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Help and Example from “The Highwayman”

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1 Help and Example from “The Highwayman”
Poetry Analysis Essay Help and Example from “The Highwayman”

2 Step 1: Annotate your Poem
Write an essay in which you use the criteria of theme, literary devices, and structure to analyze the quality of a poem. Step 1: Annotate your Poem Take notes on your poem about the following items: Theme/Subject Matter Literary Devices (take notes on which items are used and explain the effect it has on the poem) Structure (Take notes on the elements of structure which are used and explain the effect it has on the poem)

3 Step 2: Write a thesis statement
Prompt: Write an essay in which you use the criteria of theme, literary devices, and structure to analyze the quality of a poem. The thesis, like the theme statement, will contain these things: Elements used in the essay (“As a result of”, “Due to”) Opinion about the kind of poem it is Title & Author Ex. Through Alfred Noyes ominous word choice, powerful repetition, and poignant portrayal of unending love, his poem, “The Highway Man,” distinguishes itself as a bittersweet romantic poem.

4 What to include in your paragraphs:
Topic Sentence(s): Identify the criteria you will discuss and explain it’s importance to poetry in general. Second sentence explains the criteria in the poem specifically. Example: Give one example of the criteria from the poem. Direct quote embedded in your sentence. Commentary: Explain how this example fits the criteria and adds to the quality of the poem. (give 2 ways) Example: Give another example Commentary: (Give 2 ways) Conclusion: Explain how the use of this criteria adds to the overall quality of the poem.

5 Body #1: Theme In order for any poem to affect readers and endure the test of time, it must contain a subject matter which provokes strong emotion. In the case of “The Highwayman,” Noyes depicts the theme that true love cannot be separated even in death. This ideal of devoted love is first portrayed when the highwayman looks up to Bess’s window and promises that he will “come to [her] by moonlight, though Hell should bar the way.” Although the highwayman’s criminal midnight pursuits are anything but admirable, the reader is touched by his vow to return to Bess no matter the obstacles that stand in his way. The angst that the couple endures as they long to be together is represented by the highwayman only being able to reach out and touch the locks of Bess’s hair. It is all the more heart-rending because both characters die before they can unite. However the highwayman keeps his promise when, as a ghost, he “comes riding…in the dark inn-yard” and finds that “the landlord’s black-eyed daughter…is waiting there” for him to return. Because of the debonair thief's loyalty in his promise to return to Bess, the author shows the strength of the couple’s affection while breaking the hearts of his readers who realize that the couple is doomed to repeat this tragic moonlight rendezvous for eternity. Like these tragic characters, this poem stands the test of time because it evokes such powerful emotions of love.

6 Body #2: Literary Devices
In addition to stirring subject matter, effective poets utilize literary devices to infuse emotion in their works. In Alfred Noyes’ poem, his dark word choice creates a foreboding tone which warns the readers of the couple’s impending death. He describes the setting of the inn-yard as though it were a ship “tossed” on a “gusty” sea in the midst of a “torrent.” By drawing this direct comparison between the opening scene and a violent storm, the author immediately warns the reader of the danger and probable disaster which will follow. This tone of impending doom helps the reader anticipate the tension and anxiety that the characters in the story are experiencing themselves. Though these opening lines instill a sense of fear in the reader, it is not clear what will happen to the lovers until Bess looks out her window for the highway man and sees “Death at every window, and Hell at one dark window.” With these lines it becomes clear to the reader that one or both of the characters will die. This foreshadowing puts the reader on edge as they wait, along with Bess, to find out what the fate of the highway man will be. Through the author’s use of morbid word choice he creates the suspenseful tones which makes the poem a memorable emotional experience.

7 Body #3: Structure While subject matter and literary devices help to create mood, the structure of a poem supports the feeling which the work was meant to convey to the audience. In “The Highway Man” Noyes uses repetition to add drama and emphasis to his romantic story. This repetition is first seen when the author writes that “the highwayman came riding—riding—riding/ the highwayman came riding up to the old inn door.” In this way, the author mimics the rhythm of clopping horse hooves coming louder and more regular as the rider slowly enters the story. By drawing out his approach through the repetition of the word riding, the reader experiences Bess’ feelings of anticipation for the highwayman to finally arrive at her window. Further utilizing repetition, Noyes dramatically portrays the criminal’s death by stating that the redcoats “shot him down in the highway, down like a dog in the highway.” By using parallel sentences to repeat that the man was shot down, the one unrepeated phrase “like a dog” is thrown up in the reader’s face. This ignoble and harsh simile comparing the death of the lover to an insignificant beast shocks the senses of the reader and reveals the disturbing nature of his murder. By emphasizing key phrases through repetition, the author makes sure that the emotional impact he intended to communicate is not lost on his audience.

8 Introduction Paragraph:
SCAD: Introduces the subject matter/theme through description Setting Character Action Dialogue Transition: Moves from subject to the poem Thesis

9 Introduction Example Bess, the landlord’s beautiful daughter, casts her dark eyes towards the road stretching out beyond her window. Lazily drawing a comb through the ribbons of their silky black hair, she dreams of the night when her beau will sneak into the inn-yard and tap upon her window. With a head full of naïve dreams and young love, Bess plans the day when she will run away with the infamous, hunted highwayman. A day which will never come. This is the idealized scenario which frames the dark tale of “The Highwayman.” Through Alfred Noyes ominous word choice, powerful repetition, and poignant portrayal of unending love, his poem, “The Highway Man,” distinguishes itself as an unforgettable bittersweet romance.

10 Conclusion Paragraph SCAD: Revisit the image at the beginning
Setting Character Action Dialogue Thesis: Review the main points of your essay (why is this a good poem?)

11 Conclusion Example Just as the poem begins with Bess awaiting the return of her handsome yet dangerous lover, the poem ends with her waiting. One can almost envision the ghosts of these two characters reliving their tragic deaths over and over again yet never being able to move past their moonlight rendezvous at Bess’ window. Through this tragic barrier of death, which divides yet also unites the couple through eternity, Alfred Noyes uses the power of his words to capture the hearts and imaginations of all romantic readers.

12 Paper Details Pg 446/496 examples Basics
Name, Date and Class Upper Left Corner Title Header-UR Lname/pg# Introduction- hook sentence thesis transition Body Paragraphs 1/2/3- Transition into paragraph Quotes from book (make sure you give the pg #) Responses to quotes Transition to next paragraph Conclusion- Restatement of thesis main points Final statement on topic  Format Basics- 12 size font Fonts can be-Times NR/Arial/Veranda Double Spaced Work Cited-ABC Order Body Info- 1,200 words mini 2,000 max 5 to 6 quotes Due 4/23

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