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SIMULATION MODELLING OF THE RAILWAY VEHICLE GUIDANCE MECHANISM Priya Parthasarathy Supervisors- Dr.Christopher Ward Dr.Roger Dixon UKACC PhD Presentation.

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Presentation on theme: "SIMULATION MODELLING OF THE RAILWAY VEHICLE GUIDANCE MECHANISM Priya Parthasarathy Supervisors- Dr.Christopher Ward Dr.Roger Dixon UKACC PhD Presentation."— Presentation transcript:

1 SIMULATION MODELLING OF THE RAILWAY VEHICLE GUIDANCE MECHANISM Priya Parthasarathy Supervisors- Dr.Christopher Ward Dr.Roger Dixon UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase

2 Background Low adhesion Reduced traction, Reduced traction, Extended braking distance, etc. etc.  This project focusses on real time estimation of low adhesion at the wheel rail interface  Early stage of the project was to develop simulation model of a simplified rail vehicle to study the dynamics of railway vehicle systems UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 2

3 Introduction and Initial Project Aim UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Fig 1 Simplified rail vehicle model with single wheelset and suspended mass Slide 3

4 UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Fig 2 Lateral position of the wheelset for the track displacement (Simulation model) Fig 3 Lateral position of the wheelset for the track displacement (Simplified model) Slide 4 Results Fig 4 Yaw angle of the wheelset for the Simulation model Fig 5 Yaw angle of the wheelset for the Simplified model

5 Future Work UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase 1.Increasing complexity in the vehicle suspension system 2.Non-linear wheel rail contact profile Condition Monitoring Slide 5

6 Conclusion  Simulations of rail vehicle modelling are being developed to perform real time estimation of low adhesion  Various filtering techniques will be analysed for the estimation of contact parameters  These techniques will be incorporated on more complex models with non linear characteristics in the suspension system and contact parameters of the rail vehicle UKACC PhD Presentation Showcase Slide 6

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