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Click to add a subtitle 1 expect the best Creating Enterprise Value and Excellence in GIS Technology Lemuel C. Stewart, Jr. CIO of.

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Presentation on theme: "Click to add a subtitle 1 expect the best Creating Enterprise Value and Excellence in GIS Technology Lemuel C. Stewart, Jr. CIO of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Click to add a subtitle 1 expect the best Creating Enterprise Value and Excellence in GIS Technology Lemuel C. Stewart, Jr. CIO of the Commonwealth Enterprise GIS Town Hall September 9, 2004

2 2 expect the best Today’s Topics Why Change? Why VITA? GIS Collaboration Opportunities The Enterprise GIS Business Plan Participation Opportunities CIO Q&A Business Plan Details & Schedule

3 3 expect the best Why Change? Budget pressures / Lack of investment capital for GIS Lack of data / cost of acquisition Disparate, stand-alone systems Inability to share resources effectively Inability to leverage buying power Increased understanding of role of GIS in public safety / emergency response = Recognition that government needs to do business differently

4 4 expect the best VITA Transformation -- Re-Focusing IT Mainframes Servers Networks App. Dev. Business Process Re-engin. Desktop Computing Agency Time & Energy Mainframes Servers Networks App. Dev. Business Process Re-engin. Desktop Computing TODAY TOMORROW

5 5 expect the best VITA Transformation -- The Value Picture “Best Quality Service & Best Value” TODAY IT Infrastructure 1.4B Agency Citizen Services 1.2B TOMORROW IT Infrastructure.9B Agency Citizen Services 1.7B 6 YR Baseline

6 6 expect the best GIS Transformation -- The Value Picture “Best Quality Service & Best Value” TODAY GIS Infrastructure GIS Value-Add Services TOMORROW GIS Infrastructure GIS Value-Add Services

7 7 expect the best Current State Agency GIS Systems (2002) 15 GIS systems 81 geospatial business applications 123 unique geospatial data layers 464 shared geospatial data layers 587 active geospatial data layers

8 Agency Reports, Products & Services, Presentations Agency GIS Single Source District Offices Counties Communities Planning Districts Single Source Data & IT Operations Collect Data Input Data Format Data Internal Data Research & Analysis Value-added Overhead Agency/Organization GIS Components: Overhead Value-added & Overhead Collect Data Convert Data Reformat External Data Multiple Sources Rivers Historic Sites Roads

9 Collect Data Internal Data Development GIS Partner Agency Reports, Products & Services, Presentations Agency GIS Research & Analysis Value-added Agency/Organization GIS Components: Value-added, direct Overhead and shared Overhead Overhead Enterprise GIS Shared Data & IT Operations Overhead GIS Partner

10 Virginia’s Enterprise GIS and Geos patial Data Library Crime incidents “Crime Watch Areas” Law Enforcement Solid Waste Sites Environmental Permits Natural Resource Habitats Labor Statistics Public Lands Endangered Species Utility Service Areas Health Service Providers Health Service Users Contours Land use / Land cover VBMP Roads VBMP hydrography VBMP Imagery DCJS VGIN DEQ VEC DCR VDH VDMH SCC



13 13 expect the best The Enterprise GIS Business Plan Inventory our GIS resources/business requirements Determine collaboration opportunities Survey best practices Evaluate technology options for meeting business requirements Develop a Shared Services model for GIS

14 14 expect the best Your Participation Opportunities Complete the GIS Resources Inventory Presentations/discussions with advisory groups –State-Level Best Practices, Technology, & Security Overviews –“Landscape” Summary Follow-up Town Hall at Business Plan completion

15 15 expect the best The Case for Enterprise GIS Makes business sense Moves dollars from overhead to value-add Improves capability to meeting increased requirements of Homeland Security/public safety/emergency response Provides increased opportunities for staff growth & development

16 16 expect the best Value-Add Examples Illinois State Police—42% decrease in traffic fatalities Wisconsin DOT—reduced response time for access requests by 50% Florida DEQ—saved $2.1M in maintaining field data

17 17 expect the best Questions???

18 18 expect the best Introductions Timmons Group – Principal consultant to VITA –Responsible for implementing GIS survey, interviews, analysis and plan development ESRI – Technical support to VITA project team –Extensive knowledge of the State GIS landscape and initiatives.

19 19 expect the best Process (Best Practices / Technology) Interview other state GIS leaders to discover best practices planned or currently implemented. Perform high-level technology and security overview as related to GIS and service oriented architecture (SOA). Meeting to discuss results (week of 9/20)

20 20 expect the best Process (Survey / Current Landscape) Surveys will be given to all agencies (2 week timeframe) Results will be compiled summarized Meeting to present results of current GIS Landscape (week of 10/11)

21 21 expect the best Schedule The entire project will last approximately 2 months. The final business plan will be presented to VITA week of November 1 st. Follow-up Town Hall Meeting (November)

22 22 expect the best Points of Contact Randy TrottLowell Ballard 804-897-7926804-897-7921

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