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Nataša Pantić REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON EVIDENCE BASED POLICY VIENNA, NOVEMBER 9 – 10, 2009 Centre for Education Policy, Belgrade Competence based teacher education.

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1 Nataša Pantić REGIONAL WORKSHOP ON EVIDENCE BASED POLICY VIENNA, NOVEMBER 9 – 10, 2009 Centre for Education Policy, Belgrade Competence based teacher education in Western Balkans

2 Background Policy and curricular reforms in teacher education in the Western Balkans: introducing standards for teachers introducing competence-based curricula search for alternatives to overly theoretical and discipline-focused preparation of teachers in the region

3 Study design Tuning methodology (consulting teachers, teacher educators, student teachers) Questionnaire evaluating the importance statements of competence (1- not important at all… 5 - extremely important ) Pilot study with 370 teachers and teacher educators in Serbia, fine-tuning with the experts from the region After principal component analysis defined a list of 39 statements of competence pertaining to: 1) self-evaluation and professional development, 2) subject knowledge, pedagogy and curriculum, 3) understanding of the system of education and contribution to its development, and 4) values and child-rearing 4 cases of study programmes for teachers

4 Participants Number of respondents per country by level of institution countrylevel of institutionstudent teachers total sample pre- primary primarysecondaryhigher Bosnia & Herzegovina 253061145381579 Croatia 16028613524 629 Macedonia 32210873455418 Montenegro 177039120138 Serbia 3618513516206578 Total27010575101393662342 % in total sample 11.5 %45.1 %21.8 %5.9 %15.6%100%

5 ScaleCr. AlphaNumber of items and Sample item pre- primary primarysecond ary higherTotal average 1self-evaluation and professional development Bosnia Croatia Macedonia Montenegro Serbia 0.89 0.91 0.87 0.89 0.85 0.87 12 Ability to critically reflect on and evaluate ones own educational impact 4.52 4.51 4.62 4.40 4.55 4.53 4.64 4.55 4.49 4.51 4.47 4.42 4.62 4.37 4.61 4.48 4.47 4.52 4.45 4.62 4.43 4.53 4.52 4.50 4.61 4.48 4.54 2 subject knowledge, pedagogy, and curriculum 0.8210 Ability to develop linguistic and numeric literacy of pupils 4.424.604.534.544.55 3 contribution to education system development 0.8911 Readiness to participate in public debates on educational topics by following and participating in the work of relevant bodies 4 values and child rearing 0.766 Commitment to racial equality by means of personal example, through curricular and other activities 4.634.594.514.424.56

6 Conclusions Meta-national perception of what makes a competent teacher Common tradition of valuing subject achievement and moral values as important educational goals (yet, hardly any expicit focus on the later in the pre-service programmes) Teacher competence in contribution to system essential for teachers to act as agents of change in decentralisation of education systems (but, also absent from TE programmes)

7 Implications for policy Standards need to be broadly defined in consultation with teachers Teacher education programmes need to build in links between the traditional focus on discipline and pedagogy with the broader context of educational practice Competencies are developed through opportunities for practice, reflection, discussion and dialogue

8 Thank you Centre for education policy Nataša Pantić

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