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The Power of Language And the Great Chain of Being.

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Presentation on theme: "The Power of Language And the Great Chain of Being."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Power of Language And the Great Chain of Being

2 The pen is mightier than the sword He who controls language, controls others Language (argument and suggestion) is used to attain and maintain position Where is this evident in Macbeth?

3 Consider this... Macbeth rises to power through the Captain’s monologue. Duncan doesn’t see him in battle; he hears of him in battle. Macbeth seeks to become King after hearing the witches’ prophecies He writes a letter And is further convinced by her speech Screw your courage to the sticking place.

4 Macbeth is Won Over by Language from Women Witches: Provide the nouns All hail Macbeth, Thane of Glamis, Thane of Cawdor, That shalt be king hereafter. (I.iii.50- 53) Lady Mac: Provides the verbs Look like the time. Bear welcome... Look like the innocent flower but be the serpent under’t. Leave all the rest to me.

5 What does this say about Macbeth? How else does language get used in the play? How do the bourgeois (nobles) use language? How do the witches use language? How do the commoners use language?

6 Poetry Vs. Prose Poetry: Used to express deep emotion Makes wise, penetrating reflective observations Present a lyrical poem as a separate entity Inject irony Suggest order Prose: Express ordinary observations Quick, one-line replies Auditory relief Suggest madness or senility Show rambling paths of conversation by drunks Poke fun of characters not smart enough for poetry

7 Examples How are the poetry of Lady MacB and MacB different? How is the porter different from the nobles? Why is his speech in prose rather than verse?

8 Great Chain of Being (scala naturae) Humanist concept of God’s strict and natural order of the universe. 1. God 2. Angels 3. Humans 4. Animals 5. Vegetables 6. Minerals


10 Great Chain of Being in Macbeth 1. Duncan 2. Prince of Cumberland (Malcolm) 3. Thane of Cawdor (traitor) 4. Thane of Glamis (Macbeth) 5. Banquo 6. Witches 7. Those who commit regicide

11 Affects: How would Macbeth’s actions affect the physical and moral order of the universe? What would the new chain look like? How do Lady Macbeth’s actions affect the great chain?

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