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Mission: without church? Discussion Q: What is church? Q: Is your church accessible to non- church regulars? Why? Q: How should we measure church ‘growth’?

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Presentation on theme: "Mission: without church? Discussion Q: What is church? Q: Is your church accessible to non- church regulars? Why? Q: How should we measure church ‘growth’?"— Presentation transcript:


2 Mission: without church?

3 Discussion Q: What is church? Q: Is your church accessible to non- church regulars? Why? Q: How should we measure church ‘growth’?

4 Discussion Q: What would the ideal church be like? Q: Is church necessary for mission?

5 The beaming bride Biblical images of the Church The bride of Christ is desired, pleasing and honoured by her husband. “As a bridegroom rejoices over his bride, so will your God rejoice over you” (Isa 62: 5) Let’s hope that the “wife of the Lamb” (Rev 21: 9) will be as loving, passionate, serving and forgiving as her husband.

6 The fearless flock Biblical images of the Church “He is our God and we are the people of his pasture, the flock under his care” (Ps 95: 7) With Jesus, the ‘good shepherd’ who “lays down his life for the sheep” (John 10: 11), the Church can be dynamic in mission without fear.

7 The intelligent body Biblical images of the Church “You are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it” (1 Cor 12: 17) We must recognise each other’s gifts, abilities and backgrounds. “Christ is the head of the Church, his body” (Eph 5: 23) We must submit to him, moving where he points and acting how he teaches.

8 The fruitful branch Biblical images of the Church Jesus says, “Yes, I am the vine; you are the branches. Those who remain in me, and I in them, will produce much fruit. For apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15: 5, NLT) We are intrinsically connected, and yet we must grow – the gardener has sharp pruning shears which are used to remove diseased branches.

9 Church for UK culture today PoMo church Reaching postmodern people Accessible, relevant, diverse, inspiring “…We need to break out of our ecclesiastical ghettos and permeate non-Christian society.” (1974 Lausanne Covenant, Article 6, The Church and Evangelism)

10 Church for UK culture today Cathedrals Awesome space, timelessness, dignity “...Cathedral worship is increasingly appealing to people whose lives are fast moving and lacking in tranquil reference points”

11 Church for UK culture today Surfers’ church A safe place to explore the Christian faith Surfers are the best people to reach surfers “As a church we are pretty much like any other church that is trying to be culturally relevant to its community.” Dave Matthews, Spiritual Director of Tubestation

12 Church for UK culture today Virtual church Christian community and worship via the web A gospel presence in the vast virtual world “The virtual world in 2010 is indeed as valid a mission field as India was to William Carey in 1792.” Mark Rudall, Director for Communications in the Diocese of Guildford

13 Church growth Church attendance is declining... There are currently 2.9 million churchgoers in the UK. If present trends continue, the number of Muslims in the UK will outnumber Christians by how do we ‘grow’ the church?

14 Church growth Churches should be reaching people from all backgrounds, forming representative and inclusive communities. The gospel is about breaking down barriers. “Jews and Gentiles should hear the gospel together, respond together and be united in faith together.” Rene Padilla, Ecuadorian theologian

15 Church growth Big numbers or small groups? Impressive events or personal discipleship? How do we measure success and growth?

16 Church growth “In the 80s we talked about growth. But growth programmes do not look at the systemic sickness of many churches – they just help relatively healthy churches become more attractive to those they already attract. Something more radical is needed.” (A précis by Alison Morgan of ‘Post-Christendom’ by Stuart Murray; Paternoster, 2004)

17 Quotes “A missional church is characterised by a great deal of respect for people who don’t believe.” Tim Keller

18 Quotes “The Church of Jesus Christ is the only co-operative society that exists primarily for the benefit of its non- members.” (William Temple, former Archbishop of Canterbury)


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