following 1948-9 war no reconciliation between Israelis and Arab world policy of ‘aggressive defense’ adopted by Israel Ben-Gurion’s ‘No’ to return of.

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2 following 1948-9 war no reconciliation between Israelis and Arab world policy of ‘aggressive defense’ adopted by Israel Ben-Gurion’s ‘No’ to return of Palestinian refugees - would not comply with U.N. resolution hawks (Ben-Gurion) and doves (Moshe Sharet) came to represent the two policy positions on Israel’s relations with its Arab neighbors

3 between 1950 and 1955 Israel used all means available to defend its new borders with Egyptian backing young Palestinian fedayeen carried out attacks on Israeli civilians Isreal formed Unit 101, led by Ariel Sharon, to counter these attacks Unit 101 targeted Palestinians in Gaza and the Jordanian village of Qibya U.S. protested these atrocities

4 Suez Crisis -1956 initial welcome for Nasser in the West British promises to withdraw from canal zone and support Sudan’s independence however, the anti- communist Baghdad Pact, sponsored by Britain was rejected by Nasser Nasser encouraged other Arab states to likewise boycott the agreement

5 Nasser recognized Egypt’s need for new weaponry following an Israeli attack into Gaza, Nasser did a deal with the Soviet Union for the purchase of Czechoslovak arms, including tanks and MIG fighters Soviets no longer supportive of Israel; new relationship with Israel’s enemy, Syria, deepened

6 tensions mounted between Egypt and Israel (the Lavon Affair 1954 and the attack on Gaza) in Sept.1955 Nasser closed Strait of Tiran, blocking Israel’s access to Red Sea he then nationalized the Suez Canal Canal vital for maintaining Britain and Europe’s oil supply actions taken to eliminate Nasser, failed

7 France upset by Nasser’s support for FLN in Algeria supplied Israel with nuclear technology and advanced weapons Britain’s prime minister Anthony Eden also took an anti-Egypt position Israel, Britain and France devised plan to bring down the Nasser regime Israel invasion across Sinai would lead to Anglo-French “intervention”

8 29 Oct. 1956 Moshe Dayan’s Israeli’s forces attacked Gaza and the Sinai Nasser rejected Anglo- French ultimatum to withdraw British and French troops landed near Canal Canal blocked - leads to fuel rationing in Britain superpowers response - Soviet leader Khrushchev threatened to launch missiles; Eisenhower call for end to hostilities and U.N. mediation


10 British and French forces withdraw Israel did likewise following guarantees a UN peace-keeping force (UNEF) was deployed in the Sinai Nasser emerged victorious from conflict, the unchallenged leader of the Arab world

11 Israel after Suez Suez War and incidents of atrocity against Palestinians isolated Israel in the region Isreal- a fortress state; military budget one-third of GNP Israel’s economy supported by U.S. and generous donations from West Germany population increase; Askenazi, though now a minority, dominated politics

12 11 years of peace Israel ally of U.S. in Cold War yet, under “Eisenhower Doctrine” effort to support some Arab states - Jordan, Lebanon Eisenhower also uneasy with Israeli development of atomic bomb policy change under Kennedy - Israel receives arms supplies

13 Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) created by Nasser in 1964 PLO a tool of the Arab states a more independent Palestinian organization had been founded in 1959 - Fatah led by Yasser Arafat

14 in 1958 Egypt and Syria united to form the UAR - short-lived experiment Soviets supported Nasser in his programs of modernization - Aswan Dam concerned about instability in Lebanon and Jordan U.S. and Britain provided support the Baath party came to power in both Syria and Iraq

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