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 Part of becoming an adult is learning how to make responsible decisions. Journal #9  What decisions are you responsible for making at home?

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Presentation on theme: " Part of becoming an adult is learning how to make responsible decisions. Journal #9  What decisions are you responsible for making at home?"— Presentation transcript:

1  Part of becoming an adult is learning how to make responsible decisions. Journal #9  What decisions are you responsible for making at home?

2 Mr. Morrell

3  The first step in becoming responsible for your health is to increase your awareness of risk behaviors in your life.  Risk Behaviors – actions that can potentially threaten your health or the health of others.  The second step is to examine your current behaviors and make any necessary changes.

4  The Center for Disease Control (CDC) have performed surveys of teens from across America about their personal risk behaviors  The following chart is a compilation of the data they found while conducting the survey.


6  Cumulative Risk – related risk that increase in effect with each added risk.  What are some examples of a cumulative risk?  Smoking 1 cigarette  Having 1 alcoholic beverage  Eating 1 high-fat meal  Having sun burn 1 time

7  Cumulative Risks may also result from combinations of risk factors.  What are some examples of a combination of risk factors?  Driving over the speed limit  + Not wearing a seat belt  + Driving in poor weather conditions  = Cumulative Risks

8  The only way to avoid the consequences of some of the most serious risk behaviors is to practice abstinence  Abstinence – avoiding harmful behaviors, including the use of tobacco, alcohol, and other drugs and sexual activity

9  Abstaining from tobacco, alcohol and other drugs has many positive influences on a person’s health  What are some negative consequences if a person should not abstain from tobacco, alcohol and other drugs for each element of health?  Using these substances harms all aspect of your health. Physical, mental and social/emotional  Write your answers on the Worksheet.

10  Abstaining from sexual activity is the preferred choice of behavior for unmarried persons of high school age.  Abstinence from sexual activity protects teens against many negative consequences  What are the positives for teens who abstain from sexual activity?  Write your answers on the worksheet.

11  What are some negative consequences if a person should not abstain from tobacco, alcohol and other drugs for each element of health?  Physical – could do irreversible damage to the body or death  Mental – can become an addiction  Social / Emotional – isolation from family and friends

12  What are the positives for teens who abstain from sexual activity?  Never have to worry about unplanned pregnancy  Will not be faced with difficult decisions associated with unplanned pregnancy  Will not have to take on the many responsibilities of caring for a child  Don’t have to worry about sexually transmitted infections  Are free of the emotional problems that usually accompany sexual activity

13  With the worry of having a sexual relationship eliminated, you are free to establish nonsexual closeness with members of the opposite gender  Therefore relationships can develop based on genuine feelings of love, trust, and friendship  When you choose to abstain from sexual activity, you can focus on the real priorities of your life  Responsible teens abstain from high-risk behaviors.  Choosing abstinence will benefit your lifelong health.

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