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Case 1 45 y male Large ulcer on right leg----4-5 months ON examination An ulcer measuring 4x6 cm on medial Aspect of right leg just above the ankle joint.

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Presentation on theme: "Case 1 45 y male Large ulcer on right leg----4-5 months ON examination An ulcer measuring 4x6 cm on medial Aspect of right leg just above the ankle joint."— Presentation transcript:

1 Case 1 45 y male Large ulcer on right leg----4-5 months ON examination An ulcer measuring 4x6 cm on medial Aspect of right leg just above the ankle joint. There is discharge of pus and blood from The ulcer.

2 Case 1 Pathology: Squamous cell carcinoma Local Radiology: no bone involvement MRI Leg: an ulcerated area of 4x4 cm Staging tests--?

3 Case 1 3 cycles of CF given. Remarkable response seen. Complete clearance of ulcerated wound followed by re-epithelization and scab formation.

4 Case 1

5 further treatment--? Surgery---? Radiotherapy--? Further cycles of chemotherapy----?

6 Case 2 50 y male Difficulty in passing stool----3-4 months Colonoscopy—in sigmoid colon,circumferential mass with friable mucosa causing narrowing of lumen,scope passed with difficulty.Rectum,ascending and descending colon normal. Biopsy taken.

7 Case 2 Pathology—Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma CT Scan Abdomen:there is focal area of diffuse Circumferential thickening in the sigmoid colon Causing luminal narrowing and pericolonic Infiltration.It is measuring 8cm in length and 2.4cm in maximum wall thickness.

8 Case 2 Surgery: Tumor site----sigmoid colon Size of tumor---7.5x3.5cm Specimen dimension---22x6cm Procedure---abdominoperineal resection Specimen----sigmoid colon and rectum. Tumor configuration—exophytic polypoidal.

9 Case 2 margins: proximal margin---5 cm Distal margin---12 cm Mesentreric---9cm Perineural invasion—absent Lymphovascular invasion---absent All 15 nodes---negative

10 Case 2 Stage---pT3N0. Further Treatment-----?

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