Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques By:

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Presentation on theme: "Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques By:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Support the spread of “good practice” in generating, managing, analysing and communicating spatial information Collaboration and Advocacy Techniques By: Nigel Crawhall Unit: M15U03

2 It is about advocacy The purpose of participatory mapping is to bring about positive changes. Advocating for change is required to change laws, policies and practices. Some changes need to be effected through national government, laws and policies; others require going through courts.

3 Networks Networks help bring new ideas and information; Networks can attract resources; Networks can increase attention by decision makers.

4 Alliances Alliances with other similar communities: –provide moral support; –allow sharing of lessons and strategies; –can lead to joint actions; –provide solidarity and encouragement; –strengthen arguments for systemic reforms.

5 Build advocacy capacity Analyse and define the local needs; Study national legislation and policy opportunities; Connect with international standards and policy instruments; Build alliances and join networks to share the advocacy work and information; Strengthen leadership in the community.

6 Speak with government Advocacy almost always requires dialogue with government; Understand how governance works; Contact national focal points for relevant UN Conventions; Develop good relations with civil servants, local government and Members of Parliament; Aim to influence decision makers.

7 The international system (…you are not alone) National governments sign treaties and agreements at the United Nations which are international law; Governments must report on binding instruments (such as conventions); Communities can be active in the review process.

8 UN instruments Human rights Indigenous rights Women’s rights Children’s rights Biodiversity Conservation Protected areas Forestry Drylands / Deserts Marine Conservation Water Health Education Culture Heritage Traditional knowledge

9 Link local, national and international Advocacy can become highly effective when communities link local needs with national policies and legislation, in accordance with international law, norms and standards; Know your rights and know the instruments; Be an informed and active citizen – it is your right.

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