NWAESC Early Childhood Special Education Program “Making A Difference”

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1 NWAESC Early Childhood Special Education Program “Making A Difference”

2 IDEA Individual’s with Disabilities Education Act That young children with disabilities receive a free and appropriate education (FAPE) in the least restrictive environment (LRE) through early intervention, special education and related services. It is of critical importance to offer them early childhood special education programs that implement developmentally appropriate practices and employ highly qualified professionals.

3 Huntsville Lincoln Pea Ridge Prairie Grove Rogers Siloam Springs Springdale West Fork Decatur Elkins Farmington Fayetteville Gentry Gravette Greenland Is contracted by the local school districts to provide services mandated by IDEA in the following districts: NWAESC Early Childhood Special Education Program

4 WHO IS ELIGIBLE? A child may be eligible for special services if he/she is age 3 through 5 and is experiencing difficulties which interfere with normal development in any of these areas: speech/language vision hearing motor skills behavioral/social skills self help skills problem solving skills cognition/readiness skills

5 Screening The Early Childhood Program will conduct a screening in five developmental areas (cognitive, language, motor, self-help, and social/emotional). Hearing and vision screening is also conducted.

6 Referral Conference If the child scores below age level in any area on the screening a conference is held with the parent to discuss screening results and obtain permission for a comprehensive evaluation.

7 Washington & Madison County Testing Team Michael Ann Ramer & Shem Estes

8 Benton County Testing Team Carol Onstott & Jennifer D’Angelo

9 Comprehensive Evaluation The assessment team conducts a comprehensive evaluation. Timelines Variety of assessments including observations may be conducted ADE guidelines

10 Programming Conference After the evaluations are conducted a conference held with the parent to determine eligibility, placement, and services. Timelines

11 Individualized Education Plan If the evaluation data determines a child’s delays have an adverse affect on his educational performance then an Individualized Education Plan (I.E.P.) is developed by the committee. The I.E.P. states what services will be provided, how they will be provided, and where they will be provided. If the an I.E.P is developed the regular preschool classroom teacher must be invited to the conference.





16 HOW ARE SERVICES PROVIDED? Services are provided through a free and appropriate public education in the following settings….

17 Preschool Special Education Classrooms in… Rogers&Farmington

18 Private or Public Preschool & Daycare Programs

19 Other Settings Itinerant Based Services (children are transported to a central location for services) Home Based Services

20 NWAESC Early Childhood Special Education Staff Early Childhood Special Education Teachers Speech Language Pathologists Screening & Assessment Teams Early Childhood Behavior Specialist Early Childhood Coordinator Language Interpreters Paraprofessionals

21 Including Parents in Their Child’s Education Parents actively participate in all team meetings Providers send notes home for parents to be involved Parent trainings Parent Information Board Assist families in obtaining assistance from government agencies (ARKids, TEFRA, child care assistance, etc.)

22 MAJOR BENEFITS OF EARLY CHILDHOOD SPECIAL EDUCATION: Children have access to a free and appropriate education Individual plans for inclusive placement and natural environments with non disabled peers whenever possible Early identification and intervention decreases need for support and services later in school

23 http://starfishnw.org Colleen Mick, Early Childhood Coordinator Visit us on the web!

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