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GridWorld Case Study Part 3 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces A Summary by Jim Mims.

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Presentation on theme: "GridWorld Case Study Part 3 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces A Summary by Jim Mims."— Presentation transcript:

1 GridWorld Case Study Part 3 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces A Summary by Jim Mims

2 Contents Introduction Part 1: Observing and Experimenting with GridWorld Part 2: Bug Variations Part 3: GridWorld Classes and Interfaces Part 4: Classes that Extend the Critter Class Part 5: Grid Data Structures

3 Classes and Interfaces: Relationships

4 Introduction The case study provides a graphical environment where visual objects inhabit and interact in a two-dimensional grid. Students design and creator actor objects, add them to a grid, and determine whether they behave according to specifications.

5 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces: Location Class Encapsulates coordinates for an actors position in the grid Every actor has a position and a direction Class provides 8 constants that specify compass directions Class provides 7 constants for turn directions

6 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces: Grid Interface Specifies the method for any grid that contain objects of type E BoundedGrid and UnboundedGrid implement the interface Methods allow you to put objects into a grid remove them get reference to an object in the grid Four other methods are used to collect information ref neighbors

7 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces: Actor Class Accessor methods provide information concerning state of the actor getColor getDirection) getGrid() getLocation() Mutator methods enable an actor to add or remove itself from a grid putSelfInGrid() removeSElfFromGrid() Additional methods that can be used setColor() setDirection() act()

8 GridWorld Classes and Interfaces: Extending Actor Class Bug, Flower, Rock classes override act method of the Actor class The behavior of these class is specified by how they override act()

9 Graphical User Interface is Not Tested World class makes connection between GUI and classes that are tested ActorWorld is a subclass of World ActorWorld provides a step method that invokes act on each actor Other worlds can be defined that contain occupants other than actors

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