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 An object-oriented programming language ◦ Instructions for the manipulation of objects ◦ A structured way to provide instructions to Excel  Excel has.

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Presentation on theme: " An object-oriented programming language ◦ Instructions for the manipulation of objects ◦ A structured way to provide instructions to Excel  Excel has."— Presentation transcript:

1  An object-oriented programming language ◦ Instructions for the manipulation of objects ◦ A structured way to provide instructions to Excel  Excel has an Object Library that defines its set of objects (e.g. workbooks, charts, ranges of cells)


3  First part of a command identifies the object  Second part of command: ◦ Sets a property of the object (e.g. color or font) ◦ Takes an action on the object (e.g.copy or move) ◦ Sets an attribute to the object (e.g. assigns a value to it using := )

4  Application.Workbooks(“Book1.xls”). Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”).Font. Name=“Arial” ◦ Application.Workbooks(“Book1.xls”). Worksheets(“Sheet1”).Range(“A1”) is the object ◦ Font.Name=“Arial” is the property being set

5  A Procedure is a set of instructions that operate on a set of objects ◦ A Function is a procedure that returns a value as a result ◦ A Subroutine is a procedure that can be run or used by another macro


7 Sub bluecell() ' ' bluecell Macro ' With Selection.Interior.Pattern = xlSolid.PatternColorIndex = xlAutomatic.Color = 16777062.TintAndShade = 0.PatternTintAndShade = 0 End With End Sub

8  Used to overcome long lines of repetitive code that can arise when using full references to objects  The construct allows for repeated referral to the same object and thereby reduces the amount of code  Selection.Interior is the object and the next five lines before the End With represent the different properties being set for this object.

9  Run Macro option  Shortcut Keys: [Ctrl][Shift] letter  Command Buttons  Custom Toolbar

10  Variables contain values ◦ X= 3000 ◦ UnitCost = 1.20 ◦ Output1 = “npv”  Each variable has a location in memory where its value is stored  If a variable is on left side of the equal sign, then the variable’s new value in memory is changed to whatever is on right side  If a variable is on right side of the equal sign, then the variable’s value will not change but its value will be assigned to another variable or object.

11  Declare all variables at beginning of each procedure with the keyword Dim ◦ Catches spelling problems later on and helps debug problems ◦ Allows you to specify type of variable:  String (for names like “npv”)  Integer  Single (for numbers with decimals)  Currency  Boolean (for True/False) ◦ Uses memory better and allows variable to be used in its appropriate context

12  Function name(parameter1, parameter 2,…) …Code…. name= result End Function  Example:  Function betapert(prob,min,mostlikely,max) …Code…. betapert= Application.BetaInv(…..) End Function

13  When VBA encounters a problem, it will highlight line in yellow.  Use [f8] key to step through code  Use the Reset icon button (square) at top of VBA to exit step-through mode and trouble- shoot code or Excel/VBA settings. Cannot retry macro until yellow highlight is gone.

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