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By Nicholas Golebiewski. Stem Cells are:  Undifferentiated Cells  Not yet chosen cell path Types of Stem Cells  Embryonic Stem  Embryonic Germ  Adult.

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Presentation on theme: "By Nicholas Golebiewski. Stem Cells are:  Undifferentiated Cells  Not yet chosen cell path Types of Stem Cells  Embryonic Stem  Embryonic Germ  Adult."— Presentation transcript:

1 By Nicholas Golebiewski

2 Stem Cells are:  Undifferentiated Cells  Not yet chosen cell path Types of Stem Cells  Embryonic Stem  Embryonic Germ  Adult

3 Research plans to use research to eventually find cure to:  Parkinson’s  Diabetes  Cancer  Alzheimer’s  Heart disease  Spinal cord injuries

4 Research is currently hindered by:  Ethical reasons  Religion  Politics Some fear that the research could morph into:  Selling of embryos  Selling of umbilical cord

5 President George Bush Jr.  Stem cell research stopped  Could not experiment on current strains of cells  Based on religious influence Vetoes  George Bush vetoed the bill to restart research and continue gathering embryos  Bill gave strict instructions on how embryos would be gathered Restrictions later overturned by President Barack Obama

6 Pros of Stem Cell Research  Could produce cures for many currently incurable diseases  Can be used in therapy Cons  Embryo is destroyed in harvesting of Cells  “Unethical”

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