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Practical Beef Nutrition and Ration Formulation

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1 Practical Beef Nutrition and Ration Formulation
Dan Loy 301 Kildee

2 Basic Outline Nutrient Requirements of Importance
Adjustments to Requirements (beef cows) Heifer development Adjustments to Requirements (feedlot) Introduction to BRANDS Common Nutritional “problems” (time permitting)

3 Nutrient Requirements of Importance
Energy Protein Major Minerals Minor Minerals and Vitamins

Gross Energy (GE) Digestible Energy (DE) Metabolizable Energy (ME) Net Energy (NE) Digestion loss (fecal) Urine loss Combustible gases (CH4) Heat increment (HI) -heat of fermentation -heat of nutrient metabolism NEm -basal metabolism -activity at maintenance -sustaining body temp NEg -retained energy

5 Net Energy for Production
Weight Gain Lean vs. Fat Body Condition gain Fetal Growth Milk Production

6 Net Energy for Maintenance
Basal Metabolism Environmental adjustments

7 Metabolizable Protein
CP bypass UIP energy (TDN) MP DIP (ammonia) MCP

8 Effect of Weight and ADG on Protein Requirements

9 Major Minerals Calcium Phosphorous
Required for milk production and growth Grains are low in Ca, Forages are high in Ca Phosphorous Grains and corn coproducts are high in P, and low in Ca Ca:P may be important in steers because of urinary calculi

10 Major Minerals cont’ Magnesium Salt Potassium Sulfur
Low in lush spring grass—Grass Tetany is a common deficiency Salt Sodium requirement, most feeds are low in sodium Potassium High in forages, low in grains. Sulfur Needed when urea is added. Toxicity is concern

11 Trace Minerals and Vitamins
Trace Minerals for Beef Cattle Co, Cu, I, Fe, Mn, Se, Zn Should be part of sound mineral supplementation program Regional differences Vitamin Requirements Vitamin A, D, E. Some B vitamins may be needed for stressed calves.

12 Adjustments to Requirements (cows)
Stage of Production Environmental Adjustments Cow size and breed Body Condition Scoring

13 Seasonal Beef Cow Energy Requirements

14 Seasonal Beef Cow Protein Requirements

Lower Critical Temperature Upper Critical Temperature THERMONEUTRAL ZONE Cold stress Heat Stress Optimum for Performance and Health Low High EFFECTIVE AMBIENT TEMPERATURE

16 Lower Critical Temperature
Coat Description LCT Summer or wet 59 Fall Winter Heavy winter 18

17 Effective Temperature
Wind Speed Calm *Maintenance Requirements increase .7% for each degree of cold stress.

18 Environmental Adjustments NRC
Added are: Internal insulation factors (body condition or fatness) Hide thickness Heat production from feed

19 Effect of Breed on Energy Requirements

20 Effect of Lactation on Energy Requirements

21 Body Condition Scoring
Management tool for adjusting energy requirement of beef cows Also used to evaluate previous nutrition of feeder cattle

22 Thin Cows 1  Severely emaciated; starving and weak; no palpable fat detectable over back, hips or ribs; tailhead and individual ribs prominently visible; all skeletal structures are visible and sharp to the touch; animals are usually disease stricken. Under normal production systems cattle in this condition score are rare. 2  Emaciated; similar to BCS 1, but not weakened; little visible muscle tissue; tailhead and ribs less prominent. 3  Very thin; no fat over ribs or in brisket; backbone easily visible, slight increase in muscling over BCS 

23 Borderline and Optimum
4  Borderline; individual ribs noticeable but overall fat cover is lacking; increased musculature through shoulders and hindquarters; hips and backbone slightly rounded versus sharp appearance of BCS 3. optimum 5  Moderate; increased fat cover over ribs, generally only 12th and 13th ribs are individually distinguishable; tailhead full, but not rounded. 6  Good; back, ribs, and tailhead slightly rounded and spongy when palpated; slight fat deposition in brisket.

24 Fat Condition 7  Fat; cow appears fleshy and carries fat over the back, tailhead, and brisket; ribs are not visible; area of vulva and external rectum contain moderate fat deposits; may have slight fat in udder. 8  Very fat; squared appearance due to excess fat over back, tailhead, and hindquarters; extreme fat deposition in brisket and throughout ribs; excessive fat around vulva and rectum, and within udder; mobility may begin to be restricted. 9  Obese; similar to BCS 8, but to a greater degree; majority of fat deposited in udder limits effective lactation. Under normal production systems cattle in this condition score are rare.

25 Condition Scoring Examples
Condition Score 3 Condition Score 6 Condition Score 8 Pictures from NDSU factsheet AS-1026

26 Condition Scoring of Cows
Optimum is condition 5-6 at calving Each condition score it 80 to 150 pounds depending on cow size It is best to condition score cows in the fall to allow sufficient time for condition score gain

27 Heifer Development Target Weight Concept
Heifers should be 60% of mature weight at breeding and 85% of mature weight at calving Sets target weights and rate of gain 1400 mature size should weigh: 840 at breeding and 1190 at calving. If fall weight is 500 lb., in November (210 days before breeding), then ADG needs to be 1.6 to breeding.

28 Adjustments to Requirements (feedlot)
Frame size Implants Feed additives Step up programs Bunk Management/Monitoring

29 Frame Size

30 Weight at 28% Body Fat Frame Size 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Steer 882 954 1029
1102 1175 1250 1322 1395 1470 Heifer 705 763 824 939 1001 1058 1115 1177

31 The Normal Growth Curve
Management for more rapid growth changes the shape

32 Muscle Growth

33 Fat Growth

34 Methods of Increasing Grain
Ration Step Concentrate Intake % Concentrate Feed Intake X = Days Days Days Increasing Grain Feed Intake Concentrate Intake % Concentrate X = Days Days Days

35 Feed Additives for Feedlot Cattle
Ionophores MGA Optaflexx Broad spectrum antibiotics Coccidiostats

36 Adapting cattle to grain
Two parts Manage feed consumption Adjust rumen microbes to new substrate Each may take 2-3 weeks with calves May only take 4 weeks with previously adapted yearlings Thumb rule for initial grain consumption .5 to 1% of bodyweight

37 Developing a Starting Program (some examples)
determine expected intake determine eventual ration determine beginning concentrate levels

38 Sample starting program - Long hauled calves ( 400 lb.)

39 Sample starting program - precon or low stress calves (400 lb.)

40 Sample starting program - Backgrounded yearlings (800 lb.)

41 Goal of Feedbunk Management
Deliver a consistent, nutritious, fresh ration in a manner that maximizes feed intake and minimizes waste and spoilage.

42 Some Items a Good Bunk Sheet Should Contain
Pen Number Lot Number Head Count In Weight Current Weight Days on Feed Days on Ration Indication of Slick Bunks Indication of When Bunks Last Cleaned Amount of Feed Fed Last 5-7 Days From Horton (1990)

43 SDSU Bunk Scoring System
Developed to improve feed deliveries in a University Research Feedlot Improved efficiency Uses a 4-Point Bunk Scoring System From Pritchard (1993)

44 SDSU 4-Point Bunk Scoring System

45 Bunk Score 0 to 1/2

46 Bunk score 1 and 2

47 Example Bunk Sheet

48 Making Feed Calls Cattle Aggressiveness Weather Storm Rations?
Rule Weather Heat Mud Rain Cold Storm Rations?

49 Other Bunk Mgmt Factors
Feed presentation Mixing Processing (particle size) Fines (conditioners) Nutritional Adequacy

50 Bunk Management Philosophy

51 Bunk Management Philosophy

52 Cumulative Performance of Prescription Fed Cattle
Treatment Item Prescription Ad libitum Cumulative (121 days) BW ADG DMI F/G Frequency of slick bunks, % Pritchard, 1997

53 Beef Nutrition via the BRANDS Software Package
Drs. Daryl Strohbehn and Dan Loy Extension Beef Specialists

54 What is BRANDS? BRANDS is a series of spreadsheet programs which work in conjunction with Microsoft® Excel to assist producers and beef professionals in balancing rations for all types of cattle. BRANDS features 5 ration modules.

55 Feedlot Beef Cow Heifer Growing Bull Breeding Bull

56 Seventh Revised Edition Update 2000
programmed using “Nutrient Requirements of Beef Cattle” Seventh Revised Edition Update 2000

57 Comes in two different types of packages Standard Edition Modules
Comes in two different types of packages Standard Edition Modules For the beginner (Excel 5.0 & beyond) Professional Edition For the experienced nutritionist that has multiple clients (Excel 2000 & beyond)

58 Introduction Screen-BRANDS Professional

59 Common Feed Library Shared Between Modules
Feed Library Worksheet Common Feed Library Shared Between Modules

60 Cow Module- Professional Edition Input Screen

61 Ration Balancing Screen

62 Feedyard Module

63 Feedyard Module- Professional Edition Input Screen

64 Heifer Module

65 Heifer Module- Professional Edition Input Screen

66 Calendarized Heifer Development Screen

67 Nutritional Problems in Beef Cattle
Grass Tetany Urinary Calculi Sulfur Toxicity (polioencephalamalacia) Se deficiency Acidosis and Bloat Nitrate and urea toxicosis Molds and mycotoxins

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