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Modern Themes in World History Group 5 Presentation By Apolo Rizk, Kelly McMullin, Saima Karim, Marissa Orlando, Jonathan Greechan, Courtney Cline, and.

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Presentation on theme: "Modern Themes in World History Group 5 Presentation By Apolo Rizk, Kelly McMullin, Saima Karim, Marissa Orlando, Jonathan Greechan, Courtney Cline, and."— Presentation transcript:


2 Modern Themes in World History Group 5 Presentation By Apolo Rizk, Kelly McMullin, Saima Karim, Marissa Orlando, Jonathan Greechan, Courtney Cline, and Victor Rossi

3 Introduction: Global Conflicts and their Resolutions: The current global conflict we focused on was the turmoil involving Afghanistan. We will provide you with a brief history of Afghanistan, the Taliban and the Northern Alliance

4 Brief History COMMUNIST THREAT In 1979, bordering Communist USSR took control of Afghanistan. The US government was not pleased with this campaign and began aiding anti- communist rebels in Afghanistan Annual funds included $80 million, weapons, artillery and CIA training.

5 History (continued) Fighting between the USSR and US assisted rebels continued until 1989 when Russia left Afghanistan. Both countries eventually lost interest in Afghanistan as the Cold War ended.

6 Taliban Rise From a wrecked country rose radical religious groups. In 1994 one of these groups becomes known as the Taliban (Islamic Students) Led by Mohammad Omar, and aided by Pakistan, it began to grow stronger. The Taliban slowly took over the country of Afghanistan.

7 continued In 1996, bin Laden gets exiled from Sudan due to terrorist activities. Taliban offered safe harbor when bin Laden gave its militia $3 million in support With the help of his funds in 1996, the Taliban took over Afghan capital Kabul. Since then, it has been in control of Afghanistan.

8 American Help During the communist take over of Afghanistan, the United States trained and funded the anti-communist rebel group “Mujahidin.” The former members of the “Mujahidin” were actually the first recruits of the Taliban. It is a common misconception that the American government actually helped the Taliban into power.

9 Taliban Opposition NORTHEN ALLIANCE Much like the rebel groups who fought against Communism, rebel groups rose to fight the Taliban. A coalition of many different tight-knit ethnic groups. Before September 11 th, the Northern Alliance was only in control of 5% of Afghanistan.

10 Terrorist Attacks SEPT. 11 th, 2001 On this date, the United States suffered the worst terrorist attack of its history. Thousands died and many more were distraught. From this, came American resolve to put down terrorism.

11 Since the Attacks AMERICAN DEMANDS To Pakistan: Use of Airspace End of fuel supply to Taliban

12 Demands To the Taliban Handing over to proper authorities all leaders of terrorist group al Qaeda. Immediately and permanently close all terrorist training camps in Afghanistan. Turn in every terrorist and persons involved with terrorism.

13 Consequences Failure to meet demands Failure to meet American demands would ultimately lead to American targeting and bombing of Taliban strongholds. Would ultimately lead to being treated with no more regard then a terrorist itself - Bush

14 Bombings Consequently, Taliban failed to meet American demands. On October 7 th, American military took action and began bombing raids of Taliban strongholds. Targets include: military bases, weapons storage facilities and terrorist training camps

15 Opposing Views of American Bombing of Afghanistan The major parties are: America Taliban Northern Alliance Afghan People

16 Reactions United States response: US views bombings as: Critical step in resolving a world-wide struggle that only recently the US has experienced. President Bush stated that this decision was the most effective and would help bring justice to those responsible and discouragement for future actions.

17 continued “Join us or face certain prospect of death and destruction” – Noam Chomsky MIT professor Attack not only on America, but on American way of life, a punishment should and will be served to those responsible - Bush

18 continued Taliban response: Recently reached a very high state of emergency and alert. Has been weakening and retreating from Afghanistan. Has urged all Muslims in Pakistan to fight Americans. Have suffered major losses.

19 continued Northern Alliance response: Committed to downfall and ultimate expulsion of Taliban. Increasingly united and encouraged by American action. See bombings as an immense opportunity to gain control of Afghanistan

20 continued Afghan response: Caught between war and conflict for 20 years. Need for peace above anything else. Fear of Taliban, Northern Alliance (also radical), and now of errant American missiles.

21 continued Fear of even more war and destruction. Feel forgotten and overlooked. Support anyone fighting against Taliban, including the U.S. and the Northern Alliance. However: Afghan people do not want any radical government, they want people representation and elections

22 Resolutions Recent News: Resolution to this conflict still seems far. Taliban has weakened in power considerably. Lost stronghold in Afghan capital and other important cities.


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