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Where to pray for IRAQ: Mosul Erbil Baghdad Fallujah Qaim SYRIA: Raqqa Aleppo Homs Hassekeh Deir al-Zour.

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Presentation on theme: "Where to pray for IRAQ: Mosul Erbil Baghdad Fallujah Qaim SYRIA: Raqqa Aleppo Homs Hassekeh Deir al-Zour."— Presentation transcript:


2 Where to pray for IRAQ: Mosul Erbil Baghdad Fallujah Qaim SYRIA: Raqqa Aleppo Homs Hassekeh Deir al-Zour

3 “Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer. Share with the Lord’s people who are in need.” Romans 12:12


5 Our Father in heaven, hallowed be Your Name


7 Your kingdom come, Your will be done

8 We want God’s kingdom to break in

9 Over 30,000 civilian deaths in Iraq and Syria in 2014 Around half of those were children

10 Islamic State is targeting Christians and minorities. In Mosul alone, 45 churches have been destroyed or converted

11 “They told him to ‘renounce Jesus and proclaim Mohammed or we’ll kill you’... I’m so proud that he refused. Three times. Three times they shot him.”



14 On earth as in heaven


16 “If Islamic State stays, there is no way the Christians can return”

17 Give us today our daily bread

18 “We Muslims have got Allah in heaven and you Christians on Earth”


20 19,000 families in Iraq and Syria are being supported each month

21 And forgive us our sins

22 “We need every Christian in the world to pray… Pray that Syria will find Jesus.” Syrian Christian, Damascus

23 As we forgive those who sin against us

24 Pray for persecutors Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, self- proclaimed leader of IS

25 Bashar al-Assad President of Syria Haider al-Abadi Prime Minister of Iraq Tammam Salam Prime Minister of Lebanon Western Leaders Can these men become agents of peace and reconciliation?

26 Lead us not into temptation, But deliver us from evil




30 For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen

31 A prayer of Pastor Douglas, minister working with Christian refugees in Iraq: “Without Your grace we cannot survive, Lord God. Even if there is enough food and there are good medicines. Come with Your grace into our lives.

32 Thanks to Your grace we can see that You are really here that Your strength is still present here, and that the Holy Spirit is working in our lives. We are weak, but belong to You, to You alone. We will follow You for all time. Amen.”

33 Pray for hope and a future for fleeing families in Iraq: Dear Lord, save Iraq’s persecuted children and give them hope to build a better future for themselves.

34 For I know the plans I have for you,’ declares the Lord, ‘plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11

35 “This is the time for the church to help; time to support the refugees. Who else can give hope and spread peace than the Lord?” Pastor Edward, Damascus, Syria

36 “The church is like a tent that cares for those beneath her... a family for those who feel strangers in their own country.” Pastor Boutros, Tartus, Syria

37 “We thought that we were alone, but I think now that we are not alone. Our brothers and sisters around the world are supporting us, and also the most important thing: Jesus is with us.”

38 “Every person has the right to worship the God of their heart” Brother Andrew

39 “If one part suffers, every part suffers with it” 1 Corinthians 12:26

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