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' 36 193619401944194819521956196019641968197219761980 ' 83 Microsoft Word 1/1/1983 TCPIP 1/1/1978 Word processor (Electric Pencil) & Apple computers 1/1/1976.

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Presentation on theme: "' 36 193619401944194819521956196019641968197219761980 ' 83 Microsoft Word 1/1/1983 TCPIP 1/1/1978 Word processor (Electric Pencil) & Apple computers 1/1/1976."— Presentation transcript:


2 ' 36 193619401944194819521956196019641968197219761980 ' 83 Microsoft Word 1/1/1983 TCPIP 1/1/1978 Word processor (Electric Pencil) & Apple computers 1/1/1976 Graphical user interface 1/1/1974 Floppy disk & Microprocessor 1/1/1971 Internet & Unix 1/1/1969 Random Access Memory (RAM) 1/1/1968 Hypertext editing system (HTML) 1/1/1967 Mouse 1/1/1963 Modem 1/1/1959 Integrated circuit 1/1/1958 Transistorized computer 1/1/1953 Transistor 1/1/1948 Television 1/1/1941 Breaking a German code, the Enigma 1/1/1940 Digital computer 1/1/1937 The Turing Machine 1/1/1936

3 1883189819131928194319581973198820032018 Today Lost Generation 1883 – 1900 Greatest Generation 1901 – 1924 Silent Generation 1925 – 1945 Baby Boomers 1946 – 1964 Generation X 1965 – 1981 Millennial Generation 1982 – 1994 Generation Z 1995 – 2003 Always-On Generation 2004 – 2014

4 ' 06 200620072008200920102011 ' 11 Motorola Mobility 11/8 Admeld 11/6 10/8 ITA Software 10/7 On2 Technologies 10/1 Admob 07/11 Postini 07/7 DoubleClick 07/4 dMarc Broadcasting 07/1 YouTube 06/10

5 193019391948195719661975198419932002 Spain 7/11/2010 Italy 7/9/2006 Brazil 6/30/2002 France 7/12/1998 Brazil 7/17/1994 West Germany 7/8/1990 Argentina 6/29/1986 Italy 7/11/1982 Argentina 6/25/1978 West Germany 7/7/1974 Brazil 6/21/1970 England 7/30/1966 Brazil 6/17/1962 Brazil 6/28/1958 West Germany 7/4/1954 Uruguay 7/16/1950 Italy 6/19/1938 Italy 6/10/1934 Uruguay 7/30/1930

6 193019391948195719661975198419932002 Spain 7/11/2010 Italy 7/9/2006 Brazil 6/30/2002 France 7/12/1998 Brazil 7/17/1994 West German y 7/8/1990 Argentina 6/29/1986 Italy 7/11/1982 Argentina 6/25/1978 West German y 7/7/1974 Brazil 6/21/1970 England 7/30/1966 Brazil 6/17/1962 Brazil 6/28/1958 West German y 7/4/1954 Uruguay 7/16/1950 Italy 6/19/1938 Italy 6/10/1934 Uruguay 7/30/1930

7 193019391948195719661975198419932002 Spain 7/11/2010 Italy 7/9/2006 Brazil 6/30/2002 France 7/12/1998 Brazil 7/17/1994 West German y 7/8/1990 Argentina 6/29/1986 Italy 7/11/1982 Argentina 6/25/1978 West German y 7/7/1974 Brazil 6/21/1970 England 7/30/1966 Brazil 6/17/1962 Brazil 6/28/1958 West German y 7/4/1954 Uruguay 7/16/1950 Italy 6/19/1938 Italy 6/10/1934 Uruguay 7/30/1930

8 2012 FebMarAprMayJunJulAug Walk Through 7/25 - 8/5 Finish Work 6/22 - 7/19 Flooring 6/18 - 6/22 Plaster 6/5 - 6/17 Insulation 5/30 - 6/2 Wiring and Duct work 5/26 - 6/2 Roofing 5/21 - 5/24 Framing 4/21 - 5/25 Pour Foundation 4/15 - 4/22 Demolition 4/6 - 4/10 Permitting 2/21 - 4/4

9 ' 99 199920012003200520072009201120132015 ' 16 Today Milestone 7 7/27/2015 Milestone 6 7/27/2014 Milestone 5 7/27/2012 Milestone 3 7/27/2010 Milestone 2 7/27/2005 Milestone 1 1/1/1999

10 20012002200320042005200620072008200920102011 Scrumbool acquired by Mapane 7/8/2011 Budial acquired by Yecom 4/18/2010 IPSune acquired by Ictuat 8/19/2008 Tellert acquired by Tyke 4/18/2007 Fosecur acquired by ZA 4/12/2006 iNfoVul acquired by Symantec 6/8/2005 iTecurest acquired by Bosco 10/18/2003 Sharecast acquired by Suhich 1/25/2002 Fuser acquired by United 2/27/2001

11 2013 MayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2013 Sign Off 12/18/13 Manufacturer Certification 10/20/13 Training Day 9/5/13 Checkpoint A 8/12/13 Data Backup 7/21/13 Assign Project Manger 6/14/13 Project Approval 5/24/13 Submittal 7/1 - 7/25 Submittal Approval 7/25 - 8/1 Order Equipment 8/4 - 8/15 Install Dell A and B 9/8 - 9/30 Install Juniper Switching 10/4 - 11/7 IT Migration Timeline

12 May 2012 JulSepNov Jan 2013 MarMayJul Today Assessment 3 (CUA Certification) 7/10/2013 Assessment 2 Conditional Release (CUA Pending) 5/3/2013 WZZU Units Available 4/26/2013 WZZU Build Start 3/1/2013 WZZU Drawing's Released 1/11/2013 TP Testing Completed 12/20/2012 TP Units Available 11/25/2012 TP Material Available 10/12/2012 TP Drawing's Released 8/23/2012 Assesment 1 7/19/2012 Phase 2 - Electrical 6/15/2012 Phase 1 - Mechanical 5/14/2012

13 2013 JunJulAugSepOctNovDec Jan 2014 2014 Situational Analysis 6/1/13 - 7/28/13 Objectives 7/28/13 - 8/25/13 Strategy Creation 8/20/13 - 9/30/13 Tactics 9/8/13 - 10/8/13 Action Plan 10/8/13 - 11/15/13 Control Mechanism 11/15/13 - 1/8/14 Target Market North America

14 On-going Partner Development Kickoff Calls Architecture Review Partner Recruit 2013 JanFebMarAprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDec 2013 Project End 11/30/13 Milestone 3 10/31/13 Milestone 2 8/15/13 Milestone 1 6/30/13 Project Start 1/15/13 4/30/13 Legal Agreements Executed 3/30/134/30/13 4/15/136/30/13 4/15/136/30/13 10/31/13 Partner Marketing 10/15/1312/1/13

15 1300138614721558164417301816 Victorian Era 1837 – 1901 Napoleonic Era 1799 – 1815 Romantic Era 1770 – 1850 Age of Enlightenment 1714 – 1830 Industrial Revolution 1700 – 1900 Early modern period 1500 – 1700 Elizabethan period 1558 – 1603 Protestant Reformation 1500 – 1600 Age of Discovery 1400 – 1600 Renaissance 1300 – 1500

16 Analysis & Design Implementation Bug Fixes Implementation ' 12 Jan 2012 FebMarAprMayJunJul ' 12 Today Final Release 7/27/2012 Beta release 6/27/2012 Alpha Release 3/10/2012 Kick Off 2/10/2012 2/15/2012 – 3/27/2012 5/27/2012 – 6/27/2012 3/27/2012 – 5/27/2012 1/10/2012 – 3/27/2012

17 Code Review Test Phasing Dogfood Technology Adoption Com Beta Program 2012 Q2Q3Q4 Q1 2013 Q2Q3Q4 Q1 2014 2014 Today Launch 03/01/14 Beta Program 09/01/13 R1 Beta candidate 06/06/13 Patch release 12/15/12 Internal release 06/08/12 09/01/1301/01/14 02/27/1301/15/14 02/27/1309/01/13 07/02/1205/15/13 06/08/1202/27/13

18 SAPP Inc. AMD Inc. Global Logistics Inc. Tra vel Stanford University Jan 1990 Dec 1991 Nov 1993 Oct 1995 Sep 1997 Aug 1999 Jul 2001 Jun 2003 May 2005 Apr 2007 Mar 2009 Feb 2011 Managing Director Mobile Platforms 1/1/2012 Director Mobile Channels 1/1/2010 PM Embedded Channel 10/15/2007 PM - Device Incubation 1/1/2005 Product Analyst 3/15/2003 Mobility Alliance Program Manager 1/1/2000 Embedded Sales Engineer 6/30/1998 PM Embedded Systems 1/1/1995 Brazil, South Africa, India, Indonesia 6/30/1994 Bachelor of Science (Mathematics) 12/31/1993 Tennis Division Champion 4/30/1992 Student Body Treasurer 12/15/1990 1/90 – 12/93 1/94 – 12/94 1/95 – 12/99 1/00 – 12/09 1/10 – 12/12

19 2013 Q1Q2Q3Q4 2013 Release 12/15/1312/31/13 Critical Design Changes & Updates 11/25/1312/15/13 Public Beta & Production Testing 11/16/1311/30/13 Testing &Debugging 10/16/1311/16/13 Integration 8/8/1311/8/13 Design & Development 3/20/138/8/13 Requirements Spec 3/8/134/8/13 RFP 2/8/133/8/13

20 1850186518801895191019251940195519701985 Pol Pot died, evading prosecution for the deaths of 2 million Cambodians. 4/15/1998 World Trade Organization was established. 4/15/1994 General Electric Company was organized. 4/15/1992 Chinese students launched democracy protests leading to Tienanmen Square massacre. 4/15/1989 Tokyo Disneyland opened. 4/15/1983 Ray Kroc started the McDonald's restaurant chain. 4/15/1955 The first B-52 prototype was tested in the air. 4/15/1952 U.S. President Harry Truman signed l Japanese peace treaty. 4/15/1952 British and Canadian troops liberated concentration camp Bergen-Belsen. 4/15/1945 French and British troops landed at Narvik, Norway. 4/15/1940 Insulin became available for diabetics. 4/15/1923 Titanic sank at 2:27 a.m. 4/15/1912 William Gladstone became Prime Minister of England. 4/15/1880 "Wild Bill" Hickok became the marshal of Abilene, Kansas. 4/15/1871 U.S. President Abraham Lincoln died. 4/15/1865 City of San Francisco was incorporated. 4/15/1850

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