The Wild West By: Erika Liebel. The West Moo Cattle Trails Boom Towns Ranching.

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Presentation on theme: "The Wild West By: Erika Liebel. The West Moo Cattle Trails Boom Towns Ranching."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Wild West By: Erika Liebel

2 The West Moo Cattle Trails Boom Towns Ranching

3 The Wild LawmenLawmen SaLoonsSaLoons Outlaws CowboysCowboys

4 Texas Geography Desert Mountains Prairies & Grasslands Piney Woods & Grasslands

5 The Cattle Spaniards in 1500 Texas Longhorn All Weather All food Little water

6 King Ranch J.A. Ranch Shoe Bar Ranch XIT Ranch Matador Ranch The Ranches

7 Cattle Trails 1840-1880s1840-1880s Transported cattle from ranch to marketTransported cattle from ranch to market Goodnight-Loving TrailGoodnight-Loving Trail Where the cowboy originatedWhere the cowboy originated End of the cattle trailsEnd of the cattle trails RailroadsRailroads Barbed wireBarbed wire

8 Boom Towns Towns flourish until industry diesTowns flourish until industry dies Cattle Trail stopsCattle Trail stops Railroad stopsRailroad stops PeoplePeople BusinessesBusinesses

9 The Cowboys Hard LifeHard Life Long daysLong days The MythThe Myth

10 Saloons EntertainmentEntertainment CompanionshipCompanionship TroubleTrouble

11 Lawmen PeacekeepersPeacekeepers Ex-gunfightersEx-gunfighters SheriffsSheriffs Texas RangersTexas Rangers U.S. MarshalsU.S. Marshals Texas Rangers

12 Outlaws & Gunfighters Billy the Kid Wild Bill Longley Wild Bill Hickock Buffalo Bill Cody

13 Review 1. Explain why the geography of Texas supported cattle ranching. 2. Why did the Texas Longhorn cattle adapt well to conditions in Texas?

14 Review (cont.) Name two of the Big Ranches in Texas.Name two of the Big Ranches in Texas. Who was the co-owner and founder of one of the big ranches and began the first cattle trail?Who was the co-owner and founder of one of the big ranches and began the first cattle trail?

15 Review (cont.) What is a Boom Town? What is a Boom Town? What industry caused the boom towns of the 1860s – 1880s in Texas?What industry caused the boom towns of the 1860s – 1880s in Texas?

16 Review (cont.) Why did the geography of Texas support cattle trails? Why did the geography of Texas support cattle trails? What was the purpose of the cattle trails?What was the purpose of the cattle trails?

17 Review (cont.) E Explain the Cowboy Myth. D Describe the life of the cowboy in the 1880s.

18 Review (cont.) What role did the Saloons of the old west serve? What role did the Saloons of the old west serve? List the three levels of lawmen in Texas in the 1880s. List the three levels of lawmen in Texas in the 1880s. What is a Texas Ranger?What is a Texas Ranger?

19 Review (cont.) Why do you think the outlaws & gunfighters existed for so long? Why do you think the outlaws & gunfighters existed for so long? Which FAMOUS gunfighter is buried in El Paso?Which FAMOUS gunfighter is buried in El Paso?

20 The End

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