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Baltic Sea Region Comprehensive Assistance to Children Victims of Trafficking BSR CACVT Training Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Baltic Sea Region Comprehensive Assistance to Children Victims of Trafficking BSR CACVT Training Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Baltic Sea Region Comprehensive Assistance to Children Victims of Trafficking BSR CACVT Training Programme

2 Coexisting with one another and for each other are the main conditions for the interaction between parents and children. The transition into parenting is characterized by the parents ability to care for the child not only as for someone they love, but as for a part of themselves

3 Work with Families As The Main Intervention Component in Rehabilitation of Trafficked Children and Victims of CSEC (Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children) Goals To provide crisis support to families during repatriation of trafficked children and CSEC victims To provide support to families in creating effective interaction between parents and children during the post-crisis reintegration

4 Family: main supporter in the rehabilitation process of trafficked children and CSEC victims at the integration and reintegration stages Motivational Level of the Family ٧ Sufficient - The family is motivated to take part in the program ٧ Unclear - The family requires information in order to make the decision of participating in the program ٧ Insufficient - The family is not prepared to discuss the situation with anyone; or is set against participating in the program

5 Stages of Work with Families Informing the victims family about possible crisis support Introductory Stage: - gathering background information about the family Main Stage: - First meeting with the family; motivating toward discussion of situation - Providing support to the family (crisis support; emotional support for parents; preparation to bring the child back into the family) Final Stage: - Performing follow-ups with the family (invitation to join long – term parent support groups, encounter groups)

6 Main Components for Working with Families Through All Stages at the Crisis Center StagesComponents Gathering information about the problematic situation within the victims family through various sources (contacting family support services, relatives, neighbors; familys voluntary transition into family shelters) Preliminary account; preserving all family information in one data bank Primary diagnosis of the family situation at the integration stage Collecting family data from various sources in regard to: presence/absence of parents interest in getting their child back material and economic situation of the family familys social status health and marital relationships of the family members Primary analysis of the childs life and development conditions within the family. Analysis of the risk factor involved in returning the child to the family

7 StagesComponents Meeting the family (initial contact). The familys acceptance/refusal to participate in the support program Creating a confidential atmosphere; motivational discussion. Signing an agreement Assistance for improvement of familys socio- domestic conditions within the framework of legal benefits and possibilities Providing primary level of development for families. Development of program for activation of familys potential Involvement of social support network in the work with the family Forming support groups (parenting groups, job assistance, medical treatment) Motivating the family toward changing their situation. Self-assessment of realistic conditions for returning the child to the family Work with specialists (social workers, family therapists, psychologists, lawyers, etc) Main Components for Working with Families Through All Stages at the Crisis Center

8 Goals for the specialists initial meeting with the parents: Establishing personal contact with the parents. Introductions Motivational interview Presenting and clarifying the problems family faces within the context of their childs current situation Presenting information about the work process, the support and protection program Acknowledgement of parents decision to participate in the program

9 Therapists Position in Regard to the Parent: Рartner relationship Empathy Acceptance of parents reactions; sympathy toward emotions Pointing out parents ability to develop competence and responsibility Promoting parents active interaction with their social surroundings. Support of parents abilities in their parenting roles; increasing parents self- confidence

10 Possible difficulties during initial stages of work: Discrepancy between specialists expectations and reality (parents often dont realize the importance and benefits of participating in the program) Specialists prejudgment: poor child/horrible parents/good team Specialists inability to understand and accept parents harsh conditions, refusal, opposition, necessity to hide the facts Specialists tendency to become too deeply involved in the relationships of the family members Inner family problems (marital issues, conflicts, possible separation issues) Cultural aspects (certain cultures view sexual trauma as a permanent contamination of the child; the family is shunned by society)

11 Note for Therapists on Conducting Discussions with Parents Discussion Plan 1. Express your interest in the personality and fate of your conversation partner. 2. Ask questions in a straightforward, calm and truthful manner; employ the technique of active listening. 3.Find out what the parent is expecting of the child once he returns to the family: how the parent views the child; the parents specific plans for supporting and protecting the child; parents evaluation of the childs successful adaptation within the family; what the parents thinks about possible changes in the childs behavior, his feelings toward the CSEC situation 4. Try to propose and discuss with the parents possible reasons and conditions under which their child got involved in the traumatic situation. Dont force the parent to discuss the reasons if the memory is too painful to recall. 5. Motivate the parent to express his feelings toward the situation. 6. Ask the parent if hes ever had to discuss the situation with anyone in the past. This question may direct the parents attention toward the thought that his main problem is, possibly, social self-isolation

12 Types of Problems Parents Face Parent – Surroundings parents ability to look for resource in his social surroundings; parents active interaction with surroundings; the therapist is the facilitator __________________________________________ Parent – Parent how parents deal with their own feelings; the therapist assists parent in expressing and recognizing his feelings __________________________________________ Parent – Child parents ability to create a safe, stable, comfortable environment for the childs development; the therapist assists parent in creating this environment

13 Social Problems of Parents: Psychological isolation and self-isolation Lack of sufficient emotional support (nobody to provide support; inability to ask; inability to accept support) Expects societys refusal to accept, judgment Deficit of informational knowledge of the problem and possible social support Problem of What to tell people? (how to communicate with others about what happened) Cultural and religious restrictions

14 Possible Emotions Parents Have Toward Their Child as a CSEC Victim: Guilt and Blame (What happened to my child is my fault; I wasnt able to help him; the situation is degrading to me) Hurt (How could this happen to my child) Anger (Im helpless) Fear (Im afraid I wont be able to handle the situation) Irritation (I dont need new problems) Self-Pity (I need help) Therapists actions: Work with parents actual feelings through use of verbal and non-verbal techniques (Empty Chair, Dialog with Feelings, Nonverbal Expression of Feelings, etc.)

15 Active Listening Promoting nonjudgmental safe environment Assisting parents in recognizing and expressing feelings Empathy and acceptance of feelings Focusing attention of the parents feelings Interactive analysis of feelings, thoughts and emotions of the parent Providing training on parenting competence, skills of communicating with their child (training on effective parenting), teaching to express love Interactive planning of possible future of the family Increasing level of awareness and motivation Informing parent about childs reaction toward CSEC situation Lowering emotional stress Therapists Actions at the Main Stage of the Work

16 Parents Effective Behavior Strategy at the Reintegration Stage A parent in the meta-position (reflecting and involved) provides: Normalcy of child (supports normal status of the child) Intimacy (expresses it in a correct way, doesnt make decisions for the child) Warm Feelings (at a level comfortable for the child) Approval (highlight verbally and nonverbally the childs importance) Understanding and Predictability – stable rhythm of interaction Clear expression of expectations Support of childs feeling of acceptance and belonging in the family Structure and stable contact Safety and confidentiality Behavior Restrictions Rewards and stimulation

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