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Unit Testing and Mocking

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1 Unit Testing and Mocking
Writing Unit Tests, Dependency Injection, Mocking Web Services & Cloud SoftUni Team Technical Trainers Software University © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

2 Table of Contents Unit Testing Dependency Injection Mocking
What is it? Unit testing Frameworks Visual Studio Team Test Unit Testing Best Practices Dependency Injection Mocking Using Moq

3 What is Unit Testing?

4 * Unit Test – Definition A unit test is a piece of code written by a developer that exercises a very small, specific area of functionality of the code being tested. “Program testing can be used to show the presence of bugs but never to show their absence!” Edsger Dijkstra, [1972]

5 Manual Testing You have already done unit testing
Manually, by hand Manual tests are less efficient Not structured Not repeatable Not on all your code Not easy to do as it should be

6 Unit Test – Example int Sum(int[] array) { int sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < array.Length; i++) sum += array[i]; return sum; } void TestSum() if (Sum(new int[] { 1, 2 }) != 3) throw new TestFailedException("1+2 != 3"); if (Sum(new int[] { -2 }) != -2) throw new TestFailedException("-2 != -2"); if (Sum(new int[] { }) != 0) throw new TestFailedException("0 != 0");

7 Unit Testing – Some Facts
Tests are specific pieces of code In most cases unit tests are written by developers, not by QA engineers Unit tests are released into the code repository (TFS / SVN / Git) along with the code they test Unit testing framework is needed Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT) NUnit, XUnit, Gallio, etc.

8 Unit Testing – More Facts
All classes should be tested All methods should be tested Trivial code may be omitted E.g. property getters and setters Private methods can be omitted Ideally all unit tests should pass before committing in the source control repository

9 Why Unit Tests? Unit tests dramatically decrease the number of defects in the code Unit tests improve design Unit tests are good documentation Unit tests reduce the cost of change Unit tests allow refactoring Unit tests decrease the defect-injection rate due to refactoring / changes

10 Unit Testing Frameworks
* Unit Testing Frameworks

11 Unit Testing Frameworks
JUnit The first popular unit testing framework Based on Java, written by Kent Beck & Co. Similar frameworks have been developed for a broad range of computer languages NUnit, XUnit – for C# and all .NET languages cppUnit, jsUnit, PhpUnit, PerlUnit, ... Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT) Developed by Microsoft, integrated in VS

12 Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT)
* Visual Studio Team Test (VSTT)

13 Visual Studio Team Test – Features
Team Test (VSTT) is very well integrated with Visual Studio Create test projects and unit tests Execute unit tests View execution results View code coverage Located in the assembly Microsoft.VisualStudio.QualityTools. UnitTestFramework.dll

14 Visual Studio Team Test – Attributes
Test code is annotated using custom attributes: [TestClass] – denotes a class holding unit tests [TestMethod] – denotes a unit test method (test case) [ExpectedException] – declares that the test should cause an exception [Timeout] – sets a timeout for test execution [Ignore] – temporary ignored test case [ClassInitialize], [ClassCleanup] – setup / cleanup logic for the testing class [TestInitialize], [TestCleanup] – setup / cleanup logic for each test case

15 Assertions Predicate is a true / false statement
Assertion is a predicate placed in a program code (check for some condition) Developers expect the predicate is always true at that place If an assertion fails, the method call does not return and an error is reported Example of VSTT assertion: Assert.AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue, "Error message.");

16 VSTT – Assertions Assertions check a condition
Throw a TestFailedException if the condition is not satisfied Comparing values for equality Comparing objects (by reference) Checking for null value AreEqual(expectedValue, actualValue [, message]) AreSame(expectedObject, actualObject [, message]) IsNull(object [, message]) IsNotNull(object [, message])

17 VSTT – Assertions (2) Checking conditions Forced test failure
IsTrue(condition [, message]) IsFalse(condition [, message]) Fail([message])

18 The 3A Pattern Arrange all necessary preconditions and inputs
Act on the object or method under test Assert that the expected results have occurred [TestMethod] public void TestDeposit() { BankAccount account = new BankAccount(); account.Deposit(125.0); account.Deposit(25.0); Assert.AreEqual(150.0, account.Balance, "Balance is wrong."); } The 3А Pattern

19 Code Coverage Code coverage 70-80% coverage is excellent
Shows what percent of the code we've covered High code coverage means less untested code We may have pointless unit tests that are calculated in the code coverage 70-80% coverage is excellent

20 VSTT – Example public class Account { private decimal balance;
public decimal Balance { … } public void Deposit(decimal amount) this.balance += amount; } public void Withdraw(decimal amount) this.balance -= amount; public void TransferFunds(Account destination, decimal amount)

21 VSTT – Example (2) using Microsoft.VisualStudio.TestTools.UnitTesting;
[TestClass] public class AccountTest { [TestMethod] public void TestTransferFunds() Account source = new Account(); source.Deposit(200.00M); Account dest = new Account(); dest.Deposit(150.00M); source.TransferFunds(dest, M); Assert.AreEqual(250.00M, dest.Balance); Assert.AreEqual(100.00M, source.Balance); }

22 VSTT – Screenshot

23 Visual Studio Team Test
Live Demo

24 Unit Testing Best Practices
* Unit Testing Best Practices

25 Naming Standards for Unit Tests
The test name should express a specific requirement that is tested Usually [TestMethod_StateUnderTest_ExpectedBehavior] E.g. TestAccountDepositNegativeSum() or AccountShouldNotDepositNegativeSum() The test name should include Expected input or state Expected result output or state Name of the tested method or class

26 Naming Standards for Unit Tests – Example
Given the method: with requirement to ignore numbers greater than 100 in the summing process The test name could be: public int Sum(params int[] values) TestSumNumberIgnoredIfGreaterThan100

27 When Should a Test be Changed or Removed?
Generally, a passing test should never be removed These tests make sure that code changes don't break working code A passing test should only be changed to make it more readable When tests don't pass, it usually means there are conflicting requirements

28 When Should a Test be Changed or Removed? (2)
Example: New features allow negative numbers [ExpectedException(typeof(Exception), "Negatives not allowed")] void TestSum_FirstNegativeNumberThrowsException() { Sum (-1, 1, 2); }

29 When Should a Test be Changed or Removed? (3)
New developer writes the following test: Earlier test fails due to a requirement change void TestSum_FirstNegativeNumberCalculatesCorrectly() { int sumResult = sum(-1, 1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(2, sumResult); }

30 When Should a Test be Changed or Removed? (4)
Two courses of action: Delete (or make obsolete) the failing test after verifying it is invalid Change the old test: Either testing the new requirement Or test the older requirement under new settings

31 Tests Should Reflect Required Reality
What's wrong with the following test? A failing test should prove that there is something wrong with the production code Not with the unit test code int Sum(int a, int b) –> returns sum of a and b public void Sum_AddsOneAndTwo() { int result = Sum(1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(4, result, "Bad sum"); }

32 What Should Assert Messages Say?
Assert message in a test could be one of the most important things Tells us what we expected to happen but didn't and what happened instead Good assert message helps us track bugs and understand unit tests more easily Example: "Withdrawal failed: accounts are not supposed to have negative balance."

33 What Should Assert Messages Say? (2)
Express what should have happened and what did not happen “Verify() did not throw any exception” “Connect() did not open the connection before returning it” Do not: Provide empty or meaningless messages Provide messages that repeat the name of the test case

34 Avoid Multiple Asserts in a Single Unit Test
Avoid multiple asserts in a single test case If the first assert fails, the test execution stops for this test case Affect future coders to add assertions to test rather than introducing a new one void TestSum_AnyParamBiggerThan1000IsNotSummed() { Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1001, 1, 2); Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1, 1001, 2); Assert.AreEqual(3, Sum(1, 2, 1001); }

35 Unit Testing – The Challenge
The concept of unit testing has been around the developer community for many years New methodologies in particular Scrum and XP, have turned unit testing into a cardinal foundation of software development Writing good & effective unit tests is hard! This is where supporting integrated tools and suggested guidelines enter the picture The are tools for auto-generating unit tests (e.g. Pex) The developer still needs to adjust the generated code

36 Summary Write testable code Follow the 3A pattern
Write unit tests according to specifications When specifications change, the tests should change too When writing unit tests, follow the rules of high-quality code Good naming, cohesion and coupling, code reuse, etc. Unit tests can serve as documentation for your code

37 Dependency Inversion Principle

38 DIP – Dependency Inversion Principle
"Dependency Inversion Principle says that high-level modules should not depend on low-level modules. Both should depend on abstractions." "Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions." Agile Principles, Patterns, and Practices in C# Goal: decoupling between modules through abstractions Programming through interfaces

39 Dependencies in Traditional Programming
High level modules use lower lever modules E.g. UI depends on the Business Layer Business layer depends on Infrastructure, database, utilities External libraries Static methods (Façade for example) Classes are instantiated everywhere

40 DI: Depend on Abstractions
How it should be? Classes should declare what they need Constructors should require dependencies Dependencies should be abstractions How to do it Dependency Injection (DI) The Hollywood principle "Don't call us, we'll call you!"

41 Depend on Abstractions
Depend on abstractions means to work through interfaces instead directly use dependent classes

42 Dependency Inversion Principle: How?
Constructor injection Dependencies are passed through constructors Pros Classes self-documenting requirements Works well without container Always valid state Cons Many parameters Some methods may not need everything

43 Constructor Injection – Example
public class Copy { private IReader reader; private IWriter writer; public Copy(IReader reader, IWriter writer) this.reader = reader; this.writer = writer; } // Read / write data through the reader / writer var copy = new Copy(new ConsoleReader(), new FileWriter("out.txt"));

44 Dependency Inversion Principle: How? (2)
Property injection Dependencies are passed through setters Pros Can be changed anytime Very flexible Cons Possible invalid state of the object Less intuitive

45 Property Injection – Example
public class Copy { public IReader Reader { get; set; } public IWriter Writer { get; set; } public void CopyAllChars(reader, writer) // Read / write data through the reader / writer } Copy copy = new Copy(); copy.Reader = new ConsoleReader(); copy.Writer = new FileWriter("output.txt"); copy.CopyAllChars();

46 Dependency Inversion Principle: How? (3)
Parameter injection Dependencies are passed through method parameters Pros No change in rest of the class Very flexible Cons Many parameters Breaks the method signature

47 Parameter Injection – Example
public class Copy { public CopyAllChars(IReader reader, IWriter writer) // Read / write data through the reader / writer } Copy copy = new Copy(); var reader = new ConsoleReader(); var writer = new FileWriter("output.txt"); copy.CopyAllChars(reader, writer);

48 Dependency Inversion Principle: Violations
Classic violations of DIP Using of the new keyword Using static methods / properties How to fix broken DIP? Extract interfaces + use constructor injection Inversion of Control (IoC) container

49 Inversion of Control and Dependency Injection
A library / framework calls your code and injects context Inversion of control container (IoC) Several ways to take dependencies when programming through interfaces (dependency injection) Constructor injection Property injection / interface injection Parameter injection

50 Inversion of Control Containers (IoC)
IoC containers Responsible for object instantiation Map interfaces to classes E.g. maps IReader to ConsoleReader Classes initiated at application start-up Interfaces are registered into the container Dependencies on interfaces are injected at runtime Examples – StructureMap, Ninject, Spring Framework and more

51 Dependency Inversion Principle
Live Demo

52 Mocking

53 How to Write Testable Code
Inversion of Control Pattern There is a decoupling of the execution of a certain task from implementation Every module can focus on what it is designed for Modules make no assumptions about what other systems do but rely on their contracts Replacing modules has no side effect on other modules More info at

54 Testing Data-Driven Applications
ExtractImageUrls cannot be reliably tested Accessing external data can return different results public class Crawler { public IEnumerable<string> ExtractImageUrls( string pageUrl) var client = new WebClient(); var html = client.DownloadString(pageUrl); return this.ParseImages(html); } private IEnumerable<string> ParseImages( string html) { ... } Dependency

55 How to Test a Unit with a Dependency?
Extract said dependency in an interface Class should receive the interface through dependency injection Create a mock of the dependency with static behavior (i.e. always returning same data) Pass mock object to the tested class Assert if tested class behavior is correct

56 Testing a Unit with Dependencies
Create dependency interface Create a class and implement the interface public interface IHtmlProvider { string DownloadHtml(string pageUrl); } public class HtmlProvider : IHtmlProvider { public string DownloadHtml(string pageUrl) var client = new WebClient(); return client.DownloadString(pageUrl); } Extract login into the class

57 Testing a Unit with Dependencies (2)
Work through interface in tested class public class Crawler { public Crawler(IHtmlProvider htmlProvider) this.HtmlProvider = htmlProvider; } public IHtmlProvider HtmlProvider { get; set; } public IEnumerable<string> ExtractImageUrls(string pageUrl) var html = this.HtmlProvider.DownloadHtml(pageUrl); return this.ParseImages(html); Dependency Injection through constructor

58 Testing a Unit with Dependencies (3)
In the tests project, set up a mock object using Moq Fake IHtmlProvider whose DownloadHtml() method always returns the same string public class HtmlProviderMock { public HtmlProviderMock this.Setup(); } public IHtmlProvider HtmlProvider { get; set; } private void Setup() var mock = new Mock<IHtmlProvider>(); mock.Setup(p => p.DownloadHtml(It.IsAny<string>())) .Returns("<html>...</html>"); this.HtmlProvider = mock.Object;

59 Testing a Unit with Dependencies (4)
Pass the mock object in the tests to the test class constructor [TestMethod] public void ExtractImageUrls_Should_Return_Collection_Of_Page_Image_Urls() { var mock = new HtmlProviderMock(); var crawler = new Crawler(mock.HtmlProvider); var imageUrls = this.crawler.ExtractImageUrls(string.Empty) .OrderBy(url => url).ToList(); var expectedResults = new [] { "nakov.png", "courses/inner/background.jpeg" }; CollectionAssert.AreEqual(expectedResults, imageUrls); }

60 Mocking Live Demo

61 Unit Testing and Mocking
© Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

62 License This course (slides, examples, demos, videos, homework, etc.) is licensed under the "Creative Commons Attribution- NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International" license Attribution: this work may contain portions from "Web Services and Cloud" course by Telerik Academy under CC-BY-NC-SA license © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

63 Free Trainings @ Software University
Software University Foundation – Software University – High-Quality Education, Profession and Job for Software Developers Software Facebook Software YouTube Software University Forums – © Software University Foundation – This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike license.

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