Children at Risk Meeting of National Co-ordinators and Competence Centres Helsinki 13 th to 15 th of June 2004 Head of Unit Lars Lööf Childrens Unit Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Children at Risk Meeting of National Co-ordinators and Competence Centres Helsinki 13 th to 15 th of June 2004 Head of Unit Lars Lööf Childrens Unit Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Children at Risk Meeting of National Co-ordinators and Competence Centres Helsinki 13 th to 15 th of June 2004 Head of Unit Lars Lööf Childrens Unit Council of the Baltic Sea States

2 Russian Federation Estonia Latvia Lithuania Poland Germany Denmark Iceland Norway Sweden Finland Belarus Ukraine Moldova CBSS 11 member countries

3 Children at Risk Priorities: 1.Sexual exploitation in all its forms ProjectsProjects 2.Unaccompanied and trafficked children ProjectsProjects 3.Children living in the street a.Report from Moscow meeting: The first draft is ready. 4.Children in institutions a.The work of the Council of Europe expert group has been followed. 5.Young offenders and self destructive behaviour in children. a.The WGCC has met with the Janus project in Copenhagen. b.Ongoing contacts with the European network.



6 The four Cs C C C C ontrol ontrol losure losure ompensation ompensation omplicity

7 Regional co-operation New arenas for possible abuse and exploitation call for intensified co-operation Cross border criminality call for innovative solutions to protection issues Cross border child protection Child victims of cross border crime Need to learn from professionals in all countries Involvement of the NGO and civil society

8 Children at Risk Meeting of National Co-ordinators and Competence Centres Helsinki 13 th to 15 th of June 2004 Head of Unit Lars Lööf Childrens Unit Council of the Baltic Sea States

9 Research on young persons attitudes and experiences in relation to child sexual abuse and commercial sex –Meeting with researchers in Tartu, Estonia Child Pornography on the Internet and dangers to children related to new techniques –VIP meeting in Stockholm –Internet with a Human Face – A Common Responsibility –Cork seminar –Washington seminar

10 National Contact Points –Web site http://childcentre.baltinfo.orgWeb site Plan of action has been adopted and at the upcoming summit in Lulasmaa its implementation will be called upon by the heads of government Co-operation with other initiatives in the region –Expert group within the Task Force Against Organised Crime Sigtuna meeting last week –NordBaltic 8 initiative –Barents Euro Arctic Initiative NGO co-operation –Vilnius NGO meeting –ECPAT Europe –Separated children in Europe programme –Kvinnoforum Sweden, NGO programme

11 Cooperation with International organisations –IOM –OSCE programme preventing trafficking –INTERPOL Other initiatives outside of the region: –South East Europe stability pact task force against trafficking




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