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Updates and ASME Contest January 31 st, 2013. Overview Notes from communication with international teams ASME Robot Design Competition Current Tasks.

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Presentation on theme: "Updates and ASME Contest January 31 st, 2013. Overview Notes from communication with international teams ASME Robot Design Competition Current Tasks."— Presentation transcript:

1 Updates and ASME Contest January 31 st, 2013

2 Overview Notes from communication with international teams ASME Robot Design Competition Current Tasks

3 Notes Ordered cargo tubes: robot must fit inside Played with Sphero Talked to Hungarian and Korean teams Who should work on what robot (and how many total?) Korea wanted to make one themselves to get practice, and one in collaboration with Georgiapest

4 Notes Each subgroup has specialty but works mainly on their own robot? Hungary wants to make a flying robot (awesome) Appears that Georgia, Kumoh, and Budapest teams have similar interests: mainly mechanical design/construction and control laws secondarily in electrical hardware and programming Indian team has experience in all areas (as is GT)

5 Notes Narrow down to a few designs and evaluate? How to choose design? Vote? Have everyone fill out an evaluation matrix and average it? Someone take notes during meetings Should Korean and Indian teams try to Skype in to our meetings? Might be obsolete if we are splitting meetings

6 Google docs Switch to the google docs file: Link

7 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition For this competition, a mechanism is defined as: – Any device that transmits a force or a motion to perform a mechanical task. It may consist of rigid or deformable bodies connected with kinematic or flexural joints. It may be constructed of any type of materials, including smart and other active materials. It may be actuated by means of any transduction principle and employ any form of energy input. The size of the device can range from the nano-scale to macro-scale.

8 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition

9 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition For this competition, a robot is defined as: – An electro-mechanical system which, by its appearance or movements, conveys a sense that it has intent or agency of its own. A robot should be able to do some or all of the following: move around, operate a mechanical linkage, sense and manipulate their environment, and exhibit intelligent behavior, such as behavior that mimics humans or other animals. The size of a robot can range from the nano-scale to macro-scale.

10 ASME Student Mechanism and Robot Design Competition Letter of Intent: March 15 Written Report: April 19 Notification to Finalists: June 3 Final Round: August 4-7

11 Tasks Contact the Yellow Jackets Flying Club: Create "bump" test Generate lots of concepts for next week – Must be somewhat realistic – Need good, detailed representation of concept to be able to compare with other concepts – Break-out the sketching skills

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