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Highlights from PIRLS and TIMSS 2011 Jack Buckley National Center for Education Statistics Washington, DC December 11, 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "Highlights from PIRLS and TIMSS 2011 Jack Buckley National Center for Education Statistics Washington, DC December 11, 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 Highlights from PIRLS and TIMSS 2011 Jack Buckley National Center for Education Statistics Washington, DC December 11, 2012

2 Overview  What are PIRLS and TIMSS and which education systems participate in them?  How are U.S. students performing compared to their international peers in:  4th-grade reading?  4th- and 8th-grade mathematics?  4th- and 8th-grade science?  How are students performing in participating U.S. states? 2

3 What are…? 3 Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (PIRLS) 4th-grade reading assessment * In 1999, no grade 4 assessment. Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 4th- and 8th-grade mathematics and science assessment Developed by the TIMSS & PIRLS International Study Center at Boston College, under contract to the International Association for the Evaluation of Educational Achievement (IEA)

4 4 44 education systems 37 education systems 47 education systems57 education systems 74 education systems 2011

5 Participating states 5 9 states participated as separate entities to obtain scores in PIRLS or TIMSS or both Each participated as part of the nation and on its own NCES funded participation at grade 8 of all states except Florida as part of a study to statistically link NAEP (National Assessment of Educational Progress) and TIMSS (Florida received other Education Department funding) PIRLSTIMSS grade 4TIMSS grade 8 Florida North Carolina Florida North Carolina Alabama California Colorado Connecticut Indiana Massachusetts Minnesota

6 U.S. national sample size 4th grade Schools: 370 Students: 12,726 4th grade Schools: 369 Students: 12,569 8th grade Schools: 501 Students: 10,477 6

7 U.S. state sample sizes (public schools only) 4th grade (FL) Schools: 77 Students: 2,598 4th grade (FL, NC) Schools: 46 – 77 Students: 1,792 – 2,661 8th grade (AL, CA, CO, CT, FL, IN, MA, MN, NC) Schools: 53 – 82 Students: 1,712 – 2,614 7


9 TIMSS 2011 science framework 9 TIMSS science Content dimensionsGrade 4 Earth science Life science Physical science Grade 8 Biology Chemistry Earth science Physics Cognitive dimensions Knowing Applying Reasoning

10 What is on the TIMSS science assessment? 10 Percentage of 4th- graders answering correctly: U.S.: 96% Int’l Avg.: 83%

11 What is on the TIMSS science assessment? 11 Percentage of 4th- graders answering correctly: U.S.: 90% Int’l Avg.: 73%

12 What is on the TIMSS science assessment? 12 Percentage of 8th- graders answering correctly: U.S.: 28% Int’l Avg.: 27%

13 What is on the TIMSS science assessment? 13 Percentage of 8th- graders answering correctly: U.S.: 76% Int’l Avg.: 61%

14 14 U.S. average score (525) higher than the TIMSS scale average (500) Higher than U.S. Not measurably different than U.S. Lower than U.S.

15 15 U.S. average score (525) lower than in 12 education systems Higher than U.S. Not measurably different than U.S. Lower than U.S.

16 16 U.S. average (525) not measurably different than in 10 education systems Higher than U.S. Not measurably different than U.S. Lower than U.S.

17 17 U.S. average score (525) higher than in 33 education systems Higher than U.S. Not measurably different than U.S. Lower than U.S.

18 18 *p <.05. Change in average scores is significant. NOTE: Education systems ordered according to average science score in 2011.

19 19 *p <.05. Change in average scores is significant. NOTE: Education systems ordered according to average science score in 2011.

20 TIMSS international science benchmarks 20 Grade 4Grade 8 Advanced (625) Students can apply knowledge and understanding of scientific processes and relationships and show some knowledge of the process of scientific inquiry. Students communicate an understanding of complex and abstract concepts in biology, chemistry, physics, and earth science. High (550) Students apply their knowledge and understanding of the sciences to explain phenomena in everyday and abstract contexts. Students demonstrate understanding of concepts related to science cycles, systems, and principles. Intermediate (475) Students have basic knowledge and understanding of practical situations in the sciences. Students recognize and apply their understanding of basic scientific knowledge in various contexts. Low (400) Students have some elementary knowledge of life science and physical science. Students can recognize some basic facts from the life and physical sciences.

21 21 Percentages of U.S. 8th-graders reaching TIMSS science benchmarks were higher than international medians in 2011 NOTE: All U.S. percentages are significantly higher than the corresponding TIMSS international median at the.05 level of statistical significance.

22 NOTE: Education systems with lower percentages of students reaching the Advanced benchmark than the percentage of U.S. students reaching the Advanced benchmark are not included in figure. 22 Higher than U.S. (p <.05) Not measurably different than U.S. (p <.05) Twelve systems had higher percentages of 8th- graders reaching Advanced than the U.S.

23 Summary of change in average U.S. scores over time 23 PIRLS Reading 2006-2011 TIMSS Mathematics 2007-2011 TIMSS Science 2007-2011 TIMSS Mathematics 2007-2011 TIMSS Science 2007-2011 Grade 4 Grade 8 Change over time in U.S. average scores was statistically significant. Change over time in U.S. average scores was not measurably different.

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