dataset in the Table of Contents in ArcMap Click Save as LYR file Thats it!

5 Marys LYR preferences: Unless a.lyr file is created for a particular project, I like to save all my lyrs in one directory tree, NOT WITH THE DATASET. If I have 2 standard ways of displaying the same data, I create 2 lyr files and incorporate a description into that filename. EX: Simple_TRIM_Water.lyr EX: TrimDetailedWaterLineFeatures.lyr

6 Group.LYRs A single LYR can be created to save how several layers are symbolized. This is particularly useful once youve created symbology for base features that are used in MANY maps (TRIM Roads, Water, Contours)

7 How to apply an lyr to a dataset in your map? Double click on the datasets name in the Table of Contents (or Right Click Properties) On the SYMBOLOGY tab, select IMPORT at the top Select import from another layer or from a layer file Browse to the.lyr files location.

8 How can.lyr files make your ArcGIS-life easier? Instead of adding the dataset to your Table of Contents, add the lyr file. Your data will come in properly symbolized. Group layers that are often drawn together and create a.lyr file from that Layer Group – An instant start to your mapping project each time.

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