Clearly Defined Goals  You need to know what your goal is to understand and set up how this will work!

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Presentation on theme: "Clearly Defined Goals  You need to know what your goal is to understand and set up how this will work!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Clearly Defined Goals  You need to know what your goal is to understand and set up how this will work!

2 Clearly defined goals… If teachers and students don’t know what the goal of the lesson is it is just like putting nothing into the GPS and driving around…



5 Assessment  Do we know what we are assessing?



8 Universally Designed Assessment  Must clearly understand what we are assessing!  Multiple pathways to demonstrating success.  Be authentic!

9 UDL requires Teaming!

10 Teaming  A team comprises a group of people linked in a common purpose.  Teams are especially appropriate for conducting tasks that are high in complexity and have many interdependent subtasks.

11 Teaming  Buy-in from administrators, teacher leaders,technology coordinators and parents is key  Collaboration between teachers and in some instance other professionals is essential

12 Teaming Marriage of AT and IT…  Just as the IT staff must learn to support the needs of the teachers of students with disabilities, the teachers and AT coordinators, themselves, must learn more about the PCs and networks with which they interface. Connsense Bulletin Ben Satterfield and Pat Satterfield 10/11/05

13 Teaming


15 Why is Flexibility Important to UDL? Flexibility is essential for two reasons:  individual differences between learners  differences between instructional media.

16 Differences between instructional media  There is no universal medium of instruction

17 Medium of Instruction  Auditory - Listening / Speaking  Text - Reading / Writing  Visual - Viewing / Representing

18 Qualities of Speech  Natural speech has expressive power.  Speech is transitory.

19 Qualities of Text  Representational - permanent record  Reduces memory demands

20 Qualities of Images  A picture is worth a thousand words…  But do you see what I see?

21 Long ago, Plato raised a concern in his Phaedrus that is familiar in our era: new technology will undermine traditional literacy. Plato (quoting Socrates) expressed the fear that the emerging technology of writing would destroy the rich oral literacy that was central to his culture. Writing would reduce the need for memory and attentive listening. It would give learners the appearance of wisdom by aiding rapid recall of information and facts without requiring internalization of such wisdom. This sort of “superficial” learner would inevitably be less literate. It turned out Plato was right only in part; although writing did change the meaning of literacy it enabled incredible advancements in knowledge.

22 Technology & Digital Media

23 Digital media matter!

24  Versatile  Transformable  Can Be Marked  Can Be Networked s/chapter3_9.cfm Digital media is:

25 Digital Media is Flexible and Transformable

26 Digital Media is Flexible and Transformable

27 Sources of Digital Text From Alberta Education  Digital Repository of Digital Textbooks  Authorized Novels & Plays in Digital Format Other sources:  Project Guttenberg  Wikibooks  UDL Editions by CAST

28 Sources of Digital Media From Alberta Education  Other sources:  United Streaming  YouTube  Your Cameras…

29 But digital media requires technology!

30 Universal Design for Learning Using digital materials & “assistive” technologies into the classroom we can create a more accessible and flexible environment for all students.

31 Changing the Environment (not the Learner)


33 Example – Program of Studies Grade 10 English Language Arts General Outcome 2 - Comprehend literature and other texts in oral, print, visual and multimedia forms, and respond personally, critically and creatively 2.1 Construct meaning from text and context

34 Example – Authorized Resources The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet with Related Readings (The Global Shakespeare Series)

35 Provide Flexible Means of Representation Text Digital Text Visual Flexibility Auditory Flexibility

36 Movies Considerate text Provide Flexible Means of Representation You Tube Comics

37 CAST Resources  UDL Editions UDL Editions take advantage of the flexibility of digital media to reach and engage all learners.  Cast Book Builder Use this site to create, read, and share engaging digital books that build reading skills for students.

38 Provide Flexible Means of Representation

39 Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression Speech Recognition Word Processor

40 Provide Multiple Means of Action and Expression Writing with Symbols iMovie or Moviemaker Word Prediction

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