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There are three forms of energy: 1. Kinetic…the energy of motion….. 2. Potential….the energy of position 3. Electromagnetic…waves like light, xrays etc.

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Presentation on theme: "There are three forms of energy: 1. Kinetic…the energy of motion….. 2. Potential….the energy of position 3. Electromagnetic…waves like light, xrays etc."— Presentation transcript:


2 There are three forms of energy: 1. Kinetic…the energy of motion….. 2. Potential….the energy of position 3. Electromagnetic…waves like light, xrays etc


4 All atoms and molecules attract each other (but not equally); oppositely charged ions do also. When attracting bodies are moved further apart the Potential Energy increases. When attracting bodies (atoms, molecules or oppositely charged ions) move closer together the Potential Energy decreases.

5 1. All molecules and atoms attract each other The aftractions are not all equal

6 Mercury on glass Water on glass Mercury on wax Water on wax Not a movie

7 Click the movie to start; click the white border to quit.




11 1.All molecules and atoms attract each other 2.When atoms and molecules get closer together the Potential Energy gets smaller. 3.When atoms and molecules get further apart the Potential Energy gets larger. PE


13 KE = 1/2 Mass x (Velocity) 2 GAS Heat energy is Kinetic Energy

14 The Law of Conservation of Energy Energy is never destroyed; it just changes forms. ( JUST CONSIDER POTENTIAL AND KINETIC ) PE + KE = CONSTANT Example: 5 + 5 = 10 6 + 4 = 10 8 + 2 = 10 If PE gets bigger then KE gets smaller


16 It freezes and molecules get closer together…does it get hot or cold?


18 Shows how wax molecules get closer together when they freeze thus PE goes down! And heat is given off!

19 PE + KE = Constant

20 WATER KClO3 + C12H22011 ---- KCl + C02 + H20 A careful analysis shows that, for example, carbon and hydrogen are much closer to oxygen after RX.

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