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Impacting Real Change Renell Weathers Outreach Director Michigan League for Public Policy

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Presentation on theme: "Impacting Real Change Renell Weathers Outreach Director Michigan League for Public Policy"— Presentation transcript:

1 Impacting Real Change Renell Weathers Outreach Director Michigan League for Public Policy

2 The Michigan League for Public Policy educates and advocates for policies that support economic security so all Michigan citizens can have economic opportunities. We do this through research and analysis and recently celebrated our 100 th year of research and advocacy. The League was formerly known as the MLHS and changed its name to more accurately reflect our work and end confusion with the similarly named DHS.

3 What is advocacy? Advocacy is the tool citizens use In our democracy to bring about improvements.

4 Advocacy Toolkit

5 What do we want and who can give it to us? Who should deliver the message? What are your assets and what resources are missing? Where to Begin

6 What You Need to Know Learn the process Federal bills and the budget process:  http://thomas.loc.gov State bills and budgets:    Voting record: 

7 The Clock is Ticking – Session Always Looking for a Majority Two-party System – Majority in Power Bi-Cameral Legislature The Senate – 38/20 The House of Representatives – 110/56 The Governor Civics 101

8 2500: Different piece of legislation to be considered EACH YEAR 10-20%: Voters who contact elected officials 12: Phone calls needed to get attention 5-20: Enough to start or stop a discussion Four Critical Numbers

9 Introduced in House or Senate Bill referred to committee Budget bills automatically referred to appropriations Hearings/Public Comment Committee - Vote/Passes 1 st Chamber – Vote/Passes Referred back to committee in 2 nd Chamber 2 nd Chamber – Vote/Passes Sent to Governor How a Bill Begins Law


11 Advocacy Tools Write – Call – Visit Building a relationship o Legislative recess Michigan League

12 “When you need a friend, it’s too late to make one.” Mark Twain


14 Voices Leadership Training Michigan's Children Cat Frame Cat Fur Affection Costliness Sneezing Shedding Kitty Litter Cleanliness Cat Food Vets

15 Policy Value Barrier Ask Vision Reflect the values of your audience. Make them nod back a you in agreement Message Box Your response when your audience says, “Yeah, but…” (a.k.a. Overcome the barrier) What one, specific thing do you want them to do? So what? What the world will look like if your audience does what you want them to do. Reflects their values.

16 Revenue Crisis Message Box Value VisionBarrier Ask We all want to live in a Michigan we can be proud of, and that means one that invests in our future. If we don’t make the choice to re-invest in schools, roads, etc. for our future, they will crumble By putting people first, we can ensure our state remains a great place to live, work and play for generations to come. Make budget decisions that keep Michigan’s promise by investing in the things that have made our state great.

17 Be prepared Relationships are critical Work with partners Media: Importance of Stories Tips

18 Testimonials Letter to the Editor Personal Letter Social Media Visits Legislator Press Conference Phone Call Email Contacts Advocates Champions Champions… Are highly committed to your issue Have a compelling personal story Are willing and eager to get more involved How to have the most impact


20 Learn if you need to be a registered lobbyist, and if you do, register to be a lobbyist and become an active participant in impacting policy decisions. Registration handled by the Michigan Secretary of State’s office - Know the Rules

21 No Nos Nonprofits classified 501(c)(3) cannot endorse. contribute to, coordinate with, or align in any way with candidates or political parties Nonprofits may not lobby using government funds. When in doubt… As an individual, you are entitled to engage in unlimited lobbying and political activity, provided you do so on your own time without using nonprofit corporate.

22 You have the power! … Conscience asks the question "Is it right?" And there comes a time when one must take a position that is neither safe, nor politic, nor popular, but he must do it because Conscience tells him it is right.” -- Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. “Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world. Indeed, it is the only thing that ever has” -- Margaret Mead

23 Thank You! Website: Sign up for “Email Alerts” Become a member Michigan League for Public Policy 1223 Turner Street, Suite G-1 Lansing, Michigan 48906-4369 Phone: (517) 487-5436

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