Darwin Presents His Case 15-3

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1 Darwin Presents His Case 15-3
Evolution Darwin Presents His Case 15-3

2 Inherited Variation and Artificial Selection
Members of each species differ from each in important ways Darwin argued that variation mattered and was inherited Darwin states that humans drive “evolution” through artificial selection =Nature provides the variation, but humans select the desirable trait (ex: fast horses, cows that produce more milk, large fruit)

3 Natural Selection When populations change in response to their environment Including competition for food, shelter, and mates Also includes climate and vegetation conditions Do only animals evolve?

4 The Struggle For Existence
Variation in genes exist within the genes of every population Individuals over-reproduce with differences in organisms that are better suited to survive Over time, the traits that make that organism successful are passed on to the population Evidence can be seen in the fossil record

5 Survival of the Fittest
Fitness: the ability to survive and reproduce in their environment Adaptation: any inherited characteristic that increases chance for survival Darwin termed this natural selection b/c of it’s similarities to artificial selection

6 Over time, Species Change
B/c of the environmental changes and the struggle to survive, species look different now than they did then! Descent with Modification

7 Evidence of Evolution Living things have been evolving for years
We all came from common ancestors= common descent Giving us a tree of life! Most common ancestor at the bottom

8 Evidence Fossil Record Geographical Distribution of Living Species
Homologous Body Structures Vestigial Organs Embryology

9 Your Mission Use your text to give at least one example for each evidence type

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