Personal Safety and Behavior Lexington Technology Center Virginia Bishop V.

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2 Personal Safety and Behavior Lexington Technology Center Virginia Bishop V

3 Introduction Personal Safety and Behavior School Safety General Safety Rules for protecting ones self and others V

4 Accidents Definition An unplanned, unwanted event or happening which produces injury, death or property damage. C

5 Accident Statistics » 2% are acts of God » 88% are a result of unsafe acts (human failure) » 10% are due to unsafe conditions 98% could have been prevented by knowing how to recognize, correct and report unsafe acts and conditions C

6 Question What have I got to lose? K

7 What have you got to lose? YOUR EYES Watching TV A sunset A good book A friends smile An attractive person K

8 What have you got to lose? YOUR HEARING A friends laughter Morning birds A rock concert The call of your name K

9 What have you got to lose? YOUR HANDS A softball game Buttoning your shirt Driving a vehicle Holding hands with a special person V

10 What have you got to lose? YOUR BACK Playing on the beach Getting into your car Skiing Dancing A good nights sleep V

11 What have you got to lose? YOUR LEGS Walking on the beach Playing golf or tennis Running & hiking Riding a bike Sports in general C

12 What have you got to lose? YOUR LIFE The remainder of today, every tomorrow. The entire rest of your life. C

13 What have I got to lose? Eyes HearingHands Back Legs Life Thats what youve got to lose! K

14 Outline BEHAVIOR SAFETY REQUIREMENTS BODY MECHANICS Safety is Everyones Reponsibility! R

15 BEHAVIOR Horseplay and practical jokes are not allowed Violence is prohibited Drugs and Alcohol are forbidden Be alert Obey all safety instructions K

16 SAFETY REQUIREMENTS Keep areas neat and clean Report unsafe situations immediately Wear personal protective equipment when instructed to do so Remove jewelry when necessary Always wear appropriate footwear Handle sharp objects with care C

17 FIRE ALARM SOUNDS Move to your assigned area Leave by door with ramp proceed to the field behind portable

18 Tornado Tornado watch (stay in room) Tornado warning (move to designated area in building) Tornado reported (take cover position)

19 Earthquake Move to designated area

20 BODY MECHANICS Maintain a broad base of support Bend from the hips and knees to get close to an object Use the strongest muscles to do the job Use the weight of your body to help push or pull an object V

21 BODY MECHANICS (2) Carry heavy objects close to your body Avoid twisting your body as you work Avoid bending for long periods of time Get help for heavier objects V

22 Summary Accidents can happen to anyone Preventing accidents is everyones responsibility Safety starts with you Accidents result from attitudes and actions Safety doesnt happen on its own You need to think and work safely R

23 Question 1 Horseplay and practical jokes A) are permitted if no one is insulted B) may be done during breaks or study time C) cause accidents and have no place in the classroom or lab D) are fun, safe and amusing

24 Answer 1 C Horseplay and practical jokes cause accidents and have no place in the classroom or lab.

25 Question 2 A good way to show that you have a safe attitude is: A) keep an eye on the rest of the class B) pay attention to your work and avoid distractions C) tell your friends how to work D) use shortcuts to save time

26 Question 3 Accidents are defined as: A) something that just happens that can not be prevented B) an accident, is just that, an accident C) an unplanned or unwanted event that causes injury D) none of the above

27 A 98% Question 4 What percentage of accidents can be prevented? A)98% B)88% C)10% D)2%

28 Question 5 Accidents can cause you to lose... )your retire (A) Your handsF)golf clubs Your unique and valuable self (C)eyesight your Carl Perkins money

29 Question 6 How should all sharp objects be handled? ?With care

30 Question 7 When should unsafe situations be reported? ? Immediately

31 Question 8 Correct body mechanics should be used at all times. TRUE or FALSE

32 Question 9 To conserve energy, use the weakest muscle to do the job. TRUE or FALSE

33 Question 10 Safety is __________ responsibility? EVERYONES

34 Personal Safety and Behavior Lexington Technology Center Virginia Bishop

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