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Presented By St. Louis Public Schools Understand and comply with District Policy. Be able to identify the danger signals associated with kinesics (body.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented By St. Louis Public Schools Understand and comply with District Policy. Be able to identify the danger signals associated with kinesics (body."— Presentation transcript:


2 Presented By St. Louis Public Schools

3 Understand and comply with District Policy. Be able to identify the danger signals associated with kinesics (body movement, facial expression, etc.). Have a knowledge of De-Escalation techniques Understand District Policy and State Law with regard to Restraint, Isolation, and Exclusion Recognizing and responding to Bullying 2

4 Adopted by the SAB, June 2012 3

5 Promote safety and prevention of harm to students and others Foster a climate of dignity and respect in the use of discipline and behavior management Provide guidelines about the use of seclusion, isolation, and restraint Promote the use of non-aversive, behavior interventions 4

6 SLPS Board of Education Policy- Corporal Punishment SLPS District employees and volunteers are prohibited from administering corporal punishment to students attending the SLPS schools and from causing such punishment to be administered 5

7 Physical restraint is justified when it is an alternative to a greater harm. When necessary, it should be applied without anger and as a restraint rather than as retaliation. Trained staff members are permitted to use only the minimum amount of restraint reasonably necessary to accomplish the preventive measures required. 6

8 SLPS Board of Education Policy- Physical Restraint Physical restraint will be used only when other means of preventing or stopping a breach of discipline have proved ineffective. Trained staff members, regardless of their level of training, may, use justifiable physical restraint of a student if it is deemed reasonably necessary to: 7

9 1. Prevent the student from hurting himself/herself. 2. Protect others. 3. Protect the staff members well-being. 8

10 SLPS Board of Education Policy- Seclusion and Isolation Seclusion is not practiced with SLPS Isolation will only be used in an emergency situation Isolation shall not be used as a form of punishment 9

11 Reporting/Debriefing If a staff member uses physical restraint or isolation on a student, the following must be done: 1. Report the incident to the Building Administrator immediately 2. Prepare a written comprehensive report detailing the reason for using physical restraint, the type and manner of physical restraint, the amount of force used in the physical restraint 10

12 3. The report must be prepared within 24 hours. 4. The report shall be forwarded to Building Administrator, Office of the Superintendent, Director of School Safety and Security. 11

13 5. The Building Administrator shall follow all regular District reporting procedures for external agencies as required by District Policies 6. The Building Administrator shall conduct a debriefing for any incident that results in an injury. 12

14 A. It is critical to show you were fearful of serious bodily injury. Exactly what did the subject say or do that made you feel threatened? B. Document exactly all verbal language used and the physically combative actions displayed by the person. C. Before details are forgotten, immediately write a report. A. If it isnt in writing, it didnt happen 13

15 If a parent or guardian has a propensity for violent or abusive behavior, document it in the students file. Always review the appropriate file prior to a meeting. If it is an unscheduled meeting, ask for a minute to collect the information to mentally prepare yourself. Ensure you document the subjects EXACT words to include profanity. (The most common complaint about us is that we were rude, when in reality, we were courteous but firm). Ensure you document the subjects behavior, body language and what they did or said that made you feel threatened. Get statements from witnesses. 14

16 Be able to identify the danger signals associated with kinesics (body movement, facial expression, etc.). Develop skills in proper documentation of violent behavior. Be aware of civil liability concerns and court preparation. Know when it is time to call for assistance, flee, or prevent physical attack. 15

17 Anger is the common denominator of most violence. A.Violence is rare without anger being present. B.It is the major component of any verbally or physically combative subject. 16

18 A. Medical: A physiological condition as a basis for anger B. Trauma: A physiological injury as a basis for anger C. Genetic: Inheritance from relatives D. Environmental: All the conditions surrounding and affecting the development of the individual and it has the greatest effect: 1. Inadequate income and living conditions. 2. Age, experience, education, observation. 17

19 Increased respiration. Heightening of awareness. Tunnel Vision. Loss of situational awareness. Increased heart rate. Increased skin salinity. 18

20 Exiting: After an aggressor is willing to leave the area, never position yourself by the door or follow. This act of submission followed by physical closeness may re-ignite the situation. 19

21 Principal Subject School Safety Officer Secretary 20 Exit

22 Always start with I or WE, depending on circumstances, but not you. 21

23 A. Styles of speaking with an angry person: 1.Firm 2.No hesitation 3.Low voice and moderate tone to achieve active listing 4.Dont shout or raise your voice 5.Project a calm, controlled demeanor B. Listen, then paraphrase what the person said C. Self Control Methods: 1.Do not be judgmental 2.Do not allow personal feelings/ideas to affect your mood 3.Always search/look for an escape D. Treat the person as you desire to be treated (golden rule) 22

24 1. Your Presence No force is used. Considered the best way to resolve a situation. The mere presence of staff can work to deter crime or diffuse a situation. Your attitude should be professional and nonthreatening. 23 U.S. Department of JusticeU.S. Department of Justice | Office of Justice Programs August 4, 2009Office of Justice Programs Modified: September 2010

25 2. Verbalization Force is not-physical. Staff issues calm, nonthreatening commands, such as "Let me see your identification and schedule." You may increase your volume and shorten commands in an attempt to gain compliance. Short commands might include "Stop," or Come here." 24 U.S. Department of JusticeU.S. Department of Justice | Office of Justice ProgramsOffice of Justice Programs Modified: September 2010

26 See that your identity is known (If necessary, identify yourself) Verbally intervene using a calm but firm voice. Use the students names. (John and Joseph stop fighting and back up.) Disperse the on-lookers. Send for help. Send for Help. If the combatants do not follow your directions and continue to fight, send a responsible on-looker for other staff members. Direct the other students to move out of the area. 25

27 Assess the situation while continuing to calmly talk to the fighting students and while moving any dangerous objects out of their way (items that they could bump their heads on or which could be used as a weapon). 26

28 If this is a situation in which one student is on the attack and the other student seems to be acting in self-defense, focus your remarks on the attacking student. If the attacking student lets up, direct the defending student to go to the office by himself and keep the attacking student with you. Physical intervention, as required, by trained staff while following the District Intervention Policy. 27

29 Based on the philosophy that all people have a right to be treated with dignity and respect Recognizes that a persons behavior, positive or negative, is a form of communication Uses an approach to proactively meet the needs of others, striving to improve relationships and learning to avoid repeating mistakes 28

30 At SLPS, All SET and Autism teachers, instructional care aides, speech and language pathologists and occupational therapists are certified annually. Participants must complete twelve hours of training over two days. Learn more at: 29

31 Training/certification includes: Building Healthy Relationships – Maslows hierarchy of needs; R.A.D.A.R. to stay conscious of possible threats to safety; Crisis cycle to analyze and describe interactions Building Healthy Communication-Both verbal and nonverbal Building Healthy Conflict Resolution-Perceptions; empathy; conflict cycle; S.O.D.A.S to cooperatively achieve resolution; teamwork Safe Physical Interaction-Assisting and supporting; separating skills; standing restraint 30

32 Based on the philosophy that provides for the care and safety of everyone involved in a crisis situation Gives educators the skills to safely and effectively respond to anxious, hostile or violent behavior while balancing the responsibilities of care 31

33 At SLPS, All Multiple Pathways staff members are certified annually. Participants must complete eight hours of training over two days. Learn more about CPI at: 32

34 IS: The confinement of a student alone in an enclosed space WITHOUT LOCKING HARDWARE IS NOT: Supervised in-school suspension IS NOT: Detention IS NOT: Time out (a disciplinary consequence or an intervention to separate the student from the attention of staff or other students) 33

35 IS: The confinement of a student alone in an enclosed space WITH LOCKING HARDWARE in order to prevent them from leaving IS: Used for an emergency situation while awaiting law enforcement 34

36 IS: The use of person to person contact to restrict the free movement of all or a portion of a students body. IS NOT: Briefly holding a student without undue force for instructional or other purposes. IS NOT: Briefly holding a student to calm IS NOT: Taking a students hand to transport him for safety IS NOT: Intervening in a fight 35

37 Use only as long as necessary Use least degree of force necessary Avoid pressure or weight on the chest, lungs, sternum, diaphragm, neck, back or throat Avoid hyperextension of any body part Conduct in the presence and line of sight of another staff person whenever possible 36

38 Requires Documentation of: Special education status (IEP, behavior intervention plan, 504 Description of the incident Non physical efforts to de-escalate Student behavior/response Duration of incident and level of force use Physical status during and after the incident Follow-up that is planned Notification to families 37

39 By Being Bully Free

40 1. Bullying is more than just teasing 2. Anyone can be a bully 3. Anyone can be a victim 4. Bullying isnt a modern problem 5. Bullying affects everyone 6. Bullying is a serious problem 7. We can work together to find solutions 8. A comprehensive plan will produce the best results 9. Children at risk can be helped 10. Schools are responsible for protecting students 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools39

41 Bullying shall mean intimidation or harassment of a student or multiple students perpetuated by individual or groups. Bullying includes violence, gestures, theft, or damaging property; oral or written taunts, including name-calling, put-downs, extortion or threats; or threats of retaliation for reporting such acts. Bullying may also include cyber bullying or cyber threats. SLPS Board Policy 5131.9 Policy Adopted: June 26, 2012 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools40

42 Hazing shall mean any activity, on or off school grounds, that a reasonable person believes would negatively impact the mental or physical health or safety of a student or put a student in a ridiculous, humiliating, stressful, or disconcerting position for the purposes of initiation, affiliation, admission, membership or maintenance of member ship in any group, class, organization, club or athletic team including, but not limited to, a grade level, student organization or school-sponsored activity... SLPS Board Policy 5131.9 Policy Adopted: June 26, 2012 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools41

43 Cyberbullying shall mean the sending or posting of harmful or cruel test or images using the Internet or other digital communication devices. Cyberthreats are online materials that threaten or raise concerns about violence against others, suicide, or self-harm. SLPS Board Policy 5131.9 Policy Adopted: June 26, 2012 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools42

44 Bullying is: A form of overt and aggressive behavior that is intentional, hurtful, humiliating, and possibly injurious. Repeated negative action over time. An imbalance of strength. Bullies want to have power over people. 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools43

45 Enjoys feeling powerful and in control Likes to be the center of attention Seeks to dominate or manipulate others Gets satisfaction or pleasure from other peoples fear, discomfort, or pain Feels little or no empathy for others Does not respect others May have been bullied themselves 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools44

46 Physical: pushing, shoving, tripping, kicking, hitting, slapping, pinching Verbal: racist, sexist, or bigoted remarks; name- calling, threats, teasing Relational/Emotional: intimidation, coercion, spreading rumors or lies, exclusion Sexual: focus is on things like a person's appearance, body parts, or sexual orientation. 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools45

47 Direct: hitting, kicking, shoving, spitting, taunting, teasing, racial slurs, verbal harassment, threatening, obscene gestures Indirect: getting another person to bully someone, spreading rumors, deliberately excluding someone from a group or activity, cyber bullying 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools46

48 AdultAdult ChildChild 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools47

49 Perpetrator: the bully Victim: passive-submissive or provocative Bystander: does not directly participate but reinforces the bully Non-participant: does not participate, simply present, but takes no action to prevent 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools48

50 Males: Direct - physical and/or verbal intimidation Females: Indirect – gossip, rumors, sexual comments, social exclusion Previous studies found that: Males bully more than girls Males report being bullied by males Females report being bullied by males and females Current studies find the trends are reversing 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools49

51 Get into frequent fights Be injured in a fight Steal, vandalize property Use drugs, alcohol, tobacco Be truant, drop out of school Report poorer academic achievement Perceive a negative climate at school Carry a weapon 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools50

52 Decreased interest in school work or quality of work Erratic school attendance, higher absenteeism Goes to recess late and returns early, drops school activities once enjoyed Difficulty concentrating in class or sudden changes in mood or behavior Seems isolated, withdrawn, anxious, fearful, self- blaming 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools51

53 Poor or few social skills; no friends or few friends Low or no self-confidence or self-esteem Lacks a sense of humor or uses inappropriate humor Uses victim body language – hunched shoulders, head down, avoids eye contact Frequent illness or unexplained scratches, bruises, or damage to clothes or belongings. Prefers company of adults during lunch & free time 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools52

54 Suddenly starts bullying other students Higher rates of depression Appears ashamed of the trait that separates him/her from the other students Talks about running away, committing suice, or other alarming behaviors 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools53

55 Hyperactive, having difficulty concentrating Quick-tempered, tries to fight back if provoked May be bullied by many children and/or adults Tries to bully younger, weaker children 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools54

56 Bully/Victims display the social-emotional problems or victimized children and the behavioral problems of children who bully. Poor relationships with classmates Lonely Poorer academic achievement Higher rates of smoking and alcohol use More frequent fighting 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools55

57 Peer Ratings Students most want to avoid Bully/Victims Teachers report Bully/Victims Are the least popular students Have the most conduct problems Are the most disengaged from school 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools56

58 Bullying hurts everyone: victims, bullies, bystanders, and non-participants. Creates a fearful school climate Leads to absenteeism Causes loneliness, depression, anxiety problems, and eating disorders Physical symptoms, headaches, sleep problems, abdominal pain Increases the risk of suicide 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools57

59 Common patterns of early learning found in homes of children at-risk for anti-social behavior (including bullying) (grades 1-12) Inconsistent discipline Punitive management Lack monitoring Social Skills Deficits (grades 1-12) Deviant Peer Group (grades 3-12) Delinquency (grades 7-12) Trends find students are becoming younger 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools58

60 1. Take Immediate Action Do not ignore the behavior Instruct the bully to STOP the hurtful behavior NOW Instruct the bully to move away from the victim 2. Follow Up Clearly document what happened, when and where it occurred and who was involved Talk to the bully and the victim separately Talk to witnesses Inform the administration 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools59

61 Do Send a clear message that the bullying is not the victims fault Listen closely without interrupting. Maintain eye contact and demonstrate attentive body language Ask questions for clarification and to be encouraging Empathize and occasionally mirror the students emotions in your own face Assure the student you will do everything in your power to ensure bullying ceases, including follow-up with students involved, their parents, and school personnel 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools60

62 Dont Blame the victim for the bullying Act as though the bullying is no big deal Interrupt the student Challenge or interrogate the student 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools61

63 Bullying involves not only bullies and victims but also bystanders and non-participants. Enlist this important group of participants to help stop bullying. 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools62

64 Make it clear that you – and the school – want every student to do the following when others are bullied Refuse to join in Do not ignore bullying you see or know about. By doing nothing, you are participating in the bullying If possible, stand up for the bullied student. Tell the bully, Dont treat him that way! Stop hitting him! Report all bullying to a teacher or school official Never fight the bully. Its not safe and it will make the bullying problem worse, not better. 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools63

65 Provide students with opportunities to talk about bullying Involve student in establishing classroom rules against bullying Provide classroom activities and discussion around the harmful effects of bullying Teach cooperation/compromise social skills Take immediate action when bullying observed/reported Confront bullies in private – BUILD THE RELATIONSHIP 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools64

66 Notify parents of both the bully and victim – seek to resolve the conflict at school Refer both bully and victim to the counselor and/or social worker, if appropriate Provide protection for victims (buddy system) Listen to parents who report or express concerns about bullying and investigate immediately Avoid attempts to mediate in bullying situations – power imbalance in the bully dynamic precludes this from happening (USDE 1998) 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools65

67 Bullying is not allowed in our classroom or the school. We dont tease, call names, or put people down. We dont hit, shove, kick, or punch. If we see someone being bullied, we speak up and stop it (if we can) or go for help right away. When we do things as a group, we make sure that everyone is included and no one is left out. We make new students feel welcome. We listen to each others opinions. We treat each other with kindness and respect. We respect each others and the schools property. We look for the good in others and value differences. Adapted from The Bully Free Classroom,1999 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools66

68 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools67 BULLIES

69 Take a Stand. Lend a Hand. Stop Bullying Now! HRSA. © 2005 Bully Prevention In Positive Behavior Support. Educational & Community Supports. © 2009 Bullying: What do We Know and How can School be Part of the Solution? ©2009 School House Bullies. Brunner & Lewis © 2006 Safe & Secure Schools. Brunner & Lewis © 2009 Bully Free Classroom. Beane © 1999 2/14/2014St. Louis Public Schools68

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