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Our tiny ship sailed across the _____ sea. a) planetplanetb) vast vastc) oceansoceansd) areasareas.

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Presentation on theme: "Our tiny ship sailed across the _____ sea. a) planetplanetb) vast vastc) oceansoceansd) areasareas."— Presentation transcript:



3 Our tiny ship sailed across the _____ sea. a) planetplanetb) vast vastc) oceansoceansd) areasareas

4 vast – adjective - very large in size


6 It is possible to travel around the world by sailing over the _____. a) voyagevoyageb) planetplanetc) vastvastd) oceansoceans

7 oceans – plural noun - very large bodies of salt water

8 We took a trip to the wooded _____ of Maine. a) vastvastb) oceansoceansc) areasareasd) voyagevoyage

9 areas – plural noun - certain spaces, regions, or sections

10 An ocean _____ can take more than a week. a) areasareasb) voyagevoyagec) planetplanetd) vastvast

11 voyage – noun - a long trip by water, over land, or through space

12 Earth is a _______ in our solar system. a) oceansoceansb) areas areasc) voyage voyaged) planetplanet

13 planet – noun - a huge object that travels around the sun

14 A Susan Ging Lent Presentation

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