Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy Lobbying KOEN W. TOONEN ARJOLA.

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1 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy Lobbying KOEN W. TOONEN ARJOLA AGOLLI Tirana 7 – 9 April 2010

2 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Concepts and Definitions

3 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy and lobbying What is Advocacy? – Action – Campaign – Media attention – Demonstration – Lobby – Expert meetings

4 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. The Advocacy Continuum media Boycot, strike violence Non-violent actions petition demonstration lobby activism advocacy harmony Position paper reception Expert meeting

5 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Policy Influencing (PI) Concepts What is policy influencing all about? Which different types of PI exist? Is there a difference between policy influencing, advocacy and lobbying? Which are the most important elements of effective PI?

6 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. Advocacy vs. Lobbying Advocacy covers a much broader range of activities that might or might not include lobbying. Lobbying always involves advocacy but advocacy does not necessarily involve lobbying. Lobbying usually involves attempting to influence legislation, policies and decision making.

7 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Definitions Advocacy =Action by an individual or group in support of a cause, ideal, or policy to effect change, advance a cause, or raise public awareness ( National Council for Independent Living, USA) Advocacy = Witness and actions aimed at changing attitudes, policies and practices. Advocacy is concrete and targeted actions aimed at the wider public, members of civil society, governments, international institutions and the corporate sector in order to mobilise both popular and political support for effecting concrete changes. (DanChurchAid) Advocacy is the deliberate process of influencing those who make policy decisions (CARE)

8 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Definitions 2 “We’re not certain whether we have a translation for ‘advocacy’ or whether we should just use the word ‘advocacy’ in English. Part of the confusion has to do with the way the concept was imported from the outside as if it were a new technology— as if we didn’t already know advocacy. Latin America’s history is full of examples of people facing power. How can we think that advocacy is new?” (Peruvian activist,

9 Technical Assistance for Civil Society Organisations Regional Office This project is funded by the European Union. PI Definition Policy Influencing is the deliberate and systematic process of influencing the policies, practices and behaviour of different targeted stakeholders that are most influential on the issue, involving beneficiaries and increasing their ownership and capacity on the issue. Activities can be singled out, or a mixed strategy can be applied, in which joined forces and concerted action increase the effectiveness of the policy influencing interventions.

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