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Child Labor Industry in Britain. Apprenticeships When the concept of child labor was still new, children worked as apprentices and learned a specific.

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Presentation on theme: "Child Labor Industry in Britain. Apprenticeships When the concept of child labor was still new, children worked as apprentices and learned a specific."— Presentation transcript:

1 Child Labor Industry in Britain

2 Apprenticeships When the concept of child labor was still new, children worked as apprentices and learned a specific trade, receiving training instead of wages. Some also worked as chimney sweeps, starting as young as four years old. The chimney sweep was considered one of the most exploited child workers of the time.

3 Industry and Factories 1769- The first textile mills were built. Factory labor systems were criticized for strict discipline harsh punishment unhealthy working conditions low wages inflexible work hours

4 The concept of child labor as abuse and exploitation of children became a major subject of debate. Children as young as five years old worked as many as sixteen hours a day, six days a week. They often went all day without meals or breaks. Supporters of child labor argued that conditions in factories were no worse than at home or in the fields and the work was beneficial to the children and their families.

5 Factory Acts People protested child labor enough by the early 1800s that acts were established to protect child workers. They set minimum working ages and maximum working hours.

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