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Teacher Aims, Content, & Micro Skill CMD Laksmi Widyarini.

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Presentation on theme: "Teacher Aims, Content, & Micro Skill CMD Laksmi Widyarini."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teacher Aims, Content, & Micro Skill CMD Laksmi Widyarini

2 A Framework for Language Teaching Activities Approach Method Technique

3 Approach All points of view on: the nature of language the nature of language teaching & learning Examples: the oral approach

4 Method Different plans for presenting the language to students in an orderly manner Theories are put into practice Choices are made about the particular skills to be taught; the content to be taught Examples: direct method

5 Technique What actually happens in the classroom The level at which classroom procedures are described

6 Teacher Aim  Aim = the instructional objective  Sources of ideas for objectives: other language programs the literature taxonomies  the domains of learning: cognitive, affective, …

7 Content  content = material  consider: 1 st approach 2 nd syllabus 3 rd techniques 4 th exercises  where do materials come from?

8 where do materials come from?  adopting materials  developing materials  adapting materials

9 Micro skills  Macroskill: reading Microskill: outlining -summarizing - guessing -inferencing -taking notes-predicting -confirming  Macroskill: writing Microskill: spelling, punctuation, sentence constituent (subject-verb- object), text coherence

10  Macroskill: listening Microskill: - predicting what people are going to talk about - guessing at unknown words or phrases without panic - using one's own knowledge of the subject to help one understand - identifying relevant points - etc  Macroskill: speaking Microskill: - pronounce the distinctive sounds of a language clearly enough - use stress and rhythmic patterns, and intonation patterns of the language clearly enough - use the correct forms of words - put words together in correct word order.

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