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Published byLee Newman Modified over 9 years ago
1 Roadmap to Achieve 31.12.2011 RBM Targets Sudan January 2011 – December 2011 [Planning Template]
2 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Population at Risk: 30,000,000 Interventi on Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) LLINs (Universal Access) To achieve rapid scale-up of LLINs to universal coverage of the population at risk of Malaria, through 90% coverage and 80% use by 2011 1 net for 1.8 persons Mass Campaign: Total number of nets required to reach the operational target = 1,786,418 Mass Campaign: Active nets already in the community = 6,618,614 # based on number of nets already distributed in last three years Mass Campaign: Total number of nets for which financing is already pledged = 10,000 ( This Excluding GF Rd7 Year3, UNICEF, World Bank and NGOs) Mass Campaign: Number of nets for which financing has to be mobilized to achieve the operational target within = 1,777,974 Include funding total gap = 8,587,614 Total nets needed in 2011 = 1,786,418 Total nets already distributed = 6,618,614 Total nets where financing is already pledged 10,000 Total gap (number) 1,777,974 Total gap (US$) = 8,587,614
3 Country Summary (Interventions & Services) Interventi on Operational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) ACTs To sustain universal coverage of malaria treatment with ACTs in 100% of the public health sector institutions as well as management of severe malaria cases as per the national guidelines. *define universal coverage target e.g. whole population, population treated through the public health services and private sector etc) Total number of doses to be made available during the year If possible split this data into delivery levels: health facilities, community case management and private sector) = 2,278,480 Doses already in stock = 1,926,600 Number of doses for which financing is already pledged or committed = 250,000 (This excluding GF Rd7 Year3, just reprogrammingYear2) Number of doses for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 101,880 133,463
4 Country Summary (Interventions &Services) (Cont'd ) InterventionOperational objectives/targets for 2011 Need to end 2011 Already covered Funded and expected to be distributed before end of 2011 Commodity Gap (Quantity) Financial Gap (USD) IRSTo protect all populations in the intensive irrigated areas (i.e.Algazira & Sennar states) by annual indoor spraying (IRS) Insert the total number of structures to be sprayed protecting Y% of the population = 666,418 Insert the cost per structure sprayed. = 15 USD Insert the number of structures which can sprayed using existing resources = 42,675 Total number of structures for which financing is already pledged or committed = 42,675 Number of structures for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 623,743 = 9,356,145 RDTs and microscopy To achieve 90% proper microscopic confirmation at hospitals and health centers and achieve RDT confirmation at locality dispensaries, health units with no microscopy and communities in the targeted areas by HMM Total number of RDTs to be made available during the year = 2,365,459 RDTs already in stock = 685,000 No. of RDTs for which financing is already pledged or committed 1,537,380 (This excluding GF Rd7 Year3 ) No. of RDTs for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 143,079 = 200,310 Total number of microscopy tests to be made available during the year = 40,000 Microscopy tests already in stock 7,500 Number of microscopy tests for which financing is already pledged or committed = 40,000 (This excluding GF Rd7 Year3 ) No. of microscopy tests for which additional financing has to be mobilized to achieve the planned operational target = 0,00 Total diagnosis target total diagnostics already in stock Total diagnostics already pledged Total gap in diagnostics 200,310
5 Country Summary (Cross cutting issues) InterventionOperational targets/Objectives for 2011 Strategies/ActionsResource requireme nt (USD) Available budget (USD) Budget Gap (USD) M&E To sustain malaria surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems in areas with low prevalence ( 3%) in north Sudan Strengthening M&E capabilities, supportive and facilitative programme supervision and meetings Operational Research, database and Data Reporting System Monitoring of malaria drug efficacy - 1st, 2nd line and potential alternative drugs, and insecticide monitoring 658,500 680,000 0,00 BCC/IEC To reach at least 60% of the population at risk of malaria with behaviour change communication interventions for improved knowledge, attitudes and practices on malaria BCC- Community Outreach : Interpersonal communication. BCC – Mass media : Intensive Radio and Television Broadcast. 1,151,286189,000962,286
6 Assumptions for calculating the needs (Quantity and Funding) to achieve 2011 Targets Justify the assumptions used for calculating the targets e.g. Universal Coverage for LLINs is planned at the end of Year 3 (2013) therefore a pro-rata has been calculated for 2011 e.g. Net coverage calculated based on 1.8 persons per net and a net attrition rate of 8% year 1, 20% year 2 and 50% year 3; routine nets based on 90% of pregnant women accessing ANC e.g. Parasitological diagnosis targets all age groups with 20% microscopy and 80% RDTs targeting 100 % of population attending public health services (includes health facilities and community case management)
7 Implementation Plan - LLINs Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Ensure the formation of a malaria team in each of the 165 localities (districts) in the 15 northern states, comprising 1 locality Team Leader, 1 Malaria Technical Officer, 1 Logistics officer and 1 Administrative and Finance officer; and form locality malaria Committee composed of community representation - 2 hired, site-based community health workers and 1 community malaria focal XX Conduct advocacy visits covering all stakeholders (e.g. partners, community leaders and state and locality decision makers). XXX Organize Stakeholders' meeting and consensus building (participants evenly distributed across the localities and states). XX Review final plan of the project based on meaningful contributions from the community, private and civil society organization's settings and operational committees. X Extrapolate and get projected 5-year estimates of data of the targeted population to be covered in the 15 northern states (compile and aggregate data, analyze and extract parameters, inferences and extrapolate statistical estimates for states, localities, Communities / Villages and households) [by the state malaria team]. X
8 Implementation Plan – LLINs (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Obtain all data relevant to malaria interventions, its successes and failures in the past,acting as possible rationale for innovative interventions; map of partners, field workers and possibly their methods and levels of activities at all levels across each state. XX Identify and define "target beneficiaries" within the state; their numerical strength and spread; their classification into hard to reach and easy to reach; their challenges of access (conflict-related, natural emergencies, physical, financial and psycho-social) to malaria interventions; the status and character of displaced persons (IDP), refugees, returnees and nomadic communities (mapping vulnerability patterns). X Rapid needs assessment to identify types of gaps, reasons for gaps and factors retaining gaps; community health promoters and factors of behavioral resistance to change to positive pro-malaria battle position. XX Carry out rapid needs assessment survey, especially among vulnerable groups, vis-à-vis the works that have been done on all aspects of malaria in the past, their current status, methodology used and reports written. XX Supervise and/or oversee activities and circulate stakeholders' quarterly reports. XXXX
9 Implementation Plan – LLINs (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Attain 90% distribution and use of LLINs using the extrapolated data for five years to determine how much of materials to be given to each locality or community annually. XXX Recruit 3-5 community health promoters / mobilizers per each locality in the State X Conduct annual 1-day training for community health promoters/ mobilizers. XX Distribute one net (LLIN) per every two persons (1.8) using COMBI approach, community health promoters/ mobilizers, identified Community Based Organizations (CBOs), Faith Based Organizations (FBOs), Co- operative societies, Community Development Initiatives (CDIs), Community Development Associations (CDAs), IMCI, civil societies, other local and ante-natal care clinics (ANC)). XXX Maintain supply and use of LLINs among the beneficiaries by replacement of torn nets, inter-personal communications, inspections where possible and use of IEC/BCC materials XXX
10 LLIN resources available to achieve the 2011 targets (including timing of disbursements) Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds [USD] to procure [10,000] LLINs = 48,000 USD Enter Financing Organization Egyptian Gov xx Funds (USD) to deliver (5,000) of LLINs = USD Egyptian Gov xx
11 Implementation Plan - IRS Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Secure clearance from National Pesticide Council, Sudanese Standards and Metrology Organization (SSMO) XX Comply with international conventions and national policies X Review national IRS policy XX Renovate stores at state and locality levels XX Review and update guidelines on IRS implementation XX Review and adopt WHO training manual on IRS XX Conduct Geographical Reconnaissance (GR) in Algazira and Sennar states XX Conduct assessment of wash facilities and disposal pit facilities XX Train state Vector Control Officers on entomological surveillance XXX x Train State/Locality supervisors on IRS XXX x Develop and print house stickers XXX x
12 Implementation Plan – IRS (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Retrain spray technicians XX Orientate all involved personnel on safety procedures X Refurbish and equip state entomological offices XX Conduct house to house spraying XX Daily supervision of the IRS activities XXX Disposal is done in coordination with municipalities and following the international safety measures X Conduct bioassay test to ensure quality of application/efficacy XX
13 IRS resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds [USD] to spray [ 42,675 ] of structures = 640,125 Enter Financing Organization Gov xx
14 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND (A)Diagnosis: Microscopic confirmation at hospitals and health centers Strengthening of state malaria reference laboratories for QA and microscopic training activities through procurement of Lab equipment XXX Provision of supplies and equipment for service delivery laboratories XXXX Analysis and assessment of the situation of service laboratories and design intervention programme XX Refresher training of service laboratory staff XX Supervision of service laboratories by state malaria reference laboratory staff XXXXXXXXXXXX Supervision of state malaria reference laboratories by central reference laboratory staff on bi-annual bases XX
15 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND RDT confirmation at locality dispensaries and communities Basic training of medical assistants on RDTs XX Supervision of health facilities using RDTs by state malaria reference laboratory staff XXXXXXXXXXXX Monitoring the storage conditions XXXXXXXXXXXX Quality control for RDTs (collection &, cross checking and analysis) XXXXXXXXXXXX
16 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND (B) Scaling up for impact the anti-malarial drugs as per the national policy to promptly and effectively treat malaria cases. Procurement of 1 st & 2nd line treatment XX Procurement of severe malaria treatment (Quinine injection, quinine tablets, I.V. fluids & cannulae), artesunate suppositories and emergency stock of (artemether injection) X Prepare/review training manuals for facility-based (Public and Private), community health promoters / mobilizers and Village health care providers on appropriate treatment of malaria, using ACT, especially in children under 5 years of age. XX Training of medical doctors at health facility (both systematic an in-service training) XXXX Training of medical assistants at health facility level (Localities) XXXX Training of hospital nurses on severe malaria XX Conduct state-wide biannual report meetings on ACT use, outcome of ACT distribution and use, stock-outs, pharmacovigilance and record keeping. XX Conduct studies on monitoring the efficacy of 1 st and 2 nd line treatment and other potential AMDs on a systematic way in the sentinel sites identified for this purpose XX
17 Implementation Plan – Case Mgt Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND (C) Home based management of malaria Selection of volunteers (selection facilitated by community leaders) to work as HMM service delivery focal persons in their communities (villages) XX Provision of supplies and equipment to facilitate volunteers work (S&E) XX Development and printing of records, guidelines and IEC materials for HMM XX Campaign for education and advocacy on HMM policy XXX Training of volunteers on HMM policy XX Supervision of HMM policy implementation and volunteers performance XXXXXXXXXXXX Monthly reporting from locality to state level on HMM XXXXXXXXXXXX Quarterly reporting from state to national level on HMM XXXX
Case Management resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Funds to procure [250,000] of ACTs = 300,000 Enter Financing Organization GF XX Funds to deliver (250,000) of ACTs = ????? GF XX Funds to procure [1,537,380] of RDTs = 2,152,332 GF XX Funds to deliver (1,537,380) of RDTs = ????? GF XX
19 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND To reach at least 60% of the population at risk of malaria with behaviour change communication interventions for improved knowledge, attitudes and practices on malaria (A) Mass Media Programmes: Review NMCP strategy for Behavioral Change Communication in view of peculiarities of states, local governments and communities in target 15 northern states. XX Develop appropriate communication tools and messages to address identified peculiarities XX Review NMCP's BCC training manuals for the press, community outreach officers, facility-based care-givers XX Develop/review training manuals for the press, community outreach officers, and facility-based care-givers. XXX Conduct bi-annual message review/development workshop for production / adaptation of materials for Mass Media (e.g. advertisement, documentary, jingles, sponsorship). XX Conduct annual training for the press, community outreach officers and facility-based care-givers. X
20 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Placement of advertisement and documentaries on national and local radios. XXXXXXX Place advertisement and documentaries on national and state televisions. XXXXXXX Distribute Branded Gadgets (leaflets, T-Shirts, posters, banners, flip charts, diaries and stickers) with understandable messages to promote malaria prevention and control. XXX Promote positive practices on malaria prevention and control through recording of popular jingles. XXX Conduct assessment of BCC activities. X Document and share challenges of BCC activities with partners and stakeholders X
21 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND (B) Community Outreach programmes Review NMCP strategy on BCC - Community Outreach X Plan supports to scale up for greater impact outreaches for pregnant women not attending to ANC, those attending ANC and those who started ANC late and parents of under five years old children. X Plan advocacy visits targeting states' women leaders, members of States Assemblies and Health Committee members, local policy makers for institutional support programmes for the malaria program and establishment of localities’ malaria committees. X Plan advocacy visits to Government decision makers and necessary affiliates such as state branches of the Trades Union exploring possibilities of training their membership on malaria prevention and control. X Plan a stakeholders meeting in the education sector e.g. Commissioner for Education, State and Local Government officers in education sector and other educationists on inclusion of malaria courses in the primary and secondary school curricula. X
22 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Map distribution, types of school and student population in the 15 target states. X Develop malaria training modules for teachers in Primary and Secondary educational institutions in the 15 target states. XX Plan advocacy visits to manufacturers of educational materials e.g. major printers of exercise books, pencils, rulers, erasers shaped like mosquito to include malaria messages in these writing materials for schools. XX Plan advocacy visits to hospitality and tourist industries in each of the 15 target states for constant and regular delivery of malaria pamphlets containing can-do lists. XX Plan advocacy visits to faith-based groups for constant and regular deliveries of malaria BCC/IEC material among their constituents. X Plan state malaria information booklet, containing pictorial and simple information/data, for all states highlighting peculiarities of malaria situations in each state XX Conduct a bi-annual stakeholders meeting in the education sector XX Develop and distribute, annually, 5000 copies of state malaria information booklet, containing pictorial and simple information/data, for all the 15 target states highlighting peculiarities of malaria situations in different states X
23 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND HSS: Strengthen management capacity of the States Ministries of Health and Localities health personnel to provide oversight of malaria interventions (A) Work with partners to identify major system deficiencies; policy, resource and program constraints; opportunities for improved service delivery Plan bi-annual partners meeting with officials of the state government and local government authorities to identify crucial health system gaps and identify problems hampering the health system performance in respect of malaria control, prevention and case management. X Design interventions for identified gaps and peculiar circumstances of the state and/or local government authority, using internationally acceptable standards. XX Identify state-wide underserved communities and major areas of poor or no-service delivery X Conduct a 3-day bi-annual partners' brain storming sessions. XX Produce and review list of possible interventions from the government's, beneficiaries' and partners' perspectives. X Conduct a 2-day bi-annual training for directors and assistant directors in states Ministry of Health and other line ministries. XX
24 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND Conduct a 2-day bi-annual training for middle level staff (e.g. Heads MCP, Reproductive Health, Maternal and Child Health) in states Ministry of Health and other line ministries. X X (B) Policy strengthening and capacity management Identify partners in policy and capacity management X Plan and conduct bi-annual partners' brain-storming session XX Review current state malaria control policy X Determine capacity level of service delivery X Determine realistic interventions X Conduct state-wide annual trainings for 150 technical and administrative staff of facilities on recent advances in malaria control including its socio-economic issues X Develop management tools for government to minimize stock-outs and control of low quality and fake drugs. X
25 Implementation Plan – Cross cutting issues (cont’d) Major action / Output / Milestone TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND To sustain malaria surveillance, monitoring and evaluation systems in areas with low prevalence ( 3%) Develop appropriate monitoring and evaluation strategies for timely output and outcome data Plan and conduct partners meeting on Monitoring and Evaluation XXX Plan and conduct for continuous training of 150 health care providers in public and private sectors and in the community on Monitoring and Evaluation in 15 northern states XX Plan ad conduct quarterly data verification and data audit meeting X XX Conduct mid-term and end-term evaluation meeting of the entire program. X X
26 Cross-cutting resources available to achieve the 2011 targets Funds available (USD)Source of fundingCommentTIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND M&E 680,000GF Rd7 xxxxxxxxxxxx BCC/IEC 189,000 GF Rd7 xxxxxxxxxxxx
27 Summary of technical assistance needs to end 2011 Area of NeedType of support required Resources available Source of funding TIMEFRAME JFMAMJJASOND LLINsWHO TAGFATM WHO IDB Unicef NGOs XXXXXXXXXXXX IRSWHO TAGFATM WHO NGOs XXXXXXXXXXXX ACTWHO TAGFATM WHO XXXXXXXXXXXX RDTs/microscopyWHO TAGFATM WHO Unicef XXXXXXXXXXXX Cross cutting issues WHO TAGFATM WHO IDB Unicef XXXXXXXXXXXX Program Management / Partnerships WHO TAGFATM WHO UNDP Private sector NGOs XXXXXXXXXXXX GF Grant Implementation WHO TAGFATM WHO XXXXXXXXXXXX
28 Summary of rate-limiting factors/solutions over the next 12 months - Threats Potential ThreatSolution (1) Shortage of key commodities: ACTs, RDTs, microscopes, LLINs, IRS insecticides, etc.. (1) & (2) Strengthening of Health Systems (HSS including strengthening of PSM system) Following the GF guidelines on procurement (2) Failure to ensure timely availability of funds and commodities (3) Substandard quality of malaria case management in some health facilities / communities (3) Development of robust QA and QC systems (4) Low coverage and utilization of key interventions – LLINs, IRS, ACTs (4) Proper and well planned advocacy for LLIN, ACT and RDT usage ; Proper implementation of M&E
29 Summary of rate-limiting factors/solutions over the next 12 months - threats Potential ThreatSolution (5) Vector resistance to insecticides (5) Insecticide resistance management through rotation and monitoring of the vector bionomics and susceptibility to insecticides (6) Security issues which hinder the implementation, supervision and monitoring and evaluating the implementation of key interventions (6) Contingency plans should be in place; Community participation; e.g. trained health workers and well equipped health facilities, health units and dispensaries at all levels (7) Sustainability of external funding (7) Maintaining the strong political commitment, active community participation, inter- sectoral collaboration and involvement of private sector
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