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Oceanography 569 Oceanographic Data Analysis Laboratory Kathie Kelly Applied Physics Laboratory 515 Ben Hall IR Bldg class web site:

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Presentation on theme: "Oceanography 569 Oceanographic Data Analysis Laboratory Kathie Kelly Applied Physics Laboratory 515 Ben Hall IR Bldg class web site:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Oceanography 569 Oceanographic Data Analysis Laboratory Kathie Kelly Applied Physics Laboratory 515 Ben Hall IR Bldg class web site: 2014/ Kathie Kelly Applied Physics Laboratory 515 Ben Hall IR Bldg class web site: 2014/

2 Applying Analysis Tools practice exercise for project

3 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Data: % sshm - weekly sea surface height anomaly (SSH) % Qnet - daily net surface heat flux (OAFlux) % alf _rho_cp - alpha/(rho*cp) % where alpha is the coefficient of thermal expansion % c p is the specific heat of sea water, rho is density of sea water % txqs, tyqs - daily QuikSCAT wind stress components % coastline - lon, lat for graphics Model: % thermal expansion from seasonal heating (vertical integral of temperature, converted to SSH using the coefficient of thermal expansion) % % d(SSH)/dt = alf*Qnet/(rho*c_p) % Other candidate (for statistical comparison): % wind stress

4 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Look at time-longitude to determine obvious signals Seasonal cycle apparent No evidence of RW propagation

5 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Run the heating model and compare with observed SSH

6 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Run the heating model and compare with observed SSH One outcome: Assess skill

7 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Compare winds with (nonseaonal) SSH Match integral time scales of ssh and winds (approximately)

8 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea What analysis tools do we have for comparing data without a model? Compare winds with (nonseaonal) SSH

9 Sea Level Variability in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea Compare winds with (nonseaonal) SSH 1)SSH 1 and stress 1 correlated with zero lag: Northward winds  high sea level 2)SSH 2 and stress 2 marginally correlated 3)Stress 1 leads stress 2: Northward winds lead cyclone (eastward propagation of storms) Overall: heating accounts for much of seasonal cycle Rest is wind-driven, but mechanism unclear

10 Applying Analysis Tools practice exercise for project

11 Projects Chose either project 1 or 2 Use analysis tools from class (including models for the project) Write up results in a slide presentation (approximately 30 min) Do NOT include your Matlab code – think of this as a seminar! Include in presentation: What is the science question? What is your analysis plan? Why? What special considerations are there? What tools did you use? models, statistical procedures, etc Show metrics: skill, significance tests, etc What did you conclude? Why? Show data examples, analysis outcomes, etc

12 Project 1: What Causes SST Variability in the Gulf Stream? Data: SST, climatological MLD, Gulf Stream path, winds One dimensional mixed layer model: dT/dt = (Q-qrad)/(rho*cp*h) where qrad is the radiative flux leakage for the given climatological MLD h 1) Climatological analysis: Do you see climatological errors? (errors that recur each year) Is there a pattern to the errors? How would you correct for an error in climatological Q/h?

13 Project 1: What Causes SST Variability in the Gulf Stream? 2) Analyze residual: dT/dt(model) - dT/dt(obs) What are the errors in the heating model? Other candidates: Gulf Stream path changes Winds How do each of these affect SST?

14 Project 1: What Causes SST Variability in the Gulf Stream? What are the missing terms in this mixed layer model? Without writing a new model can you relate these candidate variables to the residual? (statistical relationships) What are some ways that wind can effect dT/dt? (Note: changes in wind speed are accounted for in Q) How does the change in Gulf Stream path affect dT/dt?

15 Project 2: What causes SSH anomalies in tropical Atlantic? Candidates: surface heating (OAFlux/ISCCP net surface flux) wind-forced Rossby waves (QuikSCAT wind stress curl)

16 Project 2: What causes SSH anomalies in tropical Atlantic? response to surface heating: dη/dt = Qnet*α/(rho*c_p) wind-forced Rossby waves: dη/dt = c*dη/dx –r*η -C*curl where c is the phase speed of the Rossby waves and r is a damping factor (eddy diffusion) RW model needs an eastern boundary condition (because waves travel westward), so use SSH interpolated to the model t grid

17 Project 2: What causes SSH anomalies in tropical Atlantic? More information: RW model does not include thermosteric sea level, so remove heating response from SSH first RW model has some fungible parameters, g’, r (damping), and phase speed, c. Estimate phase speed, but adjust to reduce errors. Reduced gravity (g’) can be adjusted also. The damping factor (alf/r) has been optimized so no need to change it.

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