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Ch 7-1 Cellular Reproduction

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1 Ch 7-1 Cellular Reproduction
Interphase & Mitosis make up Cell Cycle (pg 174) The mitotic (M) phase of the cell cycle alternates with the much longer interphase. The M phase includes mitosis and cytokinesis. Interphase accounts for 90% of the cell cycle.

2 Terms for the hereditary material (DNA) found in the
nucleus. Chromatin—dense mass of material within the nucleus; composed of individual chromosomes Chromosomes—structure that carries the genes; composed of protein & DNA Chromatid—each individual strand of the double stranded chromosome resulting from replication in Prophase. Centromere—point at which sister chromatids are attached *DNA, Protein spool, Chromatin, & Chromosomes (Illustrations on pg 173)

3 The Cell Cycle Interphase—(resting stage) Not a part of mitosis
Cell grows & carries on all life activities DNA & Chromosomes replicate; producing a 2nd set of chromosomes. Interphase has three subphases: the G1 phase (“first gap”) centered on growth, the S phase (“synthesis”) when the chromosomes are copied, the G2 phase (“second gap”) where the cell completes preparations for cell division,

4 There are four stages of Mitosis!
Mitosis (M)—the cell divides thru the process by which chromosomes are duplicated & distributed to daughter nuclei; each daughter nucleus carries the same set of genetic information as the parent nucleus. There are four stages of Mitosis! Prophase Metaphase Anaphase Telophase

5 Prophase Chromosomes shorten & thicken becoming visible
Spindle fibers & asters form Centrioles move towards opposite poles By the end, the nucleus & nucleolus have completely disappeared

6 Metaphase Paired chromatids (chromosomes) are lined up at the equator. Microtubules are attached at the centromere. Anaphase Centromere splits & the two sister chromatids separate from one another & start moving towards opposite poles…or sides of the cell.

7 Telophase Cytoplasm begins pinching in towards the center of the cell…(cytokinesis) Spindle fibers & asters disappear Two new nuclei are formed Chromosomes become a mass of chromatin again The two daughter cells separate into two individual cells Animal Cell—pinching in a cell membrane to separate the two cells Plant Cell—a cell plate forms which will eventually become the cell wall…also they go thru mitosis without the centrioles.



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