SESSION #6 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl

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Presentation on theme: "SESSION #6 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl"— Presentation transcript:

1 SESSION #6 With New York Times Best-Selling Author Peggy McColl http://PeggyMcColl.com1

2   Putting Together Quality Offerings  Launch Steps  Open Q & A http://PeggyMcColl.com2 Overview – THIS Call

3   Another book  eBook  A Book Series http://PeggyMcColl.com3 You could create these:

4  Additional Sources of Income  eCourse  Webinar  Series of Webinars  Teleseminar  Series of Calls  Membership Site  Club Program  Telesummit  Coaching Program  Certification Program  Audio Program  DVD  Downloadable/streamin g videos  Live Event  Collaborative Book(s)  Other products http://www.peggymccoll.com4

5   Time Required to Create the Product  AND  Time is Required to Market It http://PeggyMcColl.com5 Plan It

6   eCourse  Webinar  Teleseminar Series http://PeggyMcColl.com6 Walk Through Some Examples of Launches

7  http://PeggyMcColl.com7 Two Very Specific Areas  1. The Product Name / Creation / Outline  2. The Marketing / Promotion / Launch

8  http://PeggyMcColl.com8 http://EradicateThePois

9   Give it a name  And Secure the URL (Web Address) http://PeggyMcColl.com9 Step #1

10  http://PeggyMcColl.com10 A Five Week Program – One Class Per Week

11   Determine the content and the duration (length) of time it will take for you to deliver it http://PeggyMcColl.com11 Step #2

12  http://PeggyMcColl.com12 $297 OR $113 x 3

13   Establish the price  And  If you will have a payment plan http://PeggyMcColl.com13 Step #3

14 http://PeggyMcColl.com14

15   Create an Outline of the Materials / Content You Will Cover  Prepare Powerpoint Slides or a Guidebook or an Outline http://PeggyMcColl.com15 Step #4: Create the Content

16  http://PeggyMcColl.com16 Back-end & Delivery

17   Private Web Page   Webinar or Teleseminar Services  7716 7716 http://PeggyMcColl.com17 Back-End & Service

18  Next: The Marketing http://PeggyMcColl.com18

19   With a Free Call  With Multiple Free Video Lessons  Or Direct to a Sales Page http://PeggyMcColl.com19 Launch Options

20   Easier to get others to promote  Have an Opt-in (asking for people’s email address and name)  Great method to build an email list  Promise must be benefit oriented  Creative copy is required – for both email and opt-in page http://PeggyMcColl.com20 A Free Call or Webinar / Video Lessons

21   Sales Copy is Required for eMails (for promotion) and Landing Page (Sales Page)  Promote Multiple Times to Your Own List  Speaking Engagements  Promote Via Affiliates  Maximum Results = Maximum Exposure  Social Media Can Enhance http://PeggyMcColl.com21 To Market Effectively

22  Promotion Methods More Effective  Direct eMail From Your Own eMail List  Direct eMail From Your Affiliates  Direct to a Sales Page  Direct to a Freebee(s)  “Live” Speaking Engagements Less Effective  Social Media  Ads  Newsletters  Articles  Interviews  Publicity http://PeggyMcColl.com22

23   Designed to get the attention of the prospect  Subject Line Purpose – to get the email opened  Content Must Be Intriguing  Purpose of the email is to get the reader to go to the sales page http://PeggyMcColl.com23 eMails

24   Captivating Heading  Benefit Oriented  Validate Your Expertise  Social Proof  Scarcity Factor  Exponential/Exceptional Value http://PeggyMcColl.com24 Your Offer

25  http://eradicatethepois http://PeggyMcColl.com25

26   1. Is there a need or want for what I have / or will offer?  2. Can I deliver it?  3. Will people pay for it? http://PeggyMcColl.com26 3 Important Questions

27  Expenses: Cost Considerations Up Front Costs  Logo design  Copywriting  Website  Shopping cart  Product development After Launch  Your salary  Travel  Office expenses  Web hosting  Addt’l copywriting  Shipping  Marketing  Program Delivery http://peggymccoll.com27

28 From Book to eCourse 28

29   Launched my first book  Buyers from 26 Countries  Sold the book from my website  I captured ALL email addresses of buyers  They were “hungry” for more  Paid attention to the need/want  Decided to act on an idea  Created an 8 week eCourse called The 8 Proven Secrets to SMART Success 29 8 Proven Secrets

30  30 eCourse Action Steps  Set the price $395  Offered a 50/50 revenue split  Secured a few partners  Scheduled dates at a Recording Studio  Had Fernando get my website ready  Gave it a name (The 8 Proven Secrets to SMART Success)  Decided on duration (8 weeks)  Hired a copywriter to create the sales page copy and an email to send  Made a list of potential partners (who could promote the program)

31   Created an Outline for the Course – lessons for each week  The course was NOT completed when the marketing begin HOWEVER I knew my material  Felt completely confident I would deliver  Completed weekly lessons  Went into a studio and recorded  Brought the CD with the recording and my web guy uploaded it onto a private page  Informed students via email and they listened online 31 eCourse Contents & Delivery

32   $395 per person  My own list 100% revenue  Partners split 50/50  NO limit to the # of Students (everything downloadable)  Recording Studio $35/hour (each class 1 hour)  Web guy uploading (minimum – easy task)  Sales Page Cost $800  BENEFIT: Program costs once – SOLD MANY TIMES 32 Revenue & Hard Costs

33 ecrets+to+SMART+Success 33

34 en%20Secrets%20to%20S&title=The%208%20Proven%20Secrets 34

35 Tele-seminar Program 35

36   Magnet for Money Intensive based on want  8 Weeks $495 (offered discounts)  Offered a 3 payment plan  Open Q & A at the end of EACH session  30 minute of delivery/30 minute of Open Q & A  Materials Delivered EACH Week  Teleseminar Format w. Online Materials 36 Teleseminar Program

37 Magnet for Money Intensive m m 37

38 Private Class Notes Page ptember ptember 38

39 Set up in Shopping Cart 39

40 Customized Links/Product 40

41  Dear Insight of the Day Subscriber: Our strong relationships with the giants in the “life improvement” community help us get some pretty amazing deals for you. And we have been waiting with great excitement to tell you about this one... You have probably heard of New York Times best-selling author Peggy McColl. Her revolutionary wealth-attraction principles are changing the lives – and fortunes – of thousands of people around the world. Her 5 books have been published in over 30 countries, and she’s a highly sought-after speaker. Peggy is getting very famous, very fast. So we feel privileged to have a special relationship with her that is about to pay off big for YOU (you won’t believe the deal we were able to get for you... ) Peggy’s “Magnet for Money” program will TRANFORM the way you think about making money – virtually overnight! You will become what she describes as a “Magnet for Money,” who will naturally attract opportunity and wealth – smashing the barriers you have unwittingly placed between yourself and financial independence! “Magnet for Money”: an international phenomenon! {link goes here] 41 Insert Link INTO eMail Copy

42 Monitor Sales 42

43   Think like a list owner  Write/Speak from the heart  Level Playing Field  Understand they WANT to earn $ too  Get to the Point  Show BENEFITS  Customize EACH and EVERY email  ASK for a call-to-action 43 Approaching Partners

44   GRAB their attention  Compliment Them/Create Rapport  The reason for this email is…  This is unique because…  Has been endorsed by…  Benefits are…  Affiliate program is …  All you need to do is …  Please get back to me on Friday with your confirmation for the [date] mailing 44 Partner Request FLOW

45   Who do you already know?  Which lists are you a subscriber on?  Who is reaching your audience?  150 MILLION+ Websites Online  eMail subscriber lists are your BEST option  Social Media 45 Creating a Potential Partner List

46 TRACK All Affiliates 46

47   Be sure to be organized  Set a Goal  Track everything  Make lists  Create a schedule  Follow it  Dot your I’s and cross your T’s  Track Results  Share the success  Learn and improve 47 Organization is key

48   Teleconference Service “live”  Webinar Service “live”  Post Audio and/or Recordings Online 48 “Delivery” options

49 Service/Delivery Options Free Conference Calling dot com or freeconference Omnovia Instant Teleseminar Audacity 2 49

50  Manifestation Creation

51 Dirt Easy

52   It is better to do one thing efficient than to do many things inefficiently. http://PeggyMcColl.com52 Efficiency

53  Resources  What resources will you need? Affiliates Shopping Cart Web Developer Designer (for logo, product, etc.) Marketing Copy Web hosting A Virtual Assistant 53

54  Considerations Before Launching  Determine if there is a market (need/want) for your idea (product and/or service).  Create the revenue model but stay open to changing.  Calculate expenses At Launch  Pay attention to how the market is responding and what is working or not working with your marketing strategies. Change if required.  Get it working really well! http://peggymccoll.com54

55  Revenue Model  $ per Unit (retail sales price)  $cost per Unit (to create)  Revenue Share (to affiliates)  Potential Sales (at launch, next promo, etc.) http://www.peggymccoll.com55

56  Revenue Projections  How much revenue are you forecasting for each product and/or service during the next 12 months (charting quarter by quarter)?  Generate a goal for the next year! http://peggymccoll.com56

57  http://PeggyMcColl.com57 QUESTIONS?

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