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CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS India and China. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSICAL AND PRECEDING ERA  Each classical civilization was separate but there was trade.

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Presentation on theme: "CLASSICAL CIVILIZATIONS India and China. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSICAL AND PRECEDING ERA  Each classical civilization was separate but there was trade."— Presentation transcript:


2 DIFFERENCES BETWEEN CLASSICAL AND PRECEDING ERA  Each classical civilization was separate but there was trade between them.  What occurred within each civilization makes this period what it is, not the interaction between them


4  Harappan civilization developed along the Indus river.  Scientists believe the civilization ended because of earthquakes and changes in climate. CLASSICAL INDIA

5 ARYANS  The Aryans migrated (relocated to a new region) to India  They were nomads who spoke Sanskrit.

6 Aryans shift to the Ganges River

7 ARYAN SOCIETY  The Aryan society was divided into classes.  A social class that a person belongs to by birth is called a caste.

8 THE CASTE SYSTEM Level 1: The Brahmins (priests) Level 2: The Kshatriyas (warriors/nobles) Level 3: The Vaisyas (traders and farmers) Level 4: The Sudras (common laborers) Untouchables: This group included those that worked at “unclean” jobs.

9 ARYAN RELIGION  The Aryan religion was Brahmanism.  The Aryan’s wrote the Vedas, a collection of songs to their gods.  Over time Brahmanism developed into Hinduism.

10 HINDUISM  Holy book - The Bhagavad Gita  Beliefs – Polytheistic (many gods)  Reincarnation – each person has many lives  Karma – Your actions in this life decide your next life  Many paths to God – You can reach God in many ways

11 BUDDHISM  Buddhism developed in India  Based on teaching of Siddhartha Gautama who became Buddha.  Leader – Buddha (enlightened one)  Nirvana – perfect peace

12 MAURYAN EMPIRE  Chandragupta took control of India along the Ganges in 322 BC  Established the Mauryan Empire  Used the military and spies to stay in power  His grandson, Ashoka, became the greatest ruler in Indian history (269- 232 BC)

13 The Mauryan Empire at its height

14 MAURYAN EMPIRE  Ashoka’s accomplishments Control over most of India Converted to Buddhism (emphasis on Dharma- the law of moral consequences) Spread Buddhism throughout his empire He worked for the welfare of his people

15 GUPTA EMPIRE  Chandra Gupta II was the greatest ruler of the family.  The caste system helped them maintain order without the need for government  Used negotiations and marriage to expand influence instead of war  Their period was one of peace and prosperity

16 INDIAN ACHIEVEMENTS  Indian astronomers identified seven planets,  Developed steel that was better than any produced elsewhere  The Indian number system is the one we use today.  Architecture developed use of stones and use of pyramid shaped roof (not flat)  Spread their culture through trade

17 IMPORTANT PEOPLE AND THINGS  Mohandas Gandhi – practiced ahimsa (nonviolence) and lead India to independence from Britain through nonviolent protests.  Kalidasa – great writer of plays  Drama – Men and women performed dramas through India.  Art and Sculpture – based on Hindu and Buddhist subjects

18 Angkor Wat - Cambodia


20 EARLY DEVELOPMENT  Developed along river valleys between Yangtze and Huang He rivers  Isolated by mountains, deserts, and water  Few outside influences

21  Shang family started a dynasty (a family or group that rules for several generations)  Spoke to the gods through oracle bones (animal bones)  Writing style was pictographs (drawings that represent words or ideas)


23  1029 – 258 BCE  Zhou people, led by Wu Wang, defeated the Shang family.  Gained control through Mandate of Heaven (idea that when a ruler was bad they would lose heaven’s favor)  Government – Zhou put family members or friends in charge of regions as lords.

24 PHILOSOPHIES - LEGALISM  Legalism -  Efficient and powerful government is needed for social order  Harsh punishments are needed to keep social order  Ideas should be controlled by the government

25 PHILOSOPHIES - CONFUCIANISM  Confucianism – Led by Confucius  Social order and good government should be based on family relationships  Respect for elders helps to create order in society  Education helps to improve both individuals and society

26 PHILOSOPHIES - DAOISM  Daoism – Led by Laozi  The natural order (relationship among all living things) matters more than social order  A universal force called Dao (the way) guides all things  Humans should learn to live in harmony with nature.


28  Established and ruled by Qin Shi Huangdi (first true emperor)  Expansion through conquering  Followed Legalism  Began construction of the Great Wall  Buried with army of terracotta soldiers.

29  Built highways and irrigation projects  Set high taxes to pay for projects  Set standard weights and measures, coins and writing Qin “knife”/ money

30  201 BCE to 220 CE  Led by Liu Bang  Kept Qin’s centralized government Set up a bureaucracy – a system of departments to carry out the work of government Established civil service exam based on ideals of Confucianism

31  141 BC to 87 BC  Wudi expanded the empire through war  Practiced assimilation (adopt the cultural or social traditions of a group)  Forced Chinese farmers to marry conquered people and taught them Confucianism

32  Expanded trade on Silk Road (trade routes along which silk and other Chinese goods were traded)  Shared culture by coming into contact with traders  Buddhism spread through missionaries on the Silk Roads

33 CHINESE ACHIEVEMENTS  Improved the plow  Developed wheelbarrow and water mills  Invented paper  Developed silk

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