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Unit 24 Society 北师大高中英语第八模块. Warm up  What do you think of the following pictures?  What are the problems ?  What can we do to help them?

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Presentation on theme: "Unit 24 Society 北师大高中英语第八模块. Warm up  What do you think of the following pictures?  What are the problems ?  What can we do to help them?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Unit 24 Society 北师大高中英语第八模块

2 Warm up

3  What do you think of the following pictures?  What are the problems ?  What can we do to help them?


5 Social problems: begging, discrimination, violence, drugs, homelessness, inequality, poverty, racism, unemployment, abortion Ex 1 What do you think are the biggest problems in Western countries? Put them in order of importance.





10 Ex 2 Listen to a radio news report about changes in British society. Match the topic with graphs below. a) percent of households with cars b) percent of households with computers c) percent of women who work d) percent of 16-18 year olds in fulltime education 1 4 2 3

11 19812001 Average income of British family per week £ 326 £ 550 Life expectancy for men and women men 70 women 74 men 75 women 79 unemployment 1.7 million Less than 1 million Number in full time further education 550,0001,300,000 Number of crimes (England and Wales) 280,000520,000 Ex3 Listen again and complete the table

12 Ex 4 Key words: Describing trends  To rise, to climb, to go up, to rocket to double/triple, to be on the increase  To fall, to go down, to decline, to be on the decrease  To go up and down

13  Have students look at the Key Words. Check that they understand the differences between some of them, e.g. between “ rocket ” and “ climb ”.  Have two students read out the sample dialogue.

14  Students work in pairs, taking turns to say true or false statements about trends in British society. Go round and monitor the activity, helping and correcting where necessary.  Each student then says one of their sentences for the class to hear and say if it is true or false.


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