UWA, COVS and LEI COVS is effectively the academic arm of LEI through which competitive research grants are managed and to which academic appointments.

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Presentation on theme: "UWA, COVS and LEI COVS is effectively the academic arm of LEI through which competitive research grants are managed and to which academic appointments."— Presentation transcript:

1 UWA, COVS and LEI COVS is effectively the academic arm of LEI through which competitive research grants are managed and to which academic appointments are made LEI provides extensive office and laboratory research facilities, equipment and infrastructure for research groups LEI/COVS provide unique translational opportunities. Institute bridges clinical, teaching and research work

2 Molecular Ophthalmology Development and characterization of animal models for age- related macular degeneration and ocular neovascularisation The potential of marrow stromal cells for cell-based therapeutic treatment of ocular diseases Establishment of a DNA Bank for retinitis pigmentosa sufferers in WA and their families Antisense therapy for ocular diseases Gene-based treatment strategies for diabetic retinopathy Computational technology to model biological processes Preclinical evaluation of sFlt secretion gene therapy for retinal and choroidal neovascularisation

3 rAAV.sFlt-1 secretion gene limits vascular leakage Shen et al., Archives of Ophthalmol 122: 353-360 (2004) macula 3 months 24 months 12 months rAAV.GFP rAAV.sFlt-1 Publications (2000-2010): 76

4 Funding NHMRC Foundation for Fighting Blindness USA Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation Lions Save Sight Foundation Retina Australia NHMRC “Ten of the best” award in 2004

5 Physiology and Pharmacology Advanced New Therapeutics and Diagnostics in Retinal Diseases and Glaucoma Microelectrode measurements of retinal oxygen distribution Animal models of retinal disease and glaucoma Retinal blood flow and vascular disease New therapeutic strategies Basic research and clinical projects 6 PhDs, 4 MDs, 3 Support Staff plus students

6 Achievements novel laser technologies dissolving tube for the treatment of glaucoma > 200 research papers and 10 patents consecutive NHMRC Program Grants ARC Centre of Excellence in Vision Science >$14 Million in NHMRC and ARC funding major commercialisation of new glaucoma treatment

7 Genetics and Population Health Glaucoma Inheritance Study in Tasmania (GIST) one of the largest glaucoma biobanks >5,000 DNA samples & clinical data >50 papers, including Science, Nature Genetics, New England Journal Med discovery of the myocilin and Caveolin genes. Western Australian Glaucoma Inheritance Study established in WA Twins Eye Study in Tasmania and Brisbane genome wide analysis to identify genes associated with ocular measures related to disease Norfolk Island Eye Study (NIES) study cause of eye diseases incl glaucoma, myopia and AMD Strabismus pedigrees of strabismus patients in Tasmania and now Western Australia

8 Raine Eye Health Study ophthalmic examinations on 2,167 prospectively followed Raine Birth Cohort members (now 20 yrs, have 610,000 GWAS analysis) establish an ophthalmic baseline for a cohort that can be followed through later adult life Busselton Healthy Ageing Study longitudinal cohort study of 5,000 adults collect epidemiological, clinical and genetic data on a range of conditions of economic and public health importance in an ageing population

9 Immunology and Virology International leaders in immunology and viral immunogenetics model of persistent viral infections Seminal research in innate immunity multiple papers in high impact journals (Science, Nature Immunology x4, Immunity, J Exp Medicine). Many >200/paper citations Identified immune responses required to limit persistent viral infections Clinical relevance – CMV, HEP B, HIV, transplantation Continuous NHMRC funding since 1999, NHMRC Program Grant in 2010

10 Ocular Immunology – new initiative commenced in 2008 Immune responses to ocular viral infection What tissues/cells are infected Impact of the virus Impact of anti-viral immune responses Immune responses to ocular gene therapy First study of immune responses to gene therapy in small and large animal models Preclinical data required for TGA approval of gene therapy Impact of systemic infection on inflammation in the eye First evidence of impact of systemic disease on CNS Identified relevant mechanisms Important clinical connotations

11 New models of autoimmune disease of the eye Autoimmune uveitis First model of spontaneous autoimmune disease of the eye How is tolerance maintained Can study disease progression and impact of intervention Autoimmune disease with ocular complications – AS associated uveitis First mouse model of SpA Identify cause including microbial trigger Define relevant mechanisms Can trial intervention strategies in vivo Several publications including in the pipeline (in preparation and/or submitted)

12 New research ventures Stem Cell Research Indigenous Health

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