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Only the beginning, only just the start… Creation Creation of man The Fall The Flood The Tower of Babel Genesis 1-11 The story of the lives of four men.

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Presentation on theme: "Only the beginning, only just the start… Creation Creation of man The Fall The Flood The Tower of Babel Genesis 1-11 The story of the lives of four men."— Presentation transcript:

1 Only the beginning, only just the start… Creation Creation of man The Fall The Flood The Tower of Babel Genesis 1-11 The story of the lives of four men Genesis 12-50

2 The purpose of the Bible To explain God’s attempt to establish His kingdom on earth.

3 Genesis – the Purpose To explain Israel’s beginning and purpose in the establishment of God’s rule on earth.

4 Genesis – The Structure Genesis is divided by markers in different sections, each highlighted by a certain Hebrew word best translated by “What became of…”

5 Genesis – The Structure – 6:9-8:22 The author has led us to understand both how and why Israel was a necessity and why they had to be a separate people in a separate land.

6 Genesis – The Outline I. Early Events (1:1-11:26) A. Creation of the Heavens and the Earth (1:1-2:3) B. What became of the heavens and the earth (2:4-4:26) C. What became of Adam (5:1-6:8) D. What became of Noah (6:9-9:29) E. What became of the Sons of Noah (10:1-11:9) F. What became of Shem (11:10-26)

7 Genesis – The Outline II. The Stories of the Patriarchs (11:27-50:26) A. What became of Terah 1. The making of the covenant with Abram (11:27-15:21) 2. The provision of the promised seed for Abraham whose faith was developed by testing (16:1-22:19)

8 Genesis 22:1-2 – Abraham and Isaac God knew exactly what he was asking of Abraham and knows exactly what he asks of us!

9 Genesis 22:3-5 – Abraham and Isaac Abraham expected to “worship” and to return with Isaac! Heb. 11:17-19

10 Genesis 22:6-9 – Abraham and Isaac While he believed God would “provide…the lamb”, Abraham raised the knife with every intention of killing his son. Heb. 11:17-19

11 Genesis 22:6-9 – Abraham and Isaac Our job isn’t to “figure it out”. Our job is to obey.

12 Genesis 22:11-19 – Abraham and Isaac God understood the love it took to not “withhold…(one’s)…only son”. And, Abraham was forever honored for it.

13 Genesis 22:11-19 – Abraham and Isaac Abraham and Isaac are both great examples of faith.

14 Genesis 22:11-19 – Abraham and Isaac Faith always obeys God’s word completely.

15 Genesis 22:11-19 – Abraham and Isaac Faith gives the best to God.

16 Genesis 22:11-19 – Abraham and Isaac Faith waits for God to provide...often after the sacrifice.

17 The Book of James Behave well In Trials

18 Behave well In Trials First, you must welcome them 1:2-12

19 Behave well In Trials Next, you must not blame God 1:13-18

20 Behave well In Trials Sin brings Death! 1:12-15

21 Behave well In Trials God brings Life! 1:16-18

22 Behave well In Trials Since sin brings death, respond the right way in trials. 1:19-20

23 Behave well In Trials Avoid sin and learn the Word to deliver your life from sin’s ruin. 1:21

24 Behave well In Trials But, to save your life from sin’s ruin, you need to use what you learn! 1:22

25 Behave well In Trials The greatest expression of obedience is love.

26 Behave well In Trials A supreme expression of love is to care for those who have need. 1:27-2:13

27 Behave well In Trials This is critical to be delivered from sin’s ruin. 1:27-2:13

28 Behave well In Trials If I refuse to love, I won’t be delivered from sin’s ruin 2:14-20

29 Behave well In Trials Good works justified Abraham before men. 2:21-26

30 Behave well In Trials He was already justified before God. Rom. 4:1-5

31 Behave well In Trials Works give us something of which to boast, but “not before God” Rom. 4:2

32 Behave well In Trials This implies there is a justification other than “before God” Rom. 4:2

33 Behave well In Trials Justification before God is only by faith Rom. 4:5

34 Behave well In Trials Faith can have a powerful role in a believer’s life

35 Behave well In Trials He had allowed what He believed to mature by his works. 2:21-24

36 Genesis 15:4-6 God confirms the promise initially made in Genesis 12:1-3, which involved eternal salvation. However…

37 Abraham’s faith was also in a God of resurrection! He could “give life” to a dead body. Romans 4:19-21 So, then…

38 It was through the testing that Abraham’s implicit faith becomes a conviction that God could raise his son from the dead! Heb. 11:17-19

39 In the process of obedience, Abraham’s faith grew!

40 Abraham was famous in three major religions as God’s friend ( 2 Chron. 20:7; Isa. 41:8) and Gen. 15 was connected with Gen. 22 before James wrote! 1 Maccabees 2:52 “Was not Abraham found faithful when tested, and it was reckoned to him as righteousness?”

41 Behave well In Trials Good works give us good reputations 2:23 2 Chron. 20:7

42 Behave well In Trials There is a justification (vindication) before men and before God. 2:24

43 Behave well In Trials We are God’s “friends” when we obey Him! John 15:14

44 Behave well In Trials Living out what we believe “gives life” to what we believe! 2:26

45 Behave well In Trials …and it impacts those around us!

46 Behave well In Trials Are you allowing difficulties to drive you away or mature you? Are you obeying by faith and growing?

47 Courage is not the absence of fear, but the overcoming of it! Fear is calmed by faith Faith is grown by obedience

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